Hogwarts Monthly: Y39 Semester 1

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)


Welcome Back to a Brand New Year!
By: Poppy Perkins
To those new, welcome! And to those who are returning for yet another year at Hogwarts New Zealand, welcome back! This year we welcomed forty six new first years, with the most being sorted into Ravenclaw. This year we are also welcoming new (and old) professors! Professor Monty Pendleton has returned to Hogwarts to teach potions to the lower years once more and we could not be more thrilled to have him back. Professor Joseph Burleigh has also joined the staff to teach Care of Magical Creatures as well as Professor Barnaby Crabapple, featured later in this issue, to teach History of Magic. Lastly, congratulations to the new Prefects who earned their badges this year and to the new Head Boy and Girl, Noel Waldgrave and Adorah Zumwalt respectively.

No school year would be without the club fair and quidditch try outs! And this year was no exception. The club fair saw plenty of action with new members signing up to be involved with one or more of the various clubs offered here at Hogwarts. No matter what your interests are, you are surely going to find something to do with all these activities going on. Each house's quidditch team also gained some new members to replace those who have graduated. With new blood on the teams the race for the quidditch cup should be rather interesting.

Welcome back to Hogwarts! Let's make this the best year yet!
Quidditch Highlights
By: Charlie Helkovaara
How To...Face Your Fears!
By: River Hopkins-Vance
The Quidditch season started off with a rather short game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Both chasers Branson Archer of Ravenclaw and Gryffindors’ Solomon ‘Sully’ Tofilau scored a point. The beaters were evenly matched as well, Lion and leader Lysander Summers hitting chaser Thalia Pourroulis and Raven Juniper Zumwalt hitting the seeker Flynn North. It wasn’t enough to stop him, however, as North quickly caught the snitch and put an end to the short match, cinching the win for the Gryffindors.

The game that really caught us all by surprise was the match between Hufflepuff and reigning champions Slytherin. Slytherin beater Celia Vuong proved to be devastating on the field, scoring five hits. Co-captain and beater Connor Holland was a strong asset to the Hufflepuff team, scoring three hits of his own. Beaters Tilly Drage and Daintree Vaskovold traded blows between each other. The chasers had less luck, Hufflepuff Jordan Harris missing every shot he tried to take and Slytherin Indira Khatri scoring once. What really took us all by surprise, however, was when Hufflepuff seeker Lucas Fletcher shot in front with the snitch in hand, effectively ending Slytherin’s reign.

Next semester we wait for Ravenclaw versus Slytherin, and predictably, Harris won’t score any points for Hufflepuff and Vuong will again prove deadly on the field. With the loss of star Seeker Blake Irons, will his protégée seeker Ruben Right be able to lead Slytherin to at least one victory? Losing the mantle so soon after Irons’ departure was a heavy blow to the snakes. We should eagerly watch Hufflepuff, now, to see if Fletcher is our next star seeker. He and Flynn North certainly have a challenge ahead of them, having to beat not only each other, but the foreign team, as well. Who will rise to take Slytherins place as champions? I, for one, am eager to find out.
I know all my fellow third years will know that this was quite a scary year in Defense Against the Dark Arts. We had to face our own boggarts, which for those who don't know are dark creatures that can transform into your greatest fear. Scary right? Well that experience should not only be part of the classroom (the facing of fears not the boggarts. Boggarts throughout the hallways are not what I am suggesting). We should all work on facing our fears or at least acknowledging them. Here is River's Guide to Facing Your Fears.

001. Talk About It: Often times we feel alone when we are facing our fears. That should not be the case! Talk through your emotions with friends and those you trust. Trust me it will make you feel better!

002. Visualize a Happy Place or Good Memory: Fear may feel hopeless, but please remember that the fear does not control everything in your life. Think about the better times or your happy place. Remind yourself that fear is not all that there is.

003. Breath: Calm your beating heart down by using some breathing exercises. It's a small thing, but it really helps!

004. Think About the Worst: I know this sounds counter productive, but consider what is the worst that could happen. For example, if you are afraid of spiders, think what is the worst that could happen. Yes you may get bit, but you will survive. It may lessen the fear.

