Tempting Fate

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
So I told myself I wouldn't do a PD this time around, but I have been fairly on top of things so I want to try. The reason I'm reluctant is because PDs tend to get me overwhelmed pretty quickly. So I do want to ask to please only give a few ideas (like 3 or 4) per post, because I'm terrible at choosing/saying no to things :r

That said, here are my characters. I'm doing a student-focused PD this time, but if you want to RP with anyone else that's also possible!

Because it's hard to come up with ideas I also will try to put at least one plot idea for each character. Feel free to grab them, but you can also offer other ideas obviously.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ =super high priority pls give me something for this person
⭐⭐⭐ = high priority, someone I really want to develop and use more
⭐⭐ = medium priority, they have a bunch of stuff but I'm happy to do more
⭐= low priority, I don't RP them a lot at the moment (but I'd be down for any fun ideas!!)
❤️ = open for (future) romance plots


Louis Alcott
Gryffindor 7th Year

Louis is a Gryffindor seventh-year who has a reputation as a big flirt. He's easygoing and pretty nice, but really wants to be liked by everyone, that sometimes causes him a bit of trouble. He's currently having a minor crisis about being in love with one of his best friends, but that won't stop him from flirting with people. Louis is a prefect and also co-captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He can be quite arrogant and a bit stupid sometimes. But he usually tries to do the right thing.

Plot ideas:
  • Louis trying to flirt with someone but them not being interested. I feel like this would be funny as it doesn't happen to him much. (Sixth or Seventh years only please)
  • Someone asking Louis for Quidditch advice, as he's captain and also works at QQS

Gwen Goodwin
Slytherin 6th Year
Gwen is extremely calculating and thinks about everything she does. She portrays herself as a very sweet, energetic and friendly girl, but in reality is a lot colder and manipulative. Though this year, the mask is kind of slipping. Her confrontation with Celia at the prefects meeting is probably well-known by now. It cost her 30 points, but she has no regrets. Gwen feels like it's time she takes her rightful place at the top of the social ladder this year, and whoever gets in her way will regret it. She has decided she and Celia are at war, so she could use some allies in that battle.

Plot ideas:
  • Perhaps someone who supports her in her fairly public battle against Celia. Gwen will try to get people on her side, mostly by trying to make Celia look bad. Any help with that could be fun.
  • Any prefect plots could be interesting.
  • Gwen is interested in fashion and modeling, so if anyone has a student that shares an interest in that we could see if we can find a fun thread there.

Isadora Novak
Gryffindor 5th Year
Isadora is a pureblood witch from a traditional family that wants her to act a certain way and behave to certain rules. Unfortunately, Isadora is a bit of a rebel who doesn't really care what anyone expects from her. Last year, this caused her parents to send her to Durmstrang for a year. She is now back, though she doesn't quite know why that is. She's surprisingly melancholy since coming back, trying to settle back into Hogwarts after a year away. After a big, public fight with one of her best friends, she's in need of support. Romance plans are open for her, any gender.

Plot ideas:
  • Rekindled friendships/relationships after her year away.
  • She could use a few new friends as well, anyone around her year. Maybe there are transfers that wouldn't know her?
  • I'd be really keen for any pureblood plots where she might clash with someone more traditional, or they seek her out because of her pureblood status and get disappointed by her personality (or not)


Emery Mettlestone
Ravenclaw 4th Year

Penelope Marshall
Hufflepuff 4th Year
Emery is a collector and a bit of an oddball, he doesn't get along with most people but could use a few friends. He has strong (negative) opinions about Quidditch and is slightly obsessed with gobstones. He's snarky and not very friendly, which is why he only has two friends. He's pretty happy with that, though. Emery would like to start an unofficial gobstones club at Hogwarts, as he thinks its kind of criminal there isn't an official one. Romance is a possibility but it might be tricky considering his personality. Boys only.

