Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact. It had been an interesting semester of lessons with this group, so she wasn't sure how successful they would be.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

OOCOut of Character:
Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room, you can godmod where Irene directed them. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :p

You will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, message me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Branson was nervous, he wanted to be able to apparate, it would make spending time with his girlfriend so much easier in the breaks and it would just be a useful thing for him to be able to do. The ravenclaw knew that he would be one of the first people to go and he felt a little reassured by that, knowing that it wouldn’t have him waiting long and he’d be done quickly but still. He didn’t have as much time as them to get himself mentally ready. The ministry professional who had taught them gave a few parameters for the exam and then called the first name, which wasn’t him. But he was the second name.

Branson followed the woman into the great hall. He was gripping his wand exceedingly tightly. He didn’t want to get this wrong. He listened to the instructions he was given and looked to the spot he was to apparate to. He concentrated on it. Let it be the only thing on his mind, imagining getting there with no effort at all. He’d never apparated with things in the way but Branson decided to not let himself think too hard about it. Just focused on what he needed to and he felt it, the tug, and was across to the spot in a second. He felt he’d brought all parts of himself with him and was pretty reassured that he had in fact managed it.
Jordie was always a little more stressed when it was time for exams- he worried a lot. But that didn't mean much, he still needed to go and try to at least get these finished. He'd taken a bit of extra time before his apparition exam that day. He spent more time on his meditation and his yoga, wanting to be in the right headspace. Apparition was dangerous and he didn't want to try and attempt it without proper preparation first.

He was feeling confident and ready for the lesson by the time he headed down to the great hall. He smiled as he took his place with his friends. He let the others go through, rolling his neck and relaxing a bit more. He took a deep breath as his turn came up, walking up to the place. He shut his eyes, focusing a moment. There was the almost familiar tugging in his center, and he was thrown forward, flying across the room. When he opened his eyes, he was standing almost exactly where he wanted to be, maybe just a hair off. He smiled, proud, and walked back to the others. When everything was over, he headed out, deciding he wanted to find Ares and cuddle for a while.
River was beyond ready to take her appariation exam. She knew she should be stressed about it, should be worried. But she really wasn't. She just wanted to be able to do it. Of course, she could never normally apprariate at Hogwarts, but still the skill would be useful elsewhere. She would soon be alone in her family home with just her mother, when her mother wasn't working. It would be nice to be able to appariate elsewhere, maybe to wherever Emmaline ended up after graduation. It gave River some hope that she wouldn't be as stuck in her surroundings. If only she could pass, that was.

The purple-haired girl sat on a bench outside of the Great Hall. There were so many students there waiting as the Ministry worker arrived. The worker was not quite optimistic, which almost dampened River's mood, almost. She didn't care if she only had one chance or that she had to be perfect at this. River had been expected to be perfect her whole life. What was one more instance of required perfection?

The students began to be called in by alphabetical order. River waited her turn patiently, repeating the three D's over and over in her head. She watched as those before her entered the Great Hall, the door closing behind them. Soon it would be her turn. She was lucky enough to have a last name that was closer to the start of the alphabet.

River was soon called in. She had nothing on her but the clothes she was wearing and her wand. She did not want anything extra to weigh her down. She entered the Great Hall, a little surprised to see all the tables there. It was just like it was this morning without all the other students, of course. The professor was going to make this a little more challenging it seemed. River didn't mind. She was up for the challenge.

She smiled at the professor, who reminded her of her mother more and more with each second spent. That gave her even more determination to prove herself. She listened to where she was directed, a spot across the hall almost near the staff table on the left side. River looked at the spot for awhile. She wanted to get every detail in her mind. She wanted to be so familiar with that spot that she could dream about it. She took her time doing so until she was certain. After all, she did only have one chance at this.

Finally, River was ready. She closed her eyes. The spot clear in her mind. She knew the destination. She was determined more than ever. Now she just the last D to focus on. Suddenly, River felt that familiar feeling in her stomach, like she was going through a water slide but in the air. The feeling was difficult to describe. It tugged at her belly button. She remained focused, fought to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach.

