Recent content by Collineus Cardosi

  1. Collineus Cardosi

    Collineus Cardosi

    l i k e - a - w o l f - i n - s h e e p ' s - c l o t h i n g y o u- t r y - t o - h i d e - y o u r - d e e p e s t - s i n s o f - a l l - t h e - t h i n g s - t h a t - y o u ' v e - d o n e - w r o n g a n d - i - k n o w - w h e r e - y o u - b e l o n g m a k e - y o u - a n - o f f e r -...
  2. Collineus Cardosi


    Collineus crossed his legs yet sitting widely as he nodded to his words. He let out a sigh and spoke coolly, "Unfortunately, the accused seems to have vanished off the grid. I cannot locate him, and none of my associates can either. It appears that the rumors are true. Not only that, I was...
  3. Collineus Cardosi


    Collineus poured two glasses of his finest wine, freshly aged for two decades now. He glanced up with his serpent green eyes as the one he had expected finally arrived. Richard Mckay. He held out one of the glasses while he sipped on the other. He cleared his throat and began his minor speech...
  4. Collineus Cardosi


    [adminapproval=30531116] There were many rumors going around about the disappearance of one of his associates, and needless to say, Collineus Cardosi was not having any of it. He soon arrived to New Zealand to a home that he rented out when he did not need it. The couple was not presently there...
  5. Collineus Cardosi

    Another Go

    Collineus continued to sip his drink, looking around the area with his serpent green eyes. That is, until they landed on a female not too far from him. Attractive. No, that was not the appropriate word. She was gorgeous. She moved to the corner lounges, which was still within the corner of his...
  6. Collineus Cardosi

    Another Go

    Ever so classy, Collineus Cardosi found himself in a hotel within the highest of Wizarding society in the dead middle of Italy. He was here on business, checking out his stocks and other things within the muggle world. His business was holding steady, and that was what he was wanting. He had his...
  7. Collineus Cardosi

    Collineus Cardosi

    i f - i - s a i d - i ' d - t a k e - y o u - t h e r e w o u l d - y o u - g o - w o u l d - y o u - b e - s c a r e d ? t i m e - i s - a l w a y s - o n - m y - s i d e d o n ' t - b e - a f r a i d - y o u ' r e - s a f e - w i t h - m e s a f e - a s - a n y - s o u l - c a n - b e - h o n...
  8. Collineus Cardosi

    Scitorari: Prejudice Meeting

    After handing his baby brother the note taking equipment, his serpent green eyes glared at him for a moment. "Speak when spoken to, Severo. Take notes on who has arrived, first." Collineus did not want to have to repeat himself many times when everyone asked the same question. There would be no...
  9. Collineus Cardosi

    Scitorari: Prejudice Meeting

    Collineus Cardosi had many things in mind, but he wanted to know how his subordinates were doing. Leaving his stronghold in Venice, Italy, Collineus apparated to the large mansion that he purchased months ago, having his workers fix it up to make it a 'vacation home' for him and his family. It...
  10. Collineus Cardosi

    The Leaders Meet Again

    Collineus sipped his wine silently, listening to the others speak, even only looking at Adalia as she mentioned that she was not new to blood magic or dark magic. Well, he would certainly hope not. Best not to start a faction and not be experienced within it. That's for damn sure. Collineus...
  11. Collineus Cardosi

    The Ministry Lies

    Being late was not something that Collineus Cardosi was fond of in the least bit. Taking care of his wife and his future heir, he left a loving note to them as he put on some black robes, and an emerald green cloak. He placed the hood on his head, and lowered it so much that it was impossible to...
  12. Collineus Cardosi

    The Leaders Meet Again

    First, it was Eustacia that came in, which was a shock to Collineus. He was expecting Ioan first. He did have a better relationship with Ioan than the others, but he did respect them all (now at least). Although, he did not know much about blood magic. As the leader of that one came in, the...
  13. Collineus Cardosi

    The Leaders Meet Again

    There was a lot to be celebrated in the serpent green eyes of Collineus Cardosi. He had a lot to be happy about after all. He had his heir to his company at last, and the annoyance of the Elementalist Scitorari have finally fallen apart. He looked forward to celebrating their downfall with none...
  14. Collineus Cardosi

    Perfect Match

    Alexis and another pureblood that can make her evil like her other family. :r
  15. Collineus Cardosi

    Looking For Trouble

    Ioan didn't mention knowing of the family, so Collineus assumed that Ioan didn't. As soon as Ioan took out his wand, Collineus felt tempted to take his own out, in case the man tried to do anything. Collineus might be getting up there in age, but he was still quick to act. His serpent eyes...