Yellows For Sure

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader knew the next name on his list a little, only because he had tried to familiarise himself with the prefects of his house, of which she was one. The young boy was wondering the corridors looking for her. He was asking the odd person, but she seemed as difficult to find as Harley had been. Vader eventually spotted her, turning into the third floor, the boy raced from where he was and towards her, his hand lightly grasping the camera, since he didn't want to break that, "Evelyn Manning," he called out as he headed in and followed the direction he could see her heading in.
Evelyn walked around the corridors with some friends and was on her way to class. She had been very happy again since she got her badge back from Kingsley. It was a great feeling and she would love the look on Zenia her face if she would see it. Evelyn would never make that mistake again of giving her enemy that kind of attention that she didn't deserved. Zenia was still a annoying person and Evelyn never hated her more than now. But she was just trying to forget that she existed. Than she heard someone calling her name and saw a little boy. He seemed a lot younger than she was and she smiled. '' Hello, can I help you?'' Since she was a prefect again she could do her duties and she figured he had a question or something.
Vader was pleased when the girl stopped, so he had managed to find her, "I have a rose for you," the boy responded pulling out the yellow rose from his bucket, "And it's got a note too," Vader reached in and grabbed the note that went along with the rose for Evelyn. He held them both out to her, hopeful that she would want to have a picture taken with her rose.
Dear Evelyn,

Thanks for being a good cousin. I hope you have a beautiful and romantic valentine's day.

Love, Emilia
Evelyn smiled as someone gave her another rose and a note attached on it. It was a younger boy and she noticed that he was from her house by his clothes. It was nice to get another rose and the blonde was curious who it was from. '' Thanks! What's your name? Your a Gryffindor right?'' Evelyn asked with a smile. Evelyn read the note that was onto it and smiled as she read it was from her cousin Emilia, that was kind of her. The blonde waited for the respons of the boy and was wondering if he knew one of her cousins.

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