005. Small Steps: Take tiny steps towards your goal of overcoming your fear. It will take time and that is okay. Every little bit of progress is a success!

Now keep in mind, not all the steps are for everyone. Some may work for you while some might not work for others. Just find what works best for you, and keep overcoming those fears!
Fashion Trends For Spring and Summer 2054
By: Robina Black
Interview Spotlight: Professor Barnaby Crabapple

By: Estella Fuentes
These oversized pants may not be as flattering as the style of the skin last year, but this fashion for pants will be the main spring and summer fashion trend. Wide leg pants are of course very comfortable and can be combined with bralettes, lace blouses or wide T-shirts, blazers and sneakers, thus achieving a sporty look.

This year, in addition to casual pants, we can also add cargo pants, culottes and denim jeans. You can temporarily put aside your skinny and mom jeans, because baggy denim is this year's trend, to which you can match large or loose T-shirts. You will definitely have stylish clothes this summer.

Hermès' braided net aprons are starting to revive in fashion, and finally with fishnet tights that give a lively look. This look will make you give your outfit a unique inspiration and highlight your summer.

The new material this year is knitted, which brilliantly favors the wearer's look and while aligning with the many activities this summer. Knitted outfits promise to make the summer even more enjoyable.

This will appeal to those who like to sparkle just like the stage stars, so you will be in the summer you will have the opportunity. The sparkling visuals and disco style make you feel like a star in your summer.

This season, straps wrapped around the waist, around the chest or floating under the skirt will give your outfit a charm. They will be an addition to your summer outfit.

Blair and trenches have become popular this year in fashion. This spring's pointed shoulder jackets, fleece jackets and trench buttons are a classic design promising to bring spring and summer inspiration into any outfit you choose.

Cutouts are the preferred style in the warmer months, especially for those who want to express themselves after a long period of abstinence. You can choose dresses or skirts with finer and lighter neckline on the hips or chest.

The braver ones will probably be pleased with the open back cutouts. It will be elegant and maybe less gorgeous, but at least it won't make you look boring.

More and more spring and white colors are returning to the color palette in spring fashion. For example, shades of black and white, gold, sunny yellow and brown. As well as pastel colors. They will not make you flashy, but on the contrary will give your summer a sophisticated mood.

Contrary to the monochrome colors are the vibrant tones that the brands were more than ready to bust out this summer. Creates new vitality and excitement in warm weather.

This will appeal to those who love the color pink. This will give you extra sweetness this year. You can wear shirts, pants, skirts, and even a gray suit. This season, pink colors will bring a lighter mood to your closet.

Girls who like dresses will like this. Because this summer gives you the opportunity to flare dresses in green light. If you want to turn, feel weightless and the summer air rises below you, then this style will be a light and windy look just for you. Forward girls.

Mini and especially mini skirts are back in fashion. They will bring a fresh and energetic atmosphere to your closet.

The military trend is still an advantage in men's fashion that does not age. Therefore, as an iconic camoflage you can introduce your look this summer.

The creative power of yin and yang, the black and white contrast has always been a classic. However, this summer you can complement the elegant geometry, which will give the silhouette fullness in your clothes.

Significantly this summer, men's wardrobes should bring lines. Such as a chessboard, a stripe explosion. This look will bring your summer shock effect. You will notice immediately dear guys. Try it if you want. It's a challenge!
Today I have asked the new History of Magic Professor for the younger years, Professor Barnaby Crabapple, to be interviewed in order to get to know him a bit better. I think it is important as students to have a good relationship with your professors, and with Professor Crabapple being so new, it felt fitting to ask him a few questions that you may not ever get the chance to ask. He is a lovely person, quite entertaining, and definitely an interesting professor!

Welcome to Hogwarts Professor, and thank you for taking the time to talk with me! What made you want to be a professor? Have you had any experience being a professor before now?
Right, yes hello. Why you want to talk with me I don't know but okay. What made me? Money, mostly. And boredom. I've not, but I figured it couldn't be that hard.

