Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

Out of Character:
Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :p

You will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, PM me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Vader was exceedingly nervous about the apparition exam, he just wanted to pass, it was vital in his mind that he actually pass this, that he get the license to apparate. He had managed it in the last two lessons of it, so he was sure he’d manage it now but he hadn’t been that nervous when he’d done it on those occasions. He had done a lot of reading about apparition in prep food this but it did largely seem like something you just had to do eventually you just had to apparate, practice it and keep at it. Really he just hoped that if he did fail and did splinch himself that it wouldn’t be too life threatening. He was waiting with the rest of the students not for the first time wishing that Ava was there with him because he was sure she’d be able to calm him down in a way that he would never manage himself. But eventually he was called in.
He knew his hands were shaking and he was clutching his wand dearly, how it hadn’t snapped in his grasp was beyond him. He looked to the teacher and then around at the room. Noting that the was room was how it had been that day, just devoid of people. That was different from how they’d experienced it before but he could figure it was probably the way to get them to do it best. Having to have objects in the way. Vader listened and looked to where he was supposed to end up. He had to clear his mind - which took several minutes to do, since every time he got close to it, all of a sudden all of his worries would come rushing back. Though he just focused, the teacher hadn’t put a time limit on it, so he took the time to clear his mind and then followed the three steps. Eventually he felt the pull and after leaning into it and with what he thought was an almighty crack he was in the spot the professor had told him to be. None of him was missing either. He might’ve taken a while, but he’d done it!
The apparition exam was a lot of pressure, and Alice knew she had to do well. The trouble was that it was impossible to practice outside of the lessons, which is something she would have loved to do. Alice headed to the great hall, waiting outside the hall on one of the benches until Miss Finch came to fetch them. They were going to be called in alphabetical order by last name, which meant Alice was going to be up relatively early. She knew the woman worked for the ministry, but als knew it was unlikely that being related to the minister would do her any favors. She didn't seem the type for that. When it was Alice's turn, she took a deep breath before heading into the great hall. Professor Alicastell gave her a spot to apparate to which was near the Hufflepuff table, and Alice felt like that was good luck. The Hufflepuff table was a space she was very familiar with, maybe that would help. She tried her best to focus her thoughts like she had done in the lessons, focusing on the three D's. She popped in place in the right spot, and quickly checked all her buttons and her shoelaces before relaxing. It seemed like she had managed it. She thanked the instructor, then quickly left the great hall.
Abian was extremely nervous about the apparition exam, and the boy showed up to the great hall a little early. That only meant he had to sit and wait on the benches for a long time, his hands shaking a little. He decided to sit on his hands so it wouldn't be as obvious, waiting for the exam to begin. The instructor was as intimidating as ever, and she told them they would be up in alphabetical order. That meant he would probably be right after Vader, and Abian shot a nervous smile at the Gryffindor. When it was his turn to go, he headed into the great hall. Miss Finch told him to apparate to the staff table, a spot that seemed impossibly far away all of a sudden. Abian took a few deep breaths, hoping he wasn't being timed. It took a little while, but eventually he managed to apparate. He was in the spot the teacher had indicated, and he checked his clothes while his heart pounded in his chest. He ran his hand through his hair a few times, fearing a bald spot if he left some hair behind. But it seemed like he hadn't. Still, Abian didn't really relax until he had left the great hall. He thought he had done well, but he wasn't confident.
Emily was almost never nervous about anything, but the apparition exam... the thought just kept cycling over and over in her head that something was going to go wrong today, and she wouldn't be able to get her license after everything. Though they couldn't practice in the castle she had been doing her best to simulate practicing, choosing a location to focus on and keeping the three Ds in mind. When her name was called for the exam she entered the Great Hall, grimacing slightly at the sight of all the chairs and tables in their usual places. She listened carefully to the location she was given to apparate to and turned all her attention to it, focusing intently. She couldn't make even the smallest mistake, and had worn her hair up in a bun, paired with shorts, jandals, and a T-shirt to give herself the absolute minimum amount of things that could go wrong. It took a long moment before Emily finally felt the pull, relaxing in relief as she followed the feeling, disappearing from the spot she had stood and reappearing a moment later exactly on her target. She beamed with relief, checking herself over, and was incredibly pleased to find that nothing seemed out of place. She had done it!
William tried hard to pretend he wasn't nervous about the apparition exam. He had found the classes much easier than he had expected to, surely he didn't actually have anything to worry about. It didn't stop him worrying though, just the slightest mistake today could completely ruin his plans for his future. It was a heavy burden, and he tried the best he could not to dwell on it, just focusing on the task at hand. When his name was called he entered the Great Hall, listening carefully to the instructions. One chance, everything riding on it. If he hadn't been nervous before, that would have done it. He focused on the spot he had been assigned, trying to clear his mind and focus on the three Ds the way he had in class. To William's relief it took almost no time before he felt the pull, following it to the spot he had been assigned to land on. Looking around, William could tell that he had successfully hit his target, and he whooped in relief, before realising the ministry woman was still watching him and quieting down. Still, it was hard to suppress his excitement as he left the Great Hall again, beaming with relief.
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