Eurovision 2019

Briar Rowan-Cullen

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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
For one night a year Europe dances and sings with far more camp fashion than seen at this year's met gala (Sorry)

for those who have not watched the song contest this year and intend to do so ome other time please note below.
one that note


First up congratulations to The Netherlands and all our members from there. what a great song.


how did you spend eurovision?

what are your thoughts on the winner?

What was your favorite song?

Which song was your least favorite?

which song that got though do you wish didn't?

Which song that was eliminated in the semi finals did you wish had got through?

Which song had you up on your feet dancing?

eurovision for me was at 3 am. i spent it snuggled up on my sofa with a blanket, and hot water bottle (It was cold okay) watching, knitting and replying to threads.

I liked the winning song. it wasn't my favourite, but I am not disappointed it won ( *cough* 2016)

I had a few favourites this year.
The Czech Republic, it has been stuck in my head all week, I was about to put it on at work this afternoon and then realised it is probably not quite work appropriate
Morway, so moving and i have to like the line "Cause I am dancing with the fairies now, They all sing our name"
Denmark: It was really sweet, and I always have a soft spot for Denmark, and I actually understood it :D
Switzerland: like with Czech republic one that is a real earworm

Germany was my least favourite song. I found the voices of the singers list a little grating and they didn't quite harmonise well together.

I wished Iceland didn't get through, but then every Eurovision needs at least one weird act.

I wish Poland did get through. another earworm. and a song with a lot of tradition behind it.

I was too drugged up to dance but if I was going to dance it would have been to Switzerland and the Czech Republic.
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I was somewhat disappointed by it this year . The songs for the most part seemed particularly slow and while great songs in themselves, didn't really stand up to be Eurovision worthy to me. I always remember the loud and fun songs winning (although this year that tradition broke!) . My favourites were Switzerland, France and Norway, but I still think last year's winner would have beaten them all if it was still competing! I want to go back and listen to the songs properly (opposed to live) and see if they come across any more catchy and good enough to go on my spotify list! I have one for 2018 but have about 10 on there =))
I still can't believe we won, it was so amazing. For context, The Netherlands hasn't won since 1975 when only 19 countries competed in total (this year with the semifinals there were I believe 40 countries competing)

I spent Eurovision at my cousin's house with family. We were all hoping we would win and I genuinely found our song one of the best, but I'm not sure if we really dared to believe it. Our song was my favorite, with Australia in second. Wasn't a big fan of some others like Albania or San Marino. I don't remember enough about the semi finals to say which I wanted to get through.

It was a really awesome show, my throat is still sore from all the yelling/cheering/cursing at Belgium for not giving us 12 points
Daphne: Haha! I'm guessing Waylon had to bring Ilse along. I hope we will get to the finals. But Waylon already had lots of heads turning for the dancers. At least they are talking about him haha. I hope he will suprise us. But don't think Amsterdam 2019 will happen xD

but Amsterdam 2020. now that is a possibility.

It was a really awesome show, my throat is still sore from all the yelling/cheering/cursing at Belgium for not giving us 12 points
Ahh good old block voting. everyone votes for their neighbours and no one votes for the UK. Australia doesn't fit into a yes block or a no block so we get about four or five points from everyone.
Our neighbors betrayed us. We joked about getting rid of Belgium since France did give us the points :p
and the other thing. the mentalist during the intermission. I don't know how he did it. but i was thinking abba Waterloo 74. before the reveal and I was only half paying attention. - seriously ask daph to confirm i messaged her that. and i didn't even know that was the year Abba won,
I am watching the primetime reshow. and according to the commentators. the last time the Netherlands won the only performer from this yeas competition was Serhat from San Marino.
I don't love it...i'd need to wait until there was more before I could say whether or not i'd look forward to it
I am... wary. It feels kind of strange to have an American film about Eurovision, but I'll see what its like when it comes out.
It feels kind of strange to have an American film about Eurovision, but I'll see what its like when it comes out.
I agree - but having American stars will draw the American audience and may increase general interest in Eurovision.
Just too bad it's not the weirdest ones who win anymore. :tut:
I hadn’t heard about it until now.
I don’t know how I feel I would probably watch it but I don’t think it would be very good. The best thing is that it is wacky weird and unpredictable. Which a movie I dee would struggle to do convincingly

As for it being an American film. It reminds me of Eurovision 2017 when Sweden was really trying to attract and include the American audience. Why does America always feel like they have to be involved in anything that seems to be going well? Is it their way of asking to be invited to preform?
Eurovision should be a European thing. (Says me an Australian)

And I don’t mean that to be offensive to any American members. You guys are great.
That certainly is an interesting position to take as an Australian. ;)
I don't know, I feel differently about Australia participating than I would if America was going to. I think it's rare enough that there's something big, especially with music, that isn't made by Americans for Americans. I'm happy when Americans watch it and enjoy it, but I don't think I would be happy if they were participating suddenly.

Same with this movie. If it's going to be on Netflix anyway, which would mean it would go to an American audience regardless, why make it American? It could have been made by an European director with actors from different countries and shown on Netflix as well. I worry, since its a comedy, that any jokes at expense of European countries or Eurovision traditions will come across badly.

Why make a movie about it at all?

The more I think about it, the more I'm dreading this xD
I never understood why Australia was included in Eurovision, but then, I've never actually watched it so I'm sure my opinion doesn't actually count in this.
Australia were invited as part of I think the 60th celebration and because I think it probably brought even more viewers I think they decided to keep it. Australia also aren't actually able to host it, if they win it has to be held in a European country.

The problem perhaps with a netflix film is if they paint in a light that's making fun of the event in a way that's not funny...that probably doesn't make sense, but like they'll need to be careful, eurovision is very dear to some europeans and folk might not take too kindly to it being mocked.
The problem perhaps with a netflix film is if they paint in a light that's making fun of the event in a way that's not funny...that probably doesn't make sense, but like they'll need to be careful, eurovision is very dear to some europeans and folk might not take too kindly to it being mocked.
I feel this way too. It may also feel a bit to some Europeans like 'we can make those jokes, but you can't.'
I am assuming this is like American Idol, but like different countries participate? Do they like send their best singers or something? Or is it audition based?
I am assuming this is like American Idol, but like different countries participate? Do they like send their best singers or something? Or is it audition based?

both yes and no....countries send one artist with an original song to the competition, countries battle it out in the quarter, semi finals and then obvs the final (the big six and host country get through to the final directly). they all preform once and then people vote, the votes comes 50% from public voting and 50% from a panel of judges from each country. (you cannot vote for your own country) The two totals from each side of the voting are combined and then you have a winner. winner hosts the competition in the following year.

Abba (sweden) won eurovision, celine dion (switzerland) won eurovision

how countries pick the artist is up to them but I know some of them come from the respective "american idols" competitions
Oooo. Looks like I have something new to binge! Thankd @Stefan Archer for the explanation!

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