I really, REALLY shouldn't be doing this

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Okay. with 6 threads on my to start list and 8 threads I need to reply to I really REALLY shouldn't be posting a thread here.
Buuuut, I am posting for something specific. I have two (or maybe three) ladies who I could do with a little bit of romance.
now I am very picky with my romance. I don't want people made specifically for a romance plot. they need to be themselves first and foremost. the relationship should develop naturally over time not be the kind that they meet and are married two weeks later.

so here we have
Name: Willow Luna Cullen
Age: 23
Preferences: Male only
Occupation: Auror
Hobbies: Sport, Hiking, adventure, anything adrelaline, guitar
Notable history: Willow attended HNZ where she was the Gryffindor seeker and a prefect. She is daughter of Briar Rowan-Cullen a prominent member of the ministry partly due to the fact that she is a vocal advocate for werewolf rights.
Name: Harmony Niamh "sky" Eriksen
Age: 15
Preferences: Any Gender
Occupation: Hufflepuff 5th year
interests: music, dancing, art, nature.
Notable history: Born and raised in Tromsø in northern Norway Sky moved to New Zealand when sue was 11 due to her dad starting a job at one of the universities in New Zealand. She has a unique way of seeing the world and is the leader of the Aerts club.​

NOTE: For Elvera things will be VERY slow. an will probably look a lot more like a friendship than a relationship. she probably is somewhere on both the asexual and aromantic spectrums even though she doesn't realise it and thus is unlikely to admit it.
Name: Elvera Nimue Le Fey
Age: 48
Preferences: probably male (potentially open to suggestions)
Occupation: Professor, Owner of the inner eye
Hobbies: baking, tea, reading, history, future
Notable history: Elvera was raised in the UK and attended HNZ, She has been a professor at HNZ since she was 19 taking a few years off to raise her daughters. she runs the inner eye and is always happy to talk to people who come in. often undercharging for the goods and services.
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Hey Mia!
I don't know if it would work and might be something we can see if there's any chemistry for, but I'd be interested to see how Maris and Elvera might work together, whether as friends or something more. She'd quite distant from a lot of the students and staff so it would be good if she can have someone help her relax a little, so something slow would suit her.
yay @Kris
sorry i was slow to reply :shy: . i half forgot i started the thread, and other half was avoiding the plot section after following every thread i replied to and getting bombarded with notifications.

I am happy to give this a go. Friends, something else. We will have to find out. did you want me to start. i just had an idea for a thread in the shower (meaning i had the idea in the shower not that the thread is set in a shower) how would Maris feel about spilled tea?
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yay @Kris
sorry i was slow to reply :shy: . i half forgot i started the thread, and other half was avoiding the plot section after following every thread i replied to and getting bombarded with notifications.

I am happy to give this a go. Friends, something else. We will have to find out. did you want me to start. i just had an idea for a thread in the shower (meaning i had the idea in the shower not that the thread is set in a shower) how would Maris feel about spilled tea?
Ahaha yeah I feel that, no worries. And yes, let's see how they vibe! Spilled tea thread sounds good, Maris would either be frustrated (if she's the one spilling it) or click her tongue if she thinks she has to start cleaning up after the professors and the students if Elvera's doing it :r
@Maris Wormwood The tea has been spilled.
Okay, I did scan my list twice to see who I can offer. xD Yes, I have a list that I always fail to update on time. Lol

I have two offers for Willow Cullen:

I have Orion Rabson. He is 28 and he is an Observatory Researcher and Lecturer. He is the twin of @Celeste Rabson and the older brother of @Arcturus Rabson. Working at Kielder Observatory in England, I've been wanting to develop and discover him more. He often travels to give lectures to science classes and planetarium tours when needed. I wonder how he and Willow would connect. He is a bit similar to Noelle in some ways but he has this goofy side owing to his equally humorous twin.

I have Kaan Demirci who is 27 and currently a uni student in Instanbul. I know it's relatively impossible for them to meet but his family is somewhat loaded which means he usually travels out of the country for holiday breaks. He can be warm-hearted but also arrogant and self-centered at times. He is already set for a final, sadly. But if you are open to short romances, or summer romance, he's the guy. He basically thinks all women are attracted to him. You can read more about him HERE.

The only one I can offer for Niamh is Slate Gates. He is my fourth-year Ravenclaw. I would say he is a gentleman. Lacking self-confidence for sure but he is working on himself to be more certain of himself. You can read more about him HERE.

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