Recent content by Basquiat Jackson

  1. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts Y46

    After last year being less than ideal for Basquiat with him getting no air time during games, he really hoped that this year he could. He didn't want anyone to get injured but if it had to happen, please Merlin let it be one of the chaser's. He had done as much practice as he could prior to the...
  2. Basquiat Jackson

    Open Too Old For This

    Basquiat nodded his head, understanding what his peer meant entirely. OWLs had kind of wrecked him and he had not performed near as well as he had hoped but all things being equal he did think that with the amount of graduates of Hogwarts - high performers even - who worked retail he suspected...
  3. Basquiat Jackson

    Open Too Old For This

    Basquiat was at the park with his little sister, Zora, as she wanted to play a little and he had some time to take her before going to work so he let her run free while he stood waiting for her when he noticed out of the corner of his eyes, someone from one of his classes. If he were truthful he...
  4. Basquiat Jackson

    Open Halloween Stroll

    Basquiat had made a quick appearance at the Halloween festivities but had left finding the whole thing a bit tired. Seeing as he had a perfect opportunity with distracted Prefects and Professors the boy decided it was the perfect time to check out why the Forbidden Forest was, indeed, forbidden...
  5. Basquiat Jackson

    Y45 Costume Contest

    Basquiat Jackson as American Football Player
  6. Basquiat Jackson

    Open Practice

    Basquiat knew that as an alternate he may not even get the chance to play in the game but he felt it was important he practiced outside of the team practices because he had performed terribly. Seeing as he was at a disadvantage to some of his peers as he had been home schooled and too poor to...
  7. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas made another attempt at scoring but it seemed he was sluggish from being tired and had not scored.
  8. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas took hold of the quaffle and zoomed towards the hoops. He really hoped he would score this time.
  9. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas got the quaffle after it was thrown back into play and would fly towards the hoops. He had to admit this was the longest he'd been on a broom so his backside was getting a bit sore. Maybe it was good he was made alternate. Still he would never say this aloud.
  10. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas went for a shot but failed.
  11. Basquiat Jackson

    Open Breakfast of Champions

    Hook, line, and sinker. Basquiat smiled bashfully as Veronique said it was sweet of him to look after Zora. Now when she asked about his previous education, he thought quickly and responded, "Oh I had a private tutor." He didn't like to come off as poor though he was and he didn't like to come...
  12. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas took the opportunity that other chasers were celebrating to take hold of the quaffle as it was put back into play and fly towards the other hoops. Truthfully if he wasn't successful once he may have to fall off his broom because that would be less humiliating to him.
  13. Basquiat Jackson

    Get to know you!

    I love that it's so gooodddd and I don't even like peanut butter. I guess my weirdest food combo would be kraft dinner and canned sardines. It's the opposite of nutritious but it's so yummy. Or I also really like cottage cheese with a little bit of honey and peaches. It's yummy and helps you...
  14. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas got close to the hoops and shocking absolutely no one... he missed his shot.
  15. Basquiat Jackson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

    Bas wanted to celebrate with the chaser who scored but instead flew as fast as he could to scoop the quaffle up and go towards the hoops to try to get a score of his own.