Recent content by Dorian Fitzwilliam

  1. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Closed A Labyrinth of Books

    Dorian snorted derisively at Anisha's suggestion that someone had a problem with her being head girl. Sure, he had problems with Anisha, but it had nothing to do with whether or not she'd earnt the badge. "Sounds annoying, who cares about that stuff?" He said flatly, pulling out another book...
  2. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Closed A Labyrinth of Books

    "Uh huh," Dorian said flatly, deciding he would be charitable and not push. Knowing her, he'd find out she was up to something insane and he'd end up an accomplice just because he knew about it. She was certainly capable of using the books in the restricted section and Merlin knew she didn't...
  3. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Closed A Labyrinth of Books

    "You're not very subtle," Dorian announced flatly from the Ancient Runes section where he definitely hadn't been watching Anisha. Not that he would need to have been watching her to notice her snooping, Anisha was never subtle. It was an incredibly grating and annoying thing about her that...
  4. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Duelling Match #18

    Current Points: 115 Dorian wrinkled his nose as Savannah's choice of spell, hurriedly blocking it with another shield charm. He'd rather forfeit than get hit with a spell like that in front of an audience. Shifting his feet to make himself a small target, Dorian sent back a Confundo charm...
  5. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Duelling Match #18

    Current Points: 125 Dorian gave himself a mental shake. If he could cinch this duel, it'd be one more leg up against Anisha this year. He needed to focus. He was more ready for Savannah's return spell this time, blocking it much easier with a shield charm. Not wanting to overthink things, Dorian...
  6. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Duelling Match #18

    Current Points: 140 Dorian couldn't help but glance out towards the audience, wondering if Anisha had bothered to show her face. Dorian knew he'd want to see what happened to the duelist who managed to beat him, something he was annoyingly familiar with these past few years. It was a choice he...
  7. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Duelling Match #18

    Current Points: 150 Dorian couldn't believe he'd finally made it into the second round of the tournament only to find Anisha had gone and gotten herself eliminated already. He gripped his wand, face sour as he bowed to Savannah. His movement was sharper than it needed to be as he threw up a...
  8. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Dueling Match #8

    Current Points: 130Dorian was doing his best to keep his cool and keep focused. He hadn't managed to hit or even graze Leah yet but he just had to keep at it. Blocking her spell again with a shield charm, Dorian decided to focus on power over fancier spells, firing a simpler stunning spell at...
  9. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Dueling Match #8

    Current Points: 140Dorian did his best to keep his composure, watching Leah's actions closely as she blocked her spell and sent another his way. He didn't need his thoughts or nerves running away on him when he needed to focus. Shield charm and then return fire. He needed something to make Leah...
  10. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Y46 Dueling Match #8

    Current Points: 150Dorian had something to prove in the tournament this year, not willing to leave it to chance that someone else would beat Anisha if he didn't. But first he had to get past one of the other Gryffindors, returning Leah's bow. She was faster on the draw though, causing Dorian to...
  11. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Open The Doctor

    Dorian usually sat these sorts of things out, and for very good reason he thought bitterly, avoiding a kid who went past in costume on a skateboard and scowling at their back fiercely. He hadn't even had a costume, choosing to just wear plain black instead but Ezra told him he needed to be more...
  12. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Closed A Not-So-Friendly Competition

    "We can compare how we do on homework assignments at least," Dorian said, bristling when Anisha seemed so keen to dismiss his idea, more so when she seemed fit to tease him on top of it. "I just want to be sure we're all above board, isn't half the point of a competition the actual race? No...
  13. dorian5


  14. Dorian5


  15. Dorian Fitzwilliam

    Closed A Not-So-Friendly Competition

    "Right," Dorian said, dropping his stack of books right next to Anisha before flinching at the sound it made, undermining his entire prepared speech, much to his frustration. "Right, uh-" Dorian cleared his throat "-If we're going to do this competition, let's make it fair," he said, stiffly...