Recent content by Aiden Titus

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    The Girl In White

    8:12 He had been awarded no more than one hour in which to clothe and ready himself for the wedding. And Aiden still did not know where he was. Apparition and summoning were the obvious solutions to such a problem. At least, they would have been, had Aiden not suddenly discovered that his...
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    The Girl In White

    The young man's brown hair fluttered around his aching, pallid face. Where on earth was he? Was he even still on the same planet? The way his head thundered from his previously intoxicated state was enough to bring him into questioning reality itself. And that only hurt his head more. "What.."...
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    Aiden gave her a grin. "Because you act like one." He could tell from her accent that she was not from around these areas, or, at least, she had not lived there in a very long time. Unless he was very much mistaken, her accent was Australian. He had met an Aussie or two, before, often during his...
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    Maybe she wasn't as bad as he had first thought? In fact, when she began smiling, her whole face seemed to light up and appear quite friendly, and far less hostile than in first appearance. Aiden smiled back, showing his shining pearl teeth. In the very least she had a sense of humour. "You...
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    Aiden squeezed his eyes tightly shut, hoping to protect them from the oncoming ball, knowing he had no time to throw his clipboard aside and stop it, or beat it away. Fortunately, it only tapped against his head. Multiple times. Annoying though that was, it was definitely better than the injury...
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    Aiden sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry," he said in an apologetic manner, "but I cannot let this match go forwards, not simply because of this weather.. I am well aware how bad conditions can be before you Quidditch players will refuse to play," he answered honestly, "it would not only mean...
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    "Well, yes," Aiden began his response growing evermore aware by the minute of just how unwelcome he was here, especially with this woman in the vicinity. "But.. But, also, there is just the small case of the weather, and the Ministry have deemed the weather conditions to poor for this match to...
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    It was only his first day on the job, but already Aiden had been sentenced to death. Or rather, to inform and confirm that a match could not take place between two Quidditch teams, that day. "Just tell them exactly what I've told about the other team's trouble, and bring in the weather...
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    plotting up a storm... in need of an umbrella

    I have Aiden Titus- Gryffindor Fifth Year, likes a bit of Quidditch. Could do with some friends, maybe a love interest. I have a possible future love interest worked out for him, but, as that doesn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment, perhaps, if Mia and Aiden got to know each other well...
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    Hogwarts: Subtly is a Gift Scarcely Given

    Aiden smiled as the boy- Noah, introduced himself. He nodded in positive reply to Noah's query about them having classes together. He was very pleased that they weren't fighting. "Aiden," he said, smiling as he introduced himself to Noah, still hoping there was no chance of a fight, "Aiden...
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    Gone Be Back Soon

    I can offer up Christelle Benoit, if you like. She is an ex-Beauxbatons student and was head girl. She has *just* finished at school and I've been wondering what to do with her. She's quite into sticking to the rules.. However, now that her Beauxbatons days are over, Christelle is going to let...
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    Hogwarts: Subtly is a Gift Scarcely Given

    Aiden, who had expected no-one to stray as far as this, let alone speak to him, positively jumped several feet in the air, letting out a rather girly squeal. Many students looked over to him. The girl he had looked at had not batted an eyelash and continued studying. Aiden was thankful for her...
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    Noah needs some budies Here ya go ^_^
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    Hogwarts: Subtly is a Gift Scarcely Given

    Aiden had enjoyed the train ride back up to Scotland. Of course he had. It may have been long and uneventful but he had managed to read over his books for the new year. The upside of acting like such a Ravenclaw was that it meant he could allow his mind to wander in lessons and still be able to...
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    With the Stealth of an Injured Tortoise..

    Aiden had maybe expected the thing in the tree to attack him.. And it almost seemed as though it had. Aiden had caught the tiny person as they leapt from the tree and they clung to him for a moment. That moment seemed to go on forever and Aiden couldn't decided, on a scale of one to ten, how...