When growls appear, there's no excuse

Kiera loved it that Alex always joked with her. It made life more fun. She enjoyed his company more than anyone else at school. Kiera laughed as Alex messed up her hair again. It seemed to be one of his favorite things. She didn't mind it though like the typical girl would. She laughed as he called her fair maiden. Kiera was actually fond of his little nickname.
"Well good sir! If they are so treacherous why would you make them for the fair maiden?" Kiera teased Alex. She watched him put the egg in the bowl. Then throw the shell in the trash. Kiera grinned at Alex playfully. "What? No more celabration?" she joked.
Alex laughed. 'One hast make haste and not saunter about talking idily,' he retorted, sticking his tongue out at her. 'No. One has work to do,' he replied again, laughing. He took the spoon and started to mix the mixture together. He did enjoy this but he enjoyed it even more because he was making them for her. One of his best friends.
Kiera laughed as he talked in old english. She found Alex quite amusing. Kiera noticed he was doing all the work. "One does not have to do all the work by oneself. Maybe the fair maiden could help?" she offered. Kiera didn't know if he would take her offer or not. He was doing well by himself. "You know, most of the pancakes my dad makes come out of box mixes. Where you just have to put in water. I bet these will be better than those." she said, grinning at him.
Alex laughed. 'If one so desires, though the path is long and twisted' Alex replied. He smiled, knowing she would know that as a yes. He was enjoying this. Joking and staying away from reality was what he did best. Reality was just too cruel. He took the water and started mixing it into the runny mixture. 'I wouldn't be too sure of that. Me and my cooking isn't that good with fire'he added, smirking at the memory of burnt food.
Kiera grinned as Alex spoke. She liked witty banter and it was nice that he was very good at it. "One does desire." she said simply as she went over to the stove and turned it on. "I am sure your cooking is marvolus." Kiera said, flashing him a smile. She walked back over to the fridge. Kiera loved blueberry pancakes and was searching for some blueberries. She found them on the top shelf. She stretched to her tiptoes in order to reach them. Kiera turned around to Alex. "Does the knight in shining armor like blueberries?" she asked.
Alex laughed as Kiera called him the knight in shining armour. They had to stop this medieval talk some time soon. 'Umm, they're ok. Why?'he asked looking round to see her at the fridge. Alex summoned the butter and used the knife to slice the butter into the bowl. He had almost forgotten about that. He returned the butter with his wand before mixing the rest.
Kiera skipped back over to him. She was in a very cheerful mood. "I like them in my pancakes." she said simply. "But its okay if you don't, we can leave them out of yours." she said. Kiera watched as Alex cooked. He seemed to know what he was doing. Kiera only knew how to cook the muggle way, though it was more time consuming.
'No, I don't mind them in pancakes,' Alex replied, finishing the mixture. He held the bowl out to her to put the blueberries in the mixture. This he thought was a nice way to end the night, not that he was actually hungry. He would leave his for the elves.
Kiera smiled as he held out the bowl. "Awesome." she said. She happily poured in the right amount of blueberries. Kiera was lucky in that she could always eat anything she wanted and stay stick thin. It had always baffled her father.
Alex watched as she poured the blueberries in. In truth he hadn't ever had them in pancakes but he wasn't ever against trying them. He mixed them in before setting it down.
'All finished,'he replied smiling. He started the process of casting scourgify on every dirty thing and returning them into the cupboard.
Kiera grinned as she helped him clean up the dirty dishes and put them away. She turned back to the bowl. She poured some batter in the hot pan on the stove. Kiera proceeded to fix all the batter into pancakes. "All done!" she said cheefully as she put the last one on the plate.
Alex clapped his hands. 'Tres bien,' he congratulated, as she placed the las tone on the plate. He smiled. 'Well, tonight was fun,'he replied before slipping a hot pancake into his hand.
Kiera grinned. She didn't know French but she did know that that meant something along the lines of very good. Then he said tonight had been fun. Kiera nodded her head. "I agree. I never expected a midnight snack could be so much fun." she said smiling up at Alex.
Alex laughed. 'If you can call that a snack I hate to see what your meals are,'he replied. He took a bite of his pancake and savoured the taste. They were good, even he had to admit. 'Eat,'he ordered playfully at her.
Kiera laughed. "My family always is stunned at how much I can eat and remain this skinny. They are constantly joking about it." she said fondly. Kiera loved her family and would do anything for them. She laughed again as he order to eat. "Yes Captain." she said mock saluting him. Kiera picked up a pancake and rolled up like a burrito. She took a bite. "Yum. These are good!" she told him with a smile.
Alex laughed at this. 'Well, I can't blame them,' he commented before finishing his pancake. He laughed as she saluted him. She was becoming more like him by the minute. 'Aye, aye,' he replied in a sergeant major's voice. He smiled. 'Well, I didn't say eat for nothing,' he added, rolling his eyes at her.
Kiera rolled her eyes at him. "Enough with the eating comments. At least I eat." she said, thinking of her roommate Kat. The girl needed some meat on her bones. She laughed as he rolled her eyes at her. "For all I know it could have been a trick of some sort." she teased him.
Alex nodded. It was true. At least she did eat. He knew plenty of girls that just ignored the great food the house elves made. He laughed as she said it could've been a trick. 'True but still,' he replied laughing. He took his butter beer again and took the last gulps of it. He stole one if the stools and took a seat.
Kiera hopped up on the counter top to sit. She picked up her butterbeer and took a sip. Then she continued eating her pancake. It really was good. They ate in silence but it was the good kind of silence. She smiled at him. Kiera wanted to hug him so much. She resisted the urge as she took another sip of her drink.
Alex finished his drink and smile. Aiming at the bin and getting all his mental calculations done in a few seconds in his head, he threw it, landing again in the bin, though just this time. He was realizing slowly just how tried he was getting this time. 'Well, I think I'll head now. I'm sure my house mates are gonna love me if I lose a few more points,'he replied jokingly at the end. He slipped down and smiled at Kiera, resisting messing up her hair again. he walked to the door and slipped out the portrait. Popping his head back in, he stuck his tongue out her. 'See ya,' he called before scooting it back to his dorm before any professors caught him.
Kiera nodded her head in agreement as Alex said it was time for bed. "See you later." she said waving goodbye. Kiera laughed as Alex left. Sticking his tounge out at her. She shook her head. Kiera yawned. It was late and she needed to get to sleep. She took out her wand and cast a disallusionment charm on herself. That way she was less likly to get caught. Kiera made her way back up to her dorm.

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