Plot ideas:
  • I could see Emery getting bullied a bit for being odd. He'd fight back and he wouldn't just take it, but that could be interesting.
  • He can always get into fights with any Quidditch enthusiasts.
  • Anyone for a gobstones club would be great.
Penelope is a sweet, gentle girl who has been overly burdened by her dad after her mother's death. She feels very responsible for her brother and tries her best to keep him out of trouble. She hates conflict and can't stand people fighting. She's creative and loves to read and doodle. Penelope likes all the basic girly things. She's a little shy but starting to come out of her shell a bit. She's open for future romance plots, though she does have a pretty intense crush at the moment. Boys only for romance.

Plot ideas:
  • Like Emery, I could see Penny getting bullied a bit. Not because she's weird, but because she's a pushover.
  • She's alternate seeker on the Hufflepuff team and caught the snitch that won the cup last year, could be fun to do something with that.
  • Any friends are welcome! I feel like she needs a few more, as she now clings to her best friend Marnie a bit.

Anisha Khatri
Gryffindor 3rd Year

Ezra Ito
Hufflepuff 3rd Year
Anisha is an opinionated girl who is also a bit of a know-it-all. She loves being right and is very competitive. She's very close to her cousin Raafe (played by Kris), they're usually seen together. Anisha has developed an interest in duelling and intends to win the duelling tournament again this year. She is a bit of a nerd but also isn't above getting into some mischief.

Plot ideas:

  • Any sort of duelling related plot, maybe practicing spells or doing a practice duel
  • Anisha could easily get into an argument with someone, it's not all that difficult to get her riled up.
  • If anyone has a kid being bullied, it could maybe be fun for Anisha to stand up for them. She would do that in a heartbeat.
Ezra is a sweet, funny and social guy. He grew up around music and has learned to play guitar at an early age. He loves to play around other people because he enjoys the attention he gets from them. He's not someone that stands out a lot, but he's friendly enough. He'd like to be a bit more popular at Hogwarts. He's a big fan of Quidditch, though he has difficulty picking a favorite team.

Plot ideas:

  • Friends! My boy really wants to make more friends.
  • Music related plots could be interesting
  • Anyone who recognizes his last name and connects him to his famous aunt Vera (from being part of the band Ashes)
  • Quidditch fan discussions could be interesting, discussing favorite teams/players/ect

Vanity Mettlestone
Slytherin 1st Year
Last but not least, Vanity is my firstie this year. She's already been pretty busy making enemies and a few friends, but I'd still like to do more with her. Vanity is manipulative and kind of awful, she's also not very good at hiding it. She's about as subtle as a beater's bat. Vanity is a thief and has the tendency to steal people's trinkets, I'd like to do more with that. She's the younger sister of Emery, but has very little contact with him at school because he's so embarrassing.

Plot ideas:
  • Anything to do with her stealing, though she will deny it until the end of time
  • Maybe anyone that makes the connection between her and the weird gobstones kid in fourth year, it would really annoy her
  • Friends are always appreciated but I'd especially like Vanity to have a frenemy or two, that she switches between being friends with and absolutely hating

That's all I had, I'm very tired so apologies if it doesn't make sense anywhere!

My other characters area also available for plots, if any of them seem interesting.

For Penelope, I have Veronique. Since they're roommates, Veronique considers her and Marnie her friends (but also could be aloof if they were in fact not :lol:). But I'd be down to have them become closer friends if there's an interest there.

For Emery, Enzo comes to mind as a possible friend? I have neglected him a bit, but he seems like the type who might be interested in gobstones and also has trouble making friends... so maybe there's a possibility there. But Enzo is also probably one of the nicer Slytherins.

But anyway, just some offerings!

For Penelope, I have Veronique. Since they're roommates, Veronique considers her and Marnie her friends (but also could be aloof if they were in fact not :lol:). But I'd be down to have them become closer friends if there's an interest there.

