Open The Study Guide That Keeps Growing

Professor Emmaline Hopkins

Potions Professor, Fashionista, Studious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
(Open to all! OWL Students more than welcome to share the stress of the upcoming exams!)

It was the last week of classes. The last moment of adding new information to her already growing study guide. It was beyond pages that she wanted to count at this point, almost feeling as if she had written a book of information, she had learned throughout these five years. It still did not feel like enough. She sat in the library, her normal spot. The spot she had spent weeks upon weeks sitting, reading, staring, and well of course studying. But the time was coming to an end. She had the whole table full of her notes, which she knew was not great manners. But what else was she to do.

Her flashcards laid lined up according to year. Her study guide, the book basically that she had written onto parchment as neatly as possible, took up another rather large session. The rest of the table held all her textbooks. All twelve of the subjects there, for that was how many OWLs she had to take in the next week. Insanity. But there was no time to think about what was sane or not. She had to keep studying, keep learning. Her eyes grew tired. She had been here two hours already.

The Gryffindor girl pushed her brown hair out of her face as she leaned in closer to view the Arithmancy notes that she had taken this year. It was just so many numbers, the calculations were starting to blend together. "I never want to see another number again" Emmaline said to herself, not expecting anyone to hear. The library was packed already with frantic students.
Rose was frantically running in the dorm to look for her divination textbook. She must have left it in the tower and since she didn't want to ruin another class's lesson Rose decided to go to the library to borrow a spare copy. Rose had been in the library quiet a lot lately. Normally she avoided the place with all of her might. There were no plants or any other greenery which was completely logical. Water and damp didn't go well with books. The environment always felt stressed and panicky as if people were on their last drop of life.

She arrived at the library in a quick manner with Edgar hanging in his macrame holder. She needed her hands free when she was studying. She didn't want to spill soil on her books or notes, that would be rather disastrous. Rose found the book she was searching for and overheard Emmaline talking about never wanting to see numbers again. Rose smiled and walked towards her. ''Tell me something, I couldn't bare with another year of Aritmancy.'' Rose said with a grin ''I dropped it for this year, the numbers and calculations made my brain turn into mushy peas.'' That and Rose couldn't find the use of the subject. So that was another reason to boot the subject.

''I thought I was the only one that was having major stress for the OWLS though.'' Rose said while looking at the table that was filled with notes, flashcards and books.
Essie couldn't believe there was only a week until her OWL exams. She thought she had everything ready for it, but also wasn't too sure. There was just so much covered in all of her classes and she was afraid that she could have forgotten something. The girl had a free class and so made her way to the library. She knew it was going to be packed of people doing some last minute study, and she was afraid to join them but knew that it had to be done.

As Estella entered the library, her eyes widened at the sight of Edgar and Rose. She followed them, wondering where they were heading. She could definitely use a study buddy and hoped that Rose wasn't too busy to study with her. They made their way to a table where Emmaline was sitting, and Essie beamed as she finally caught up with them. "Hey Emmaline! Hey Rose! And hey Edgar!" She smiled at the plant, knowing that her friend liked it when he was acknowledged. She noticed the Arithmancy work on the table in front of the girl. "Oh I'm so glad I'm not doing that. Sounds like such a bore." she said, taking a seat across from the girl. "It's alright if I sit here isn't it? Could use some support while I also study."
Emmaline was shaking her head as she tried to do another attempt at the number calculation that they had learned, a mixture of a life path number and an expression number. With a name like Emmaline Winter Hopkins-Vance, anyone could see how long that would take. She was finally finished with her first name when she noticed Rose approach the table with a plant that Emmaline had noticed went practically everywhere with her. In a way it was cute, even if Emmaline didn't quite understand. She did not have a green thumb that was a fact.

Emmaline looked up but before she could even speak Estella joined the table as well. Apparently, Emmaline wasn't the only one that was stressed about OWLS, or worse brain melted with Arithmancy coursework. "Hey Rose. Hey Estella" She said in a friendly tone, trying to mask how tired she certainly was. There was just too much studying to do to be tired. She attempted to make some room on the table for the girls. It was quite rude to be this spread out when there were almost no available seats left.

The young Gryffindor girl let out a slight laugh when they discussed Arithmancy, a class they had both dropped. Not that Emmaline had not considered it herself. She was not allowed to though. Unless of course she failed some of her OWLS and had to drop a course or two. "Oh by all means, join me!" She said again attempting to move some of her notes out of the way, compiling them neatly so the other two girls would have room. "I'm sorry about the mess" She mentioned quickly.

"I'm honestly glad I'm not the only one that is worried about OWLs. Why do they all have to be at once anyway." Emmaline added. She did not understand why they could not be like all her previous exams. All at once just added more stress, more information to pile into her already overtired brain. "Which ones are you guys not looking forward to?" She asked curiously. Emmaline knew they were in similar classes, well all fifth years were.
The library right before exams was probably Harper's least favorite study spot. It was always filled with with students desperately doing some last-minute cramming, and their stress was almost enough to make her stressed. But the library also held copies of textbooks for every class, and seeing as she didn't have either the third- or fourth-year Herbology textbooks, Harper didn't have much choice but to do some of her revision here.

Harper was currently poring over a passage on herbalism, too absorbed in her work to notice the conversation happening behind her at first. But then she caught a familiar voice. Harper glanced up, blinking a couple times before looking behind her. "Oh hey guys," she said, smiling at the sight of a couple of her friends sitting at the table next to hers. Hugging the back of her chair, she tipped it so that the chair was balancing precariously on its back two legs. "Guess we all had the same idea," Harper said with a little laugh. Not that it was particularly surprising. After all, they all had exams coming up, and the library was one of the most popular study spots.

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