She opened her eyes when her feet landed on the ground again. She was in the exact spot that she had been told to go to. She had done it. She had proved that she could do it perfectly. Take that mum She thought knowing that her mother would not care. River smiled at the Ministry worker, hoping the notes were positive on her clipboard. She left the Great Hall, a huge smile on her face, her hair flashed a bright pink with the excitement.
Weston was doing his best not to freak out before the Apparition exam — and he was failing completely. His palms were sweating, and he thought he might throw up. As he joined his classmates outside the Great Hall, he wondered how they weren't more panicked. They hadn't been allowed to practice since the last class. What if he'd forgotten how to apparate since then? What if he splinched himself? What if he failed?

Ms. Finch didn't help matters. Weston had never thought about his hair or buttons or shoelaces while apparating before. Now they were all he could think about? What if a hair fell from his head while he turned and Ms. Finch thought he'd splinched? Should he cast an instant scalping hex on himself? No, that was crazy... Or was it? Weston glanced at his sneakers. Should he remove the laces? Or would that just cause him to trip while trying to apparate?

Weston was so absorbed in his spiraling that he didn't notice when Ms. Finch called his name. One of his classmates had to elbow him, causing him to jump. He hurried after Ms. Finch, mouth going dry when he saw the Great Hall. All of the tables were in place. How was he supposed to apparate under these conditions? What if landed on top of a table? What if he crashed into one? Would he fail?

Ms. Finch pointed at a spot by the Staff Table. Weston stared intently at it, trying to ignore all the tables and benches that stood between him and his destination. Destination, determination, deliberation. Destination, determination, deliberation. He could do this. Destination burned into his mind, Weston twisted on the spot and felt him get sucked into nothingness. One horrible moment later, and he appeared by the Staff Table with a loud crack. His eyes were still squeezed shut, and he was scared to open them. What if he'd landed in the wrong spot?

Finally, Weston opened an eye. The Staff Table was right in front of him, and he nearly collapsed in relief. He glanced down. He still had all his limbs, and his buttons and shoelaces seemed to have traveled with him. Weston grinned, a massive weight lifted off his shoulders, and he practically skipped out of the Great Hall.
Indi expected she would be a little nervous for her apparition exam but she felt as calm as ever as she waited with the rest of her classmates. She had done well in all of the lessons and felt confident she wouldn't have trouble today. But the waiting did add a level of suspense that she could have done without. One by one her classmates were called and while her last name didn't come particularly late in the alphabet it was enough to make her impatient. Finally Ms. Finch called her name and she got up and straightened her robes before heading inside the great hall. She was a little surprised to see the hall set up just like it was during meal times, interesting. The instructor explained what the exam entailed and was directed to transport to a spot not too far from where she was standing but to the left and on top of one of the tables. Indi grinned. The table provided a challenge but no one she was going to shy away from. She pulled out her wand and went over the three D's in her head. She took in the spot she was aiming for and focused on it until she could practically imagine herself standing there already. She gripped her wand a bit tighter before she felt every cell in her body pushing and pulling as she started to apparate. After a disorientating moment she found herself on top of the table exactly where she had been aiming for. She turned to Ms. Finch and grinned, making sure the instructor had time to see how accurate she had ended up.
Rune couldn't believe how nervous he was. Well, he could honestly. He was always rather nervous. But this was taking it to an extreme. His hands were sweaty and his heart was pounding faster than he had ever experienced it before. He sat on the bench outside of the Great Hall definitely not ready to take this. He had been able to appariate a few times, but still it made him rather nauseous and uncomfortable. Was it that way for everyone? He just wanted to get this exam over with and be able to say he passed. He wasn't sure if he would ever really appariate by himself. He would rather walk or take a bus or a portkey or whatever else. But he still wanted to pass. He didn't want to be the only one in his family that couldn't do this skill if need be.

Rune waited outside on the bench as the Ministry worker finally arrived. She spoke to them, yet none of the words were encouraging. She just made Rune all that more nervous. The worst part was the want. He would go before his brother of course, but still he had to wait until the S's were called by their last name. It certainly took awhile. He grew more and more nervous as the time passed. He jumped out of his seat when the professor finally called his name. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he entered the Great Hall.

Rune did not like that all the tables were still there. That was not what they had practiced at all. It was like a trick. he was sure of it. He listened as the rather callious Ministry worker explained where he would have to appariate to. There was no mark. Nothing. He just had to manage to appariate to the front of the Hufflepuff table. At least it was a familar location. If that was any help.

