Connections for a first year

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Hello everyone, I am offering a brand new character and I am pretty excited about this one.

Teddy Pirrip
Teddy is just starting his first year at Hogwarts. He's a bit of a troublemaker, with a love for pranks, jokes, and adventure. His nature can get him into trouble, but he's got a quick wit, a friendly personality, and ability to toe the line when it's important, to usually see his way out of sticky situations.

Teddy is an only child and comes from a wizarding family. His parents, both accomplished wizards themselves, encourage his playful nature and are always eager to hear about his latest exploits.

Despite his love for mischief, Teddy is actually quite intelligent albeit not very focused as his mind drifts in class. He's socialable with a carefree attitude and playful personality that can sometimes rub people the wrong way, but he's got a heart of gold. He's fiercely loyal to his friends and will do anything to protect them, even if it means getting into more trouble.

I'm looking for connections at Hogwarts, mostly friends, but would love to hear any ideas you have for plots!
Hey Verity!

I can offer Friday, so may not be a friend, but she could be something. Friday is a slightly naive girl who really wants to be popular. She's on the look out for people to connect with and have good bonds with, but might not be too loyal to them. They might get along, they might not. If you would be interested, i'd be happy to RP them.
I can also offer Ten :claire: She’s loud and excitable and loves exploring. Also loves potions and collecting plants! It would be interesting to see how they get on?
Hello there! Thanks for reaching out.

@Stefan Archer Friday doesn't sound like the sort of person Teddy would particularly like, that being said, it would be fun to find out how they get on. Should we just start a roleplay and see where it goes?

@Amortentia Layton-King Hello. Teddy would love the energy. Perhaps she could take him along with her as she collects plants?
@Amortentia Layton-King Hello. Teddy would love the energy. Perhaps she could take him along with her as she collects plants?

I'd be down for that! She hasn't checked out the gardens yet. I could put a topic outside but if they were to start off meeting in the common room, they could walk down together?
Hi Verity!
I'd love to offer my first year Emmy, who is also a Gryffindor, as a friend if you like! She loves people and would probably join in on any adventures Teddy would have!
Hello!! I'm happy to offer my first year Marley to you! I like the train thread that's going on with them at the moment! :D
@Analei Westwick Hi Donna! Teddy would love some company. I can start something and send you a link if you are happy to jump right in.

@Samantha Jacobs I am liking their train thread too. I can see them becoming friends :) Perhaps we could do something with @Amodeus Jones ?
@Analei Westwick Hi Donna! Teddy would love some company. I can start something and send you a link if you are happy to jump right in.
Yes please!! Gracias :wub:
Popping in to say I am loving the prankster firsties and offer up my girl Audrey Beauchamp to join in and build up an army :r She's intelligent and has been longing to be challenged so she's really excited for school, but she's not exactly well behaved and loves pranks and jokes to get reactions from people. They might butt heads a bit over classwork but I think they might actually get along if you're interested?
@Stefan Archer Friday doesn't sound like the sort of person Teddy would particularly like, that being said, it would be fun to find out how they get on. Should we just start a roleplay and see where it goes?
Lol, that is very fair. Especially given their first interaction, but i'd be happy for an enemy or something. Happy to RP them. Maybe we could do it in the common room? I'm happy to start it?
Lol, that is very fair. Especially given their first interaction, but i'd be happy for an enemy or something. Happy to RP them. Maybe we could do it in the common room? I'm happy to start it?
I'm not sure Teddy is capable of enemies but I can absolutely make sure that he becomes a huge pain in the arse for Friday. Could be fun to explore a love/hate friendship. Thanks for starting!

@Aine Thompson this sounds really fun! Teddy tends to follow fellow pranksters boundaries and doesn't always know when to stop when he has an accomplice. Things could get pretty chaotic. I'm a little stuck on how these two might meet though, if Teddy would stumble upon Audrey and join in or if they would plan something together.
Could always set something after a class - I think S1 Gryffindor and Ravenclaw share Herbology? so could have them have been paired up and have mucked around in the dirt a bit and start chatting from there, idk ideas are hard. :lol: Though if it doesn't work it doesn't work, no pressure!
Hi I can offer Goldie here. She’s a pretty sweet kid but is very nervous and often chooses to be on the side lines rather than partaking in things herself. I have kind of a fun idea wherein Goldie observes a few of Teddy’s pranks and at first she’s surprised but then as time goes on she starts to make jokes about them to him and maybe he tries to drag her into one because of her wall flower tendencies and maybe she comes out of her shell a little when nothing bad happens OR they get caught and get into trouble and she blames him for it and he thinks she’s a stick in the mid. Idk i’m up for anything.

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