Open Study Group for First Years

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had decided that as exams approached he would definitely be focusing on his studying, but didn't want to necessarily do it alone. Emmanuel knew that studying could be boring, he didn't mind it, but it certainly wasn't the most interesting thing a person could do with their time. But he was a firm believer that doing it in a group was a good use of one's time and so of course that was what he was intending to do. He had come to the student lounge, which was good for its proximity to where they could get more books, put some tables together and had gotten an elf to put some snacks on the table, as well as plenty of refilling water jugs. He knew there was a chance no one came but still even if no one did he would still be able to study himself.
Kyon grumbled as he walked into the student lounge. He knew Emmanuel wanted to be doing some studying, and he wasn't about to leave Emmanuel there alone. He dropped his books next to the other boy, taking a seat. "This is lame," he grumbled half-heartedly, looking at his friend. "Do we really gotta study?" He asked with a pout.
Yuelia's father had in his last letter encouraged her to try and make more friends. She didn't really get why he'd say that, it wasn't as though he was exactly surrounded by friends of his own, but she supposed she'd at least try. Most likely they wouldn't see eye to eye but she had Emrys to talk to at any rate. But she'd certainly try to get along with people. She had gone to the student lounge to at least look at notices, and noticed a couple of boys from first year who were studying at a table. She nodded at the boys and sat down as elegantly as possible, taking out her History of Magic textbook. "What are you studying?" She asked to the Ravenclaw, getting the distinct impression the Gryffindor boy was not that interested in study.
Senna wasn't too excited about exams coming up. She still felt like she knew far too little about the magical world in general to even be able to remember all of the new information she was gaining in class. And yet she had to. She didn't think her parents would be mad if she got bad grades though. Surely, they'd understand how overwhelming and exciting everything still was for her. Walking by the student lounge Senna couldn't help but to take a peek inside, her legs quickly following her gaze when she noticed some familiar faces. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Senna stretched her greeting as she not so elegantly dropped down onto one of the empty seats. She didn't want to study but perhaps with others things wouldn't be so bad. "You guys have any tips on cramming all of this information into my brain?" She asked as she put her books on the table.
Emmanuel was quite surprised that the first person to join him with Kyon, he didn't seem like much of a studier, and in fact as he spoke that much was clear that he wasn't, but he was here and that was half the battle. They were joined by another student who said they were studying history. "I'm jealous, History is my favourite subject, but I'm revising, transfiguration," he told her, transfiguration had a lot of theory in this semester, so there was plenty that he needed to cover. He smiled as Senna joined them and asked how to study. He gave a little smile. "I find, reading and taking notes works," he told her. "I'm Emmanuel, by the way, in case anyone didn't know," Emmanuel said. Though he knew two of the people there, he didn't want to single out the one he didn't know. And there was no guarantee that Senna and Kyon did know each other by name, though he knew they were in the same house.
Yuelia gave the slightest smile at the comment the boy made. She vaguely recognized him from Astronomy, but didn't know his name. "I should be the one who is jealous," she admitted, with a very soft laugh. "I very much want to study Transfiguration." It was a second semester subject for her, along with Charms and Potions. She wasn't as excited for Potions as she was for the other two, but she knew her father would be disappointed if she got anything less than an O for it. And she didn't dislike it, she just wanted to be casting spells more than anything. She vaguely recognized the other two students from Defense Against the Dark Arts class. "Hi, Emmanuel. My name is Yuelia." She bowed her head, flipping over a page as she did. She liked History well enough, but there wasn't much of a consistent theme to what they were studying this semester. It made it harder to remember.
Kyon lit up when Senna appeared, giving her a smile. That made two out of his three favorite people in one room. Deciding then that that meant this Yuelia girl must be his friend too, he turned to her with a big smile. He scooted closer. "I'm Kyon," he told her, propping his chin in his hands. "Did you bring snacks, Manny?" Kyon asked, looking over to his friend.
Senna dramatically sighed when Emmanuel told her what he reckoned worked best in trying to stuff a whole lot of information into her brain. "This is going to be a disaster." She replied with a soft laugh. In reality, she wasn't too worried about her grades. Surely her parents would realize she was trying her best either way. She had never been good at muggle school either. Senna looked at the other girl, about to introduce herself when Kyon beat her to it. "I'm Senna!" She added, lazily raising her hand in greeting before staring back at the books in front of her and slightly zoning out as she tried to come up with a way to make learning more fun.
Emmanuel gave the girl he didn't know a little smile as she said she was the one to be jealous. "Next semester we'll both be happier," he joked back, since it was the subject he wanted that was in second semester. "If I keep up this group we'll be able to exchange notes," he then added. Emmanuel glanced towards Senna and gave a little laugh, "Everyone studies differently," emmanuel knew what helped him study but he knew from spending time around his dad that not everyone studied in the same way. He thought it would be good to have a study group for his year, encouraging them to study more and it would be good to have some more friends, though of course he only didn't know her.

"Good to meet you Yuelia," he said politely, and then glanced to Kyon who spoke giving his name, and for a moment Emmanuel wasn't sure who he was asking the question to, before realising he was Manny. It had been a while since anyone had called him Manny. "Emmanuel, and yeah, just some stuff the elves made," he motioned to the snacks in front of them, "The water should automatically refill," he added and after Senna had introduced herself, "They're both Gryffindor's, I'm a ravenclaw,"
Yuelia came to the realization she didn't really know a lot about studying. She wanted to peer into everyone's brains, get an idea of how they worked just to see what was the best option, but unfortunately she didn't have the ability to do such a thing. At least, not yet. She nodded at the two Gryffindors with a very polite smile. "I'm in Slytherin," she said, by way of explanation. Yuelia was quite proud to have been sorted in to Slytherin, her father had been one back in England and she had hoped she would be too. She certainly had grand ambitions, after all. "This is very nice of you." She would have liked to have been practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts, but she needed to work on the theoretical stuff. "There is an awful lot to remember for History and Astronomy."
Kyon snorted at Senna's comment. "So optimistic," he teased her. He pouted at Emmanuels' dismissal of the name, sulking as he picked up a snack to munch on. "All we need now is a Hufflepuff. Anyone have one in their pocket?" He teased, leaning back in his chair as he munched on his food, not bothering to open up his textbook.

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