Why History of Magic? Is it important to you?
Because I couldn't cast a spell to get out of a paper bag. And because it's important to actually pick a book once and awhile. It's not all snitches and jinxes in life, there's actual useful stuff in books if you know where to look.

What is your favourite thing about teaching the younger years?
It's easier to trick them into being quiet. The older ones think they know better.

What do you think so far of the other professors that you work with?
They're fine, I'm sure. I think some of them are having too much fun though.

Do you believe that doing homework is important? Why/Why not?
About as important as any busywork you get given. As long as you're actually reading something though, I couldn't care less what else you do after class.

What school did you attend? If not Hogwarts New Zealand, how did your school differentiate from this one? Was there anything you liked more or less about it?
Went to Hogwarts, the proper one. Hated it honestly, but at least the library was a bit better. This one's too fresh.

Did you ever do any extracurricular activities at school, such as Quidditch or Art? If so, did you enjoy it?
Quidditch? Don't make me laugh. No, I was a miserable student. I wouldn't leave my dorm unless I had to.

Why did King Minos have a Minotaur child?
I don't think your editors will let you publish this if I told you.

What are some things you like doing in your free time?
Not talk to anyone under the age of 20.

Where do you go when you want to be alone?
I can't tell you. Knowing you lot you'd all track me down and ruin it.

If a student were to bring you a snack, what would you prefer they brought?
As if I'd trust any of you lot enough to eat something you brought. But at a stretch? Treacle tart.

Are there any qualities that you do not like in a student? Why/Why not?
Are you trying to get at something here? I'm not going to adjust your grades just cause you're being a toady. But I prefer quiet kids who know which way to hold a book.

Thank you for answering my questions! Best of luck with your new position and I look forward to future lessons with you!

Halloween Feast Costumes: The Good, The Bad, and The Baffling
By: Celia Vuong
The Halloween Feast hit a new low this year when the professors stole the spotlight from the students with their group costume.

Eleven professors used magic to rewind the clock and arrived at the feast as younger versions of themselves. Many of them didn’t even bother with interesting fashions from their chosen decade, instead relying on magic to carry their “costumes.”

It didn’t matter. The adults’ costumes were the only thing of note during a relatively drama-free night, and they nabbed the "Best Group/Couple" award. Although students in the past have come up with creative costumes, there were very few memorable outfits this year.

Here’s The Monthly’s take on where students went right and where they went wrong.


Victorian Ghost and Mourning Widow
- The ideal costume is creative, stylish, and Halloween-themed. This group costume nailed all three. The lace panels of seventh year Sydney Townsend’s dress lent the Slytherin an ethereal air befitting of a ghost. Meanwhile, the elegant veil and bold silhouette of Emily Hastings’s outfit made the seventh year Ravenclaw stand out in a room of mediocre costumes.

'80s Zombie Rock Star - Second year Hufflepuff Nolan Burke understood the assignment. His zombie twist on the classic rock star costume was both Halloween-appropriate and unique. The orange bandana and purple accents on Burke’s windbreaker also served as fun nods to the holiday while keeping with the brightly colored '80s aesthetic.

Angel - No, angels don’t have anything to do with Halloween. But third year Slytherin River Hopkins-Vance earned a spot on the list with her stunningly detailed costume. Rhinestones and glitter in her outfit caught the flickering candlelight, while feather detailing throughout her dress, wings, and headpiece kept the entire ensemble cohesive.


- Worn by not one, but two different people. Mind you, they weren’t dressed up as scary clowns. That would be understandable. Instead, they were wearing outfits you might spot on a third-rate clown at a three year old's birthday party. It’s not a coincidence that both of the clowns at the feast were Gryffindors. It takes bravery to wear such a bad costume in public.

Athlete - We counted five athletes (more, if you include the ballerinas). That’s five too many. While some takes were better than others, this is a fundamentally lazy costume. Everyone who sees you will assume you just dug out the old sports uniform sitting at the bottom of your trunk.

Yourself But In A Different House - This is even worse than the Athlete (unless you’re that one guy who carried around a quaffle and called yourself a Quidditch player). A tie in a different color does not a costume make. Besides, why would you ever want to spend more time in the hideous school uniform? You know we already have to wear it every day to class, right?