For Emery, Enzo comes to mind as a possible friend? I have neglected him a bit, but he seems like the type who might be interested in gobstones and also has trouble making friends... so maybe there's a possibility there. But Enzo is also probably one of the nicer Slytherins.

But anyway, just some offerings!
Ohh yes, am I right in thinking Veronique was a transfer last year? Penelope would definitely want to be friends.

Enzo and Emery sounds interesting too! I was thinking of dong an open topic with Emery trying to recruit people for his club, or at least gauge interest in it.
Ohh yes, am I right in thinking Veronique was a transfer last year? Penelope would definitely want to be friends.

Enzo and Emery sounds interesting too! I was thinking of dong an open topic with Emery trying to recruit people for his club, or at least gauge interest in it.
She was here their first year, but I don’t know that I actually posted with her, left for a year, and then transferred back. I could start a thread for them in the dorm maybe?

I’d join with Enzo for sure on that thread!
She was here their first year, but I don’t know that I actually posted with her, left for a year, and then transferred back. I could start a thread for them in the dorm maybe?

I’d join with Enzo for sure on that thread!
Ohh I wasn't all that activce in Penny's first year, sorry I forgot!

I'd love for you to start a thread. I'll link the Emery thread here when I finally get around to it!
Basquiat x Isadora: He is a little younger than her but he is a budding Yung Gravy ;) so that would really be appealing to him lbr. If she wants to rebel, he's up for it. He's home schooled though so they'd have to meet during break but I think we could have a temporary romance thing go on. Like he's pretty much the opposite of traditional so even if she's using him to annoy her parents he'd be fine with that.
Basquiat x Emery: They're the same age but Bas really loves quidditch and flying but wouldn't have a problem with Emery not liking it as long as he didn't try to keep him from enjoying it so depending on that they could be friendly or Emery could annoy Bas a little.

These are just my initial thoughts if you wanna plot more pls let me know!
I am also in the overwhelmed with plots thing and I know we have a couple going on I just wanted to say Michael is going to be absolutely convinced Emery is out for his blood after that Quidditch match :r I guess if you wanted to do anything with them Michael could be apologetic and defensive and like "it's part of the game I have to hit players with bludgers" and I guess further cement Emery's hatred of Quidditch?

also Audrey is absolutely an Ashes fan so she and Ezra could probably also nerd out about Quidditch players as well lol
Basquiat x Isadora: He is a little younger than her but he is a budding Yung Gravy ;) so that would really be appealing to him lbr. If she wants to rebel, he's up for it. He's home schooled though so they'd have to meet during break but I think we could have a temporary romance thing go on. Like he's pretty much the opposite of traditional so even if she's using him to annoy her parents he'd be fine with that.
Basquiat x Emery: They're the same age but Bas really loves quidditch and flying but wouldn't have a problem with Emery not liking it as long as he didn't try to keep him from enjoying it so depending on that they could be friendly or Emery could annoy Bas a little.

These are just my initial thoughts if you wanna plot more pls let me know!
Woot, I'd be happy for either of my kids to meet Basquiat, though I do think the odds of getting along are better with Isadora. Could they meet at a Brightstone weekend too, you think?

I am also in the overwhelmed with plots thing and I know we have a couple going on I just wanted to say Michael is going to be absolutely convinced Emery is out for his blood after that Quidditch match :r I guess if you wanted to do anything with them Michael could be apologetic and defensive and like "it's part of the game I have to hit players with bludgers" and I guess further cement Emery's hatred of Quidditch?

also Audrey is absolutely an Ashes fan so she and Ezra could probably also nerd out about Quidditch players as well lol
Omg I didn't even think of that, I'm very keen for angry/protective Emery now actually :r

And Ezra would be thrilled to find an Ashes fan.
Sounds great! Would you mind starting for Isadora x Bas?
Sounds great! Would you mind starting for Isadora x Bas?
I'll start but it might take me a little bit! I didn't realize the Brightstone Weekend was Right Now haha but I'll try to start it soon.

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