Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

OOCOut of Character:

Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :p

You will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, PM me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Norton was not often nervous for exams, but there was something about the apparition exam that made him exceedingly nervous. He had gotten good at so many aspects of magic, had worked on, revised and repeated so much, but apparition was not something they got to do a few times, instead they’d had three classes and only two of those had they actually done it. But Norton had been reading, reading all of the information about them. He was well versed in the information that they had been taught, the three D’s. He had everything in his head, now he just needed to do the practical element of it, in an exam setting. The teen was sure he’d be fine, he’d managed it twice before and he could figure that it was like riding a bike, once you had the skill you couldn’t really lose. The teen was still however made quite nervous by it, just hoping that he would pass. Norton had been ready for it for hours, ready to get started on it for hours, and finally it was time.
This was an exceedingly important exam for Norton, he definitely needed to pass this. He needed to pass it. He was a little nervous about it, but was sure that since he’d managed it twice before that he would be alright in this exam. He was stood amongst the rest of the students in his class waiting for the exam to get underway. The teacher emerged from the great hall and explained to them what would be happening. That they would be called one by one with their surname to do the exam. It was why, due to his surname her was rather early on in the whole exam. Norton stepped into the great hall and looked about the room, made a little nervous about the fact there was plenty of stuff that was around of the hall. Things that were there normally but hadn’t been in all of the lessons in this. The king of flowers looked towards the teacher and nodded as she told him what she wanted him to do. He looked at where she wanted him to end up, and thought about his journey to it without apparating and then with. He concentrated hard and then felt the pull, he leaned into it and was transported across the room with a resolute crack. He took stock of himself, but then he was done, having managed it, leaving no piece of himself behind. Norton thanked the teacher before heading out of the hall. He would wait around for April to finish.
Marcos had managed to have a much easier sixth year than he had had fifth, he’d reduced his class load and focused more upon things he actually wanted to do and learn. It was easier that way. It meant that the only exam he was actually nervous for in that year was the apparition exam, which was that very day. He’d woken up with plenty of time. Heading outside to the quidditch pitch to do some laps and let the flying keep him calm in the time he was waiting for the exam to take place. Eventually it got to be late enough and he headed back in. Going to the dorm to change into more appropriate clothing for the exam. He wouldn’t need anything bar his wand, so he just got dressed, got his wand and headed to the hall. He could do this, he had passed difficult classes before, everyone in his family could do this, why not him too.
Marcos was so eager for this, of course he felt a little nervous, but it was just the last stage for becoming a full, of age wizard. It was the biggest step towards it. The last step that would open all of the doors to him. Marcos was stood in amongst the rest of the class, waiting just outside the hall keen to get started on the exam. The teacher told them what would be happening and then took the first student on the list into the hall. He had a while to wait until it was his turn but let his mind linger on what they had learned, the three D’s. It would be easy enough. He could do this. Marcos’ name was eventually called and he stepped into the hall with a small hello to the professor. He stood where the professor told him to and then looked towards where she wanted him to go. He nodded in understanding and let his mind focus on that. Focus on getting to that other location. Focus on apparating. He remembered the three D’s easily and after a little concentration felt that familiar tug and apparated across the room to where he was supposed to end up. He was there entirely too, having left none of himself behind. With that he had managed it.
Sophie had been anxious in general for her exams this year, but apparition was a special case. For all the other subjects she had, she'd at least taken exams before. But apparition was something new, and if she screwed this up she wouldn't be able to apparate, which just sounded like it would be a pain. She didn't want to fail when Amber had succeeded, but it was more than that. She also just wanted to prove to herself that she could do it, and learn a useful skill she could use once she was allowed to do magic outside of school.

She waited with the other sixth years outside the Great Hall, sitting on one of the benches with her hands folded in her lap. In her head, she went over the three D's and tried to remember the feeling of how she had done apparition last time. It was tricky, because there was no way to practice it in between classes, and Sophie had only really managed to do it well the last time. She kept her face neutral when the professor spoke to them, even though what she was saying was making her only more nervous. They only got one shot, and not even a hair could be left behind. She was also displeased to hear it would be going by last name, as she would be one of the last to go. It took a long time for her turn to arrive, and when it finally did Sophie had had plenty of time to get herself nervous.

As she stepped into the great hall, she took a deep breath. She had to try to calm herself down, or she wouldn't be able to do it at all. The teacher had said they only got one shot, but hadn't said there was a time limit. So Sophie took her time to empty her mind and focus only on the three D's, focusing her mind on the spot Ms. Finch has pointed out to her. It took a little while, but then Sophie felt the familiar feeling. She apparated to the spot, holding her breath as she looked at the spot where she had been standing earlier. From where she stood, she couldn't see any hairs or buttons or shoelaces. Slowly, she started to relax. She was pretty sure she had managed to pass the exam.
Phoebe Holland was ready for today. She may not have NEWT exams yet, but the apparition exam was just as important. She wanted to do well and pass it in one go, do better than Rose had done last year. She was waiting with the other sixth years outside the Great Hall, sitting on one of the benches. She seemed to be relatively calm, and wasn't as nervous as some of her classmates were. She smiled at Ms. Finch as she appeared, then listened as she explained how the exam would go. They ewre going to be called one by one, and would only get one shot. That had been about what Phoebe had expected from the exam. She nodded to show she understood. Then it was time to wait for her turn. Whens he was called, Phoebe headed into the great hall.