- Does that name ring a bell? No? What if we said, “that one person wearing the weird, red polyester onesie with an antenna”? Now you know exactly which costume we’re talking about.

(And if you’re curious, a teletubby is a creature from a muggle children's television show that aired in the '00s. Outdated kids’ shows from your parents’ era should never be Halloween costume inspiration).

Penguin - Several people donned store-bought costumes that were clearly designed for kindergarteners, not teenagers. When you have magic at your disposal, why go for a lumpy, mass-produced mascot outfit? We’re naming and shaming the penguin here because the bird has nothing to do with Halloween. At least pick an owl or raven costume.

“An Invisible Trumpet Player” - No, not Invisible Trumpet-Player. That would at least be an impressive feat of magic. But Invisible-Trumpet Player. If you are ever contemplating doing this, save your dignity and just go as yourself instead.

Here are the official Costume Contest awards:

Best Overall - Poppy Perkins as a Starry Night
Most Magically Enhanced - Maggi Watties as a Portrait
Most Scary - Valencia Addington as a Possessed Doll
Best Group/Couple - The Professors as their younger selves
Most Ridiculous - Branson Archer as Po the Red Teletubby
Most Traditional Halloween - Sydney Townsend & Emily Hastings as a Victorian Ghost/Mourning Widow
"What do you think lives in the Hogwarts lake?"
By: Giulia Alcott
Genevieve Fuentes
First Year
"Oh there could be so much in the lake! There could be water dragons, monster fish, flying sharks, or giant snakes with fins and razor sharp teeth. I'd love to find out for sure one day!"
Nolan Burke
Hufflepuff Second Year
"I mean, there could be anything down there... maybe there are creatures that could play musical instruments! that'd be sick!"
Salem Lee
Gryffindor Third Year
"I bet it's a sea monster! Which would be a lake monster... wait."
Brooke Townsend
Slytherin Fourth Year
"Couldn't it just be a giant squid? Like in Scotland? We already copied their castle so..."
Finn Madison
Ravenclaw Fifth Year
"Perhaps it's some kind of manifestation projected by students at the school. Anxiety over exams presenting itself as an underwater monster ready to drag you to the depths..."
Kiara Woods
Ravenclaw Sixth Year
"Oh, that's a good one... Merpeople? Yeah, probably them and, of course, The Golden Eel, and probably some other creatures too."
Simon Thorne
Slytherin Seventh Year
"The lake? Probably just a really big fish. Or a really big mermaid.."
Professor Joseph Burleigh
CoMC Years 5-7
“There's plenty that lives in the lake. Most of the fun is in the mystery though, right?"
Special Events: Speed Dating!
By: Adorah Zumwalt
Is speed dating an effective route of finding a potential partner? Well, many 5-7 years participated in such an event during the Brightstone Weekend to find out. Organized by Sully Tofilau (and rumored to originally be a ploy to get a certain Head Boy a girlfriend), the event was hosted by Madam Puddifoot's and featured many delightful and creative treats. But even more fascinating, or at least, according to those who do partake in the school gossip, there were a few interesting pairings that seemed to be heating up. While the dating circle at Hogwarts is rather small, I'm sure we'll see the outcome of this little shindig at the Yule Ball and maybe even into the Valentine's Day dance next semester... who knows? Some Gryffindors may want to look into a future career in matchmaking.
Ask Agony Aunt
By: Anonymous (OOC: Sydney Townsend)
By: Poppy Perkins
Dear Agony Aunt,
Do you think asking out a friend is a good idea? I like one of my friends, I think, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. She also went to two events with a boy so I don't even know if she would like me back or if she even likes girls. I'm wondering what to do and my tarot cards give me mixed messages. Do you have any advice?
Wilting flower

You simply have to ask yourself if you’re happy living like this if you never ask. It doesn’t sound like you’re very sure of yourself yet and while I advocate always doing what you feel is right it sounds like you need more time to divine if you truly have feelings for your friend. If you do decide to ask her, what’s the worst that happens? You lose a friend because they can’t handle the idea that you had a crush on them? Sounds like you either need a higher opinion of your friend or to get better ones.