Rune took a lot of deep breaths, trying to calm his heart down. He needed to get rid of these nerves. He stood there for a while breathing, probably looking like an idiot. At least the professor was the only one there to see it. Finally, Rune had calmed down enough that he felt like he could do this. He looked at the location or as the three D's said, the destination. He focused on that, trying to push every other thought out of his mind. He closed his eyes. He could do this. He had to do this.

He waited what felt like hours, but really was only about five minutes before he felt that terrible feeling in his stomach. He felt the tug and he was off. He was afraid to open his eyes at first when he felt his feet land on the floor of the Great Hall. He took a moment before he finally did. He was in the right location. That was perfect. He felt for all his body parts. They were still there. He was not splinched. He let out a breath of relief. He had done it. He had made it to the area with everything intact. That was enough he hoped. He probably would never apparate again though. Just as long as he had passed, which he believed he had. He left the Great Hall, happy to be done with that exam.
Ryder was not nervous at all about this appariation exam. It would be a piece of cake. He had practiced more times than he thought was possible in the last lesson. He was certainly prepared. He didn't know why everyone else was stressing about it. He joined his fellow students on the bench outside the Great Hall. He waited for longer than he would have liked until the Ministry Worker arrived. She gave them a little lecture which Ryder basically zoned out. Yeah yeah, he knew all the stuff already anyway. The most annoying part was the waiting. He had an S last name which would take forever.

Ryder waited impatiently for his name to be called after his brothers. He was plenty annoyed at this point. He had wasted enough time. He just wanted to get it over with. Ryder listened as the professor told him he would have to appariate near the staff table, of course avoiding all the tables that were still in the Great Hall. Easy enough. Ryder thought about the three D's. He pictured the destination in his mind as he closed his eyes. Poof! In a moment he was right were the professor had told him to be. He stood straight, his head held high. He had done it. He had not splinched himself and he had landed in the correct location. He knew that this was going to be a breeze and it was. He left the Great Hall soon after, happy that he knew he had passed the exam with flying colours.
Alice had not overcome her fear, so she knew that she was definitely not ready to take the appariton exam. It was the awareness that nothing would happen. She didn't even want to go to the exam at first, although she was aware that she might get a bad grade and she didn't need that. That's why she gathered herself and went. She was shaking like an aspen leaf as she joined the others at the Great Hall door. As they waited, Alice tried to calm herself down to banish her fears. Until finally it all started that they would have to go inside until their name was called. This meant that it would be time to calm your fears, because there would be a long wait and an agonizing wait.

She was waiting for her name to be called and in the meantime it was a little bit to quell the fear and be sure that everything would be done pretty well to hope for it. She was already starting to get annoyed with the wait, but then her turn came and Alice slowly walked into the Great Hall. She listened to the instruction of what she had to do. Then she concentrated, but then she felt the fear take over her body again, only there was no time to think about it. She ignored them, then took a deep breath into her lungs, it had to be done to be calm. Alice concentrated on what she had to do, then suddenly felt what the tug was supposed to feel and realized she had done it. Only how well it succeeded will be known later. There was no real assurance that everything went perfectly well. There will be some mistakes.
Salem didn't really get nervous about exams or tests at school. Arguably she wasn't even particularly nervous about this one; either she'd fail or she'd pass and there wasn't much she could do about it now, but she had to admit she was jittery with a sort of excitement as she entered the hall for their apparition exam. If she could pass this today, she could spend the entire holiday where ever she wanted. Multiple places even. The prospect was more motivating than anything and she waited eagerly for her turn.

Stepping forward, the instructor directed Salem to a point mid-way through the hall, near the Ravenclaw house table. Salem was vaguely aware she'd have to try not to end up apparating into one of the table benches nearby as she focused in on the spot, vaguely trying to remember the three D's in her head. It hadn't really been a strategy that had worked for her in their practice lessons though and Salem quietly discarded it as she tried to focus on simply just imagining herself on the spot, closing her eyes and willing it to become reality. She grinned as she felt a squeeze and a tug, wobbling slightly as she opened her eyes to find herself in place as directed, not bothering to restrain her whoop of satisfaction to have made it on target and eagerly hurrying from the hall to celebrate somewhere where she wouldn't get in trouble.
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