Recent content by Apolline Fontaine

  1. Apolline Fontaine

    Fourth Years, Lesson Two

    Apolline walked into the defence against the dark arts class. She was very much not looking forward to what they were going to be doing that day. She looked up at the professor as the man got started and she wondered if it would be better if they were banned from learning about this. Apolline...
  2. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 90 Apolline blocked the spell as it flew to her, trying her best to keep in the fight. She then cast a quick, "Rictusempra" Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 80
  3. Apolline Fontaine

    Open An Entrance

    Apolline blushed as Jean approached her, she gave a warm smile after and then gave a half nod. "I just want to do it well," she said, it didn't really matter to her if she did was having fun she wanted to do it properly and not let down the accio team. "But, I can take a break," she offered...
  4. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 100 Apolline just about blocked Aroha's spell, she didn't want to lose. She followed it with a trip jinx. Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 90
  5. Apolline Fontaine

    Open An Entrance

    Apolline was pretty eager for the valentines day dance, even though she had a lot of things that she needed to be getting on with while at the dance. Primarily ensuring that she got all the right pictures for the dance. She didn't want to mess this up, she wanted to do well at Accio. Apolline...
  6. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 110 Apolline wasn't sure if what Aroha said was sincere or not. She hoped it would be. She blocked the spell that raced towards her, and cast back as quickly, saying, "Petrificus Totalus," Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 100
  7. Apolline Fontaine

    Fourth Years, Lesson Two

    Apolline walked into the transfiguration classroom and took one of the biscuits, one glance at them and she knew immediately what kind of biscuit this was. She nodded and gave a small smile as she sat down and noticed that someone had already eaten it. She smiled and then looked to the...
  8. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 120 Apolline blocked the next spell, she was determined to do well in this, to show herself as capable of duelling. She then cast, "Confundo" Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 110
  9. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 135 Apolline only just managed to dodge out the way of the spell, her wand not quite responding to her, it was annoying. She then just threw back a "Diffindo," Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell, dodged Point Changes: -10, -5 Points Remaining: 120
  10. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 145 Apolline blocked the spell just in the knick of time, she knew she had to get quicker about it. She held her stance and then cast back the slug vomiting curse Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 135
  11. Apolline Fontaine

    Y48 Dueling Match #5

    Current Points: 150 Apolline smiled at her first opponent, she knew the girl well and didn't exactly want to hurt her. But this was a duel. She bowed and then was able to fire the first spell off. "Stupefy," Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell Point Changes: -5 Points Remaining: 145
  12. Apolline Fontaine

    Yule Ball

    Apolline Fontaine - Solo
  13. Apolline Fontaine

    Student Defence Association

    Apolline Fontaine Gryffindor 4th Year
  14. Apolline Fontaine

    Heta Omega

    Apolline Fontaine Gryffindor 4th Year
  15. Apolline Fontaine

    Conglomerated Arts Club

    Apolline Fontaine Gryffindor 4th Year