The great hall looked just as it did normally, with the tables and benches int heir usual spot. Phoebe listened to the teacher who told her where she had to apparate to. Once she understood what she had to do, Phoebe nodded. She closed her eyes and focused, the same way she had done in the lessons that had prepared her for this exam. A now familiar sensation came over her, and Phoebe leaned into it. She focused on the three D's, her destination being a spot near the staff table. When she opened her eyes again, Phoebe was standing there. She grinned at the teacher, sure she had passed it. She thanked the teacher, then walked out of the great hall with her chin lifted in confidence. She was sure she had done it, and was proud of herself for it.
April had trouble sitting still on the bench as she waited outside of the great hall. She was sitting with Norton, but even his presence wasn't helping her calm down. What if she failed the exam? She wouldn't be able to apparate and would have to take extra lessons at the Ministry. It would be awful! But it was a real worry for the girl, as she had only managed to apparate in the very last lesson before the exam. Focusing on things was difficult for April at the best of times, and now... it felt more difficult than ever. Nerves were making her all jittery, and it didn't help that she had to wait very long for her name to be called. They were going in alphabetical order, and her name started with a 'W'. She wished Norton good luck when it was his turn to go in, then waited impatiently for her own name to be called.

When it was time, April entered the great hall. She was surprised it wasn't empty like it had been in the lessons, but instead looked just like it always did. She realized that was probably part of the challenge of it, and that made her nervous. The teacher told her where to apparate, pointing to a spot near the end of the Ravenclaw table. April thought about her dad and about October. They would be rooting for her. She took a deep breath and focused on the three D's, something she had practiced in between classes even if she couldn't practice actual apparition. A strange calm came over her, and suddenly April felt like she could do it. She had done it in the last lesson and practiced it then, she just had to repeat that. With that thought in mind, April leaned into the feeling that came with trying to apparate. She appeared in the right spot, and immediately jumped into the air with joy. "Yes!" She called, glad to have done it. She didn't think she had lost any buttons or hair either, which was good.
Finally, the day had arrived. Caro couldn't care less about the rest of her exams, but this one mattered the most out of possibly anything she had done at Hogwarts. She was going to get her apparition license, and finally be free. Caro had been dreaming about this day for years. She kept feeling an instinctive pull to drop out as soon as she had her license... she could apparate, she could do magic, why would she go back? But dropping out would mean abandoning Sophie, the only real friend she had managed to make at school, and Caro couldn't bring herself to do it. Just one more year trapped in this place. That's all it was.

She waited with the rest of the class outside the Great Hall, bouncing slightly in anticipation. When her name was called Caro didn't hesitate, hurrying into the Great Hall with a broad smile on her face. This was it! She had been running through everything she needed to remember in her head ever since they had first learned to apparate, and the three Ds now felt almost like part of her. Caro looked at the point the teacher directed her to and focused, taking a calm breath. It took almost no time before she felt herself moving and surrendered to the feeling, grinning when she opened her eyes a moment later to find herself standing exactly where she had been directed, not a hair or fingernail out of place. She had done it! Caro couldn't wipe the grin off her face as she thanked the examiner and left the room, heart racing. This holiday she could finally do whatever she wanted!
Kauri hadn't been anxious for many of his exams this year, a nice change of pace from OWLs, but apparition was an entirely different thing. He had been able to apparate successfully in class, and had used that time to practice as much as he could, but not being able to practice more before the exam made him nervous. What if he failed right when it mattered the most? He had been turning everything from the lessons over in his mind as he made his way down to the Great Hall for the exam, pacing nervously as he tried to remember how it had felt to apparate.

When the teacher explained to them how the exam was going to work, Kauri's nerves spiked. They would only get one chance?! That seemed absurd, and Kauri went back to pacing, more nervous than before. When his name was called Kauri tried to collect himself and stay focused as he entered the Great Hall. He listened carefully to the instructions, and then closed his eyes a moment to center himself. All he had to do was apparate, just once. He had done it dozens of times in the last lesson, surely this was doable. Kauri took a couple of deep, slow breaths, and then opened his eyes, focusing on his target. To his relief it only took a few moments before he felt the pull and Kauri followed it gratefully, looking around when he arrived. He had done it! Checking himself over quickly, Kauri felt certain he hadn't left anything behind. That was it! He'd succeeded! Beaming with relief, Kauri left the Great Hall, glad to be finished with this stressful exam.

((sorry if anything in either of my posts doesnt make total sense i have a bad fever))
Viktor Styx walked into the Great Hall to see that the entire hall was left perfectly intact. No tables were moved or anything. That made things a little more interesting. His confidence in passing was normal compared to before. He was positive that as long as he was not distracted, he would not have issues with appariting from one location to another. This was more like reality than anything else. They would have to wait for each of their turns by last name. Since his started with an S, it would take a little while to get to him. One shot, and that was it. He watched as other students manage to pass, and soon, it was his turn. He saw where he was directed. Right outside of the Slytherin table. He nodded, understanding. He thought over the three D's, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and focused. He felt the pull, and then nothing. He opened his eyes to see that he was right next to the Slytherin table. He checked his robes to see if anything was left behind. As far as he was aware, nothing was off of his body. He did wonder if anyone sheds their hair like an animal, and if that would cause them to fail. He nodded toward the examiner, and left the Great Hall.
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