Apparition 3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in.

Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.

Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please PM if you plan on splinching.
Eugene walked into the great hall for the last lesson on apparition before the exam. He didn’t love the lack of practice that they got on it. He would’ve liked to do a little more practicing, but it would have to just be with this lesson, in this last lesson. Eugene stood in a line with the other students and noted the x on the ground, which was in front of everyone. He didn’t mind that, he could do it. He watched as others went first and eventually it was his turn. The urge as he stood concentrating and waiting to apparate, to run across the hall was intense, but he quiet down his mind and just focused, and eventually he felt the tug and then let himself be pulled across the room to the x. He felt pretty good about his attempt and then practiced it as many times as he was able to. He just didn’t want to get it wrong, or not have the necessary practice.​
Valeria walked into the great hall and stood in a line with the other students of the year. She glanced towards the teacher who began explaining to them how they’d practice this time around. She didn’t mind, she liked showing off and this was going to be the perfect place to do that. The ravenclaw watched as quite a few others went before her and then she stepped forward. She focused herself, standing up straight, looking towards the X and imagining herself being over at it in a flash. She took a deep breath and then it took a little bit longer before she apparated across the hall and to the x. Valeria was very pleased with herself. Val practiced one more time before heading off, feeling pretty confident that she had it.​
Rhys had been looking forward to the next Apparition lesson, confident