Dear Agony Aunt,
I have always known that I'm not as good as my older sister. She was kind, smart, and sweet. I am not. I'm standoffish and I have a bit of a temper. I've never had a problem with who I am. I just... recently, I've found myself thinking a lot of one of my few friends. She's smart, gentle, kind. She reminds me a bit of my sister. She's so beautiful. I know she deserves better than me. Any ideas how to get her out of my head?
Loving and Lost

Sounds like the one you need to get out of your head is your sister. Who cares about her? Her life has nothing to do with how you live yours. Unless this friend of yours is actively in love with your sister I don’t see how comparing yourself is going to help anyone. I also heavily recommend you stop comparing people you care about romantically to your family members. That way lies complications. If you’re truly committed to forgetting about this friend however, I suggest a hobby. Find a passion to devote your time to so there’s no other room in your brain for pretty girls you’ve convinced yourself you’re not good enough for. If that’s really what you want.

Dear Agony Aunt,
My boyfriend dumped me and I'm upset with him. The problem is that he was one of my closest friends before we dated, and we have a lot of friends in common. I feel awkward now because our other friends now have to split their time between us, and I also feel a bit left out because I'm in the year below them. I don't know what to do. I don't feel ready to forgive him, he had a really crappy reason, but I also miss hanging out with my friend group. What should I do?

Screw your ex-boyfriend. If he’s uncomfortable being in the same room with you he shouldn’t have broken up with you. Claim your space and your friends back and don’t let his feelings make you feel like you can’t. Don’t make yourself smaller to avoid uncomfortable feelings. It’s human nature to experience messy and unpleasant things every day, and maybe if you’re lucky you also get to force your ex to experience them too, and isn’t that maybe worth it in the long run?

Dear Agony Aunt,
I’m graduating this year but my girlfriend is not. I know we’re running out of time to hang out together but how to talk to her about what happens afterwards without ruining what little time we have left?

It sounds to me like your last remaining months together might already be ruined if you’re concerned about it already. If you don’t manage to talk to her about it, you’re going to spend what little time you have left thinking about that and not enjoying it. Sometimes things have to end, sometimes they don’t. Figure it out before you waste what moments you still have.

Dear Agony Aunt,
My friend is very sad because of something terrible that happened to her. I want to help her feel better but I don't know how. I'm not good with people, generally, and especially not when they're sad.

What should I do? Or should I just leave her alone? Is there a book on this subject I could read?

While I do encourage doing your research, unless someone has written a book specifically about your friend you might be out of luck here. My best advice is to stop dancing around her sorrow and ask her what she needs. If you’re not good at it, tell her you want to help and let her tell you how. Either that or pick up Legilimency, but I suspect asking will come a whole lot easier.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): You may not think there is time to think before you act but I assure you there is. Create a new habit and count to ten before you make any decisions. Your are more wise than you realize if you just take the time.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): There is a reason you are the sign of the bull. Stubbornness is second nature to you, and while your strength of will is impressive it won't get you far when it really matters. Compromise is key when it comes to moving forward.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): It can be hard to feel confident when you can't decide what you stand for. It's time to look inside yourself and find your truth. What do you believe in and what do you stand for? Your lucky number is 5.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Emotions can get the best of us at times. It's ok to feel things and you should let them take up space when you need to. But it's important not to let it stop you from trying to be better. Don't let molehills turn into mountains.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Looking out for yourself is important but it shouldn't be at the expense of everyone around you. Check in with loved ones to see if they need extra attention now and again. Watch out for Scorpios in the coming weeks.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): If you think you can't do anything right, seek the wisdom of others. When you are too close it is nearly impossible to see the whole picture. Learn the value of perspectives that are not your own to see positive growth.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Sometimes a flip of a coin or a roll of the dice is the only way to make a decision. The stress isn't worth it when it comes to the small stuff. Still use your best judgement but don't sweat it, and let fate decide.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): You have to let other's around you exist in their own unique and complex worlds. Controlling other's will only drive them away in the end. Give them the freedom to leave and they will come back.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):
Making promises you can't keep can only lead to hardship. Those around you would rather have the truth than a disappointment. Learning your limits isn't easy but should be a priority.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Be kind to those who don't know as much as you. Fostering knowledge is more important than pointing out when it isn't there. You might never know what you're missing if you cut down something too soon.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): You are used to being independent and caring for yourself. Maybe it's time to drop the act and let people help you for a change. People are capable of much more compassion then they are given credit for. Your lucky number is 22.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Not everyone is out to get you. Trusting people is all part of the process and is necessary for growth. Assuming the worst only attracts bad intentions. Watch out for Libras for a while, they might not have the best intentions.
Branson's Bookclub:
The Worth of the Goldfinch

By: Branson Archer
Matcha Baked Doughnuts
By: Rhys Garner
Welcome everyone! Welcome back to another Branson’s Bookclub. In my last report I had said we would cover the old book, the Da Vinci code, but in the meantime I’ve read a much better book for us to cover. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Written in 2010s this book centres around the the main character narrating his life, from the point of his mother’s death to where we find him at the very beginning of the story in a hotel in Amsterdam. The story was well received upon publication and I would say that the author has a real way with building a story, it is difficult to cover a story which spans so many years but it’s a good story. There are many twists and turns on what you would expect to happen especially as the beginning of the novel is also the end of the novel.

Our main character is Theodore Decker and the painting, the Goldfinch, painted in 1654. If you have a chance to look up the painting do, it’s quite a nice painting. The painting is integral to the plot and the why of what happens but obviously as a painting it is not a character unto itself. The other main character is a boy around Theodore’s age called Boris. Some elements of this novel younger students should be wary of, but overall it’s an interesting story with interesting elements of mystery and it is a story that certainly pays off. It has a most linear narrative but the retelling of it by the main character is well put together. It’s a longer read but it is a good read and is absolutely worth it.

My favourite quote from the novel is; “I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the secret of the universe.” Which is just a very sweet turn of phrase about laughter.

I would highly recommend that people go read this novel and get engrossed in the story it was telling and I know too that if you like that book you’ll probably like the others that Donna Tartt has written and you’ll enjoy what we’ll cover next time...The Kite Runner.
  • ¼ cup melted coconut oil
  • ⅓ cup cane sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • ¾ teaspoon baking powder
  • ⅛ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon matcha powder
  • ⅛ teaspoon nutmeg
  • Heaping ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • 1⅓ cups all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • Preheat the oven to 425°F and lightly grease one standard 6-hole doughnut pan.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the coconut oil and sugar.
  • Add the egg to the mixture and whisk to combine.
  • Then, add the baking powder, baking soda, matcha powder, nutmeg, salt, and vanilla. Whisk it all together to combine.
  • Alternately add the flour and the milk, beginning with the flour, until thoroughly combined. The batter will be thick, and a spatula drawn through the batter should leave an indentation.
  • Spoon the batter into the doughnut pan (it will be thick and sticky). Bake for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes before removing from the pan. Remove from the pan and place on a wire rack to continue cooling.
Editor's Note
By: Poppy Perkins
We made it! Another semester and issue of Hogwarts Monthly in the books! This was my first issue as Editor and I did not take on the responsibility lightly. Even after five years as a member of this paper I have realize that there is always room to grow and learn. I also know that I would not have had such a successful first issue if it wasn't for the hard work and dedication of the entire Monthly team!
Last edited:
Connor had always enjoyed digging into each semester's issue of the Monthly, though he couldn't help stealing a glance across the hall at Poppy as he picked up the new issue. He knew she had taken over charge of the paper, and it felt strange, holding something that had come from her after not speaking for so long. Of course, he had always read his horoscope, but it had been easier to disconnect when it was just one article. Still, he wasn't going to miss out because of a years-old fight. Skimming the pages, he was pleased to see a mention of his skills in the Quidditch section, though he only glanced over the article quickly. Further down he found himself absorbed in an interview with a new professor, wondering what could draw such an unpleasant person to teaching. Having been studying Astrology more in-depth in Divination this year, Connor was quick to check his horoscope, almost rolling his eyes at how accurate it was. Had Poppy somehow written it on purpose for him?

