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Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Harper was stretched out on an overstuffed armchair, her Care of Magical Creatures textbook spread out on her lap. But she'd long since stopped paying attention to it. Instead, her attention was focused on a discarded copy of Witch Weekly she'd spotted laying on a nearby table. Harper had never been much of a magazine reader — magical or otherwise — but the headline "Quiz: What's your animagus form?" had caught her eye. It was a subject that had admittedly been on her mind a lot lately, and it hadn't taken her long to decide to set aside her textbook for the magazine.

Of course, Harper knew there was no way she'd get an actual answer from a quiz in an old Witch Weekly. But it was a fun distraction from her assigned reading. And who knew? Maybe she'd get a hint as to what her form would be. She hadn't made much progress with her training, and while she knew she was still in the early stages, it was frustrating. Perhaps things would move along faster if she knew what she was aiming for. After all, visualization was a big part of transfiguration. Unfortunately the quiz so far was proving to be pretty nonsensical. "Hey Hilda," Harper glanced up, hoping she wasn't distracting her friend from anything important. "Which candy would you say best describes me — A ) Fizzing Whizzbee, B ) Acid Pop, or C ) Chocolate Frog?" There was also D ) Cockroach Cluster, but Harper refused to entertain the idea that that was the candy that best represented her personality.
The student lounge was quite quiet at this time of day. One of the open windows let in the wind which came and slipped Hilda's pen from the table, which woke the latter, who was dozing off. "Dam***" the young girl blurted out before rubbing her eyes. She was having big trouble sleeping since a few days , so you could find her dozing on the corner of a hallway or at a table in the library.

Yes?” Hilda was curious what Harper wanted to ask her, she got up and went to sit next to her friend. "Ohh, we're reading magazine now ?" she joked before thinking about an answer ."Hum... Chocolate Frog for sure because you're too sweet to be the others ... Why this question ? " she asked with a suspicious eye .
"Wait, did you fall asleep?" Harper asked, a bit amused but also slightly concerned. Hilda seemed to be dozing off a lot lately. "You okay?" She hoped this particular incident was just a matter of the other Gryffindor growing bored of her homework. At Hilda's joke, Harper glanced down at the forgotten textbook before giving her a sheepish smile. "I guess I gave up on the Magical Creatures reading a while ago."

Hilda's answer surprised her. Harper had never really thought of herself as sweet. "So you're telling me I'm not a bitterly sour person?" she joked. Nevertheless, she marked the space next to C) Chocolate Frog. If there was any person who was an expert on lollies, it was Hilda. Similarly, Harper trusted Hilda's judgements of her personality implicitly. In response to the other girl's question, she tilted the magazine so that the headline was visible. "I know it's dumb, but it's kind of fun," she said with a shrug. "Do you want to take it? I'm almost done." She marked a few more answers. "I just have to figure out who Celestina Warbeck and The Bent-Winged Snitches are," she said, frowning at the unfamiliar names. She definitely was not familiar with magical pop culture, much less old wizard music.
"Yeah it's kinda happen these days...bad sleep schedule " Hilda didn't want Harper to worry for her , even if she didn't know if it was serious or not . "At least you didn't drool on it " She looked back at her textbook on the table with a slight disgust.

"You almost seem upstet i didn't say that " If Hilda knew somebody who wasn't sour it was,for sure,Harper . " I don't think it's dumb if you're reading it. You need any information to make "the" choice, so if taking a quiz it was help you, do it. " The young witch said with a big smile. She glance at the quiz again " Why not ? I always wanted to know if a baby bear was the good form for me " she joked before thinking about the names of the options "So....Celestina Warbeck is a very famous singer from the wizard world , like my grandma always listen to her , she more like a popular singer ... and the others are a group who was kinda controversial so ... and they're making rock music"
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"Well let me know if I can do anything. I could even hex all the snorers in our dorm, if you want," Harper joked. She was, however, sincere in her offer of help if Hilda needed it. She chuckled at her friend's next comment. "Here, take mine to study with," she said, pushing her textbook forward. "Just don't drool on that one too."

"Absolutely devastated," Harper said dryly before smiling. She was grateful Hilda didn't make fun of her for trying to get an answer to a very serious question from a very silly magazine. Not that she'd expected her friend to. For all their mutual teasing and joking, Hilda had never made fun of her in a way that hurt or poked at her ignorance of the magical world. "A baby bear, cute but dangerous. That'd be a good form," she said approvingly. Harper could only hope her form was that good and not something like a slug.

Harper listened as Hilda explained who the two artists were, though neither of which really sounded like her. "Uhhh, let's go with..." she peered back down at the quiz. "A) The Weird Sisters. At least I know one song by them, you know, that one that they always play at the dances." It wasn't a great reason to pick A, but the quiz wasn't exactly serious. Harper tallied up her answers and flipped to the results. "My form will be—" she paused for dramatic effect "—a ring-tailed lemur." She giggled at the photo and flipped it over so Hilda could see. It was an incredibly random animal. "Well those are five minutes I'll never get back," she said with a laugh.

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