Esme was glad to hear that Felix wanted to dance, she loved dancing and not a lot of boys their age liked doing it, it only made her realise she had picked a good one and had no intention of letting him go any time soon. “Lets go,” She beamed and they moved through the people onto the dancefloor...
Esme wasn’t a big fan of being dragged, but she couldn’t but smile at her boyfriends enthusiasm, he got so excited about things and it was a joy to watch. Esme would often get lost watching him while he was doing something he enjoyed or just talking about something he enjoyed. Felix had a...
School dances had been one of Esme’s favourite part of being at Hogwarts and they were even more fun since she and Felix had started dating they were even more enjoyable because she always had someone to go with and Felix made everything more fun. She couldn’t help but giggle at him when he...
The note was unsigned which was a little surprising, but it was unmistakable who it was from. She smiled ear to ear and nodded at Elijah. "I was, it's from my boyfriend,"
Esme was just about to make her way into the Gryffindor common room when she saw a familiar face approach her just outside and told her he had a rose for her. "Oh?" She noticed it was a red rose and blushed heavily, there was only one person she wanted it to be from.
Esme shook her head gently, "Not yet, I'll let you know when I do though," She placed the rose down on the table and went back to eating her breakfast.
Esme took the rose and the note, after the boy tried to give the note to Felix. She placed the rose on the table and opened the note, she smiled as she saw the name of her dormmate if not a little surprised. "That's sweet," She showed the note to Felix and inspected the rose. She had expected it...
Esme was at with Felix at the Gryffindor table picking at her lunch, watching some of the students around them receiving roses and the reactions to the various notes that were attached. When she heard her own name she looked up and blushed as a younger hufflepuff came towards her with a pink...
The study group Esme had been part of in her first year had been...interesting. Drama had been the only thing to come out of that event but she had been invited and Felix would be there and she liked spending time with her boyfriend. Things seemed to be in full swing already when she arrived...
Esme would have been lying if she’d said she wasn’t scared. But she was with Tori and Kiera, nothing bad would happen to her when she was with her best friends, even if Tori was doubting her ability to remember spells under pressure outload, she believed in her friend and that was all that...
It hadn’t taken much for Tori to convince Esme to go with her and Kiera to the forbidden forest. Convincing would have been a strong word, Tori had just asked nicely and Esme was in, consequences be damned, besides things with Tori seemed to work out pretty well, as long they weren’t caught by...
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