Just as he was skimming through the rest of the articles, Connor's eyes landed on an Agony Aunt question. One that sounded far, far too familiar. He read through the question three times in a row, processing slowly that yes, that was absolutely Lucas asking about him, and of course he was. Connor couldn't ruin his own life by degrees, he had to make the kind of mistakes that just rippled on and on and on forever. Sinking down closer to the table, Connor his entirely behind the paper as he finally dared to look at the answer, heart shattering as he read. He knew his actions had been awful, but was he that bad to make whoever wrote the article so vindictive towards him? He cringed even more as he forced himself to finish reading, wondering how he could possibly feel more unpleasantness than he already did from the breakup. The worst part was that it wasn't even entirely wrong. This was all his fault, and it wouldn't be wrong for Kas and Freya to abandon him for Lucas's side. Unlike the last time he had lost all of his friends, this was all Connor's fault, no doubt. Surely he deserved it.
It was always pretty exciting when the Monthly came out, if only cause René liked to seeing who got mentioned in some of the articles. He skimmed the pages, grinning when he saw Sully's weird speed dating event get a shout out before moving on to Quidditch. He grinned at the other mention of Sully, idly wondering what'd be like next year at school with Sully gone. René was well used to spending years under Sully and Sia's shadows at school but it felt extra weird with Hogwarts. Howarts had been Sully's thing for so long and now it would get to be just René's thing and he couldn't decide if that was terrifying or exciting.

Reading the rest of the article, René frowned at the mention of Jordie, finally putting the paper down and leaning forward to check down the table until he spotted Charlie. "Hey, Charlie, do you not like Jordie?" He asked, tapping the paper quizzically by way of explanation. The article seemed unfairly harsh and René couldn't help but feel a little defensive of his teammate. @Charlie Helkovaara
Gwen had been very curious about the school newspaper. As one of the people working on the yearbook, she almost felt a bit like it was their club's rival. It didn't make much sense, but Gwen still wondered if she had picked the wrong club to join. Especially as she saw how many people went to grab copies of the paper. She grabbed one herself, heading to the Slytherin table to read it. Some of the articles were pretty interesting, like the one about fashion and the recipe. She wondered why on earth a girl named Estella had decided to interview their worst professor. But as Gwen read the Halloween article, she got frustrated quickly. Some girl named Celia Vuong had decided to write her opinions like they were fact, and Gwen felt annoyed that her choice of outfit was called bad. What was so bad about an athlete? Her costume had been cute and versatile. Gwen moved on to the horoscopes and rolled her eyes at the Gemini one. It didn't fit her at all. Frustrated, Gwen folded the paper and put it on the bench next to her. She would keep an eye out on that Celia girl, she needed to know what it felt like to be mocked.
Charlie was eating his breakfast, skimming through the paper to check the other articles, when he heard someone say his name. He looked up to see Rene looking at him. Charlie swallowed his bite and shook his head. "Jordie, Jordan Harris?" He clarified. "I have no issues with the guy. Why?" He asked, unsure what would have brought it up. @Rene Tofilau
René glanced down at the paper, wondering if he was being too sensitive, trying to look like he wasn't taking it too seriously. "You just seem weirdly hard on him is all, just cause he missed a goal or two," he said, glancing down at the paper. "'and predictably, Harris won’t score any points for Hufflepuff'," he read aloud. "That's kinda harsh, Jordie works hard, so did the Slytherin keeper.." He said, tapping his fingers on the table. He didn't want to tell Charlie to back off, Charlie was his friend and arguably knew more about Quidditch than he did, but Jordie was his friend too and René thought he deserved a break. @Charlie Helkovaara
Charlie's brow furrowed, and he shook his head. "Oh, it does? I didn't mean anything by it, I was only stating statistics. In the two games he's been in, Harris hasn't made a single shot. If anything I though I might have been hard on the Slytherin seeker for dropping Irons' mantle the first game without him." Charlie tried to explain. "I'm not really for or against any of the players, at least not when I'm writing. A good reporter is based off of facts, not gossip or preconceived prejudices," he replied, thinking of his dad. @Rene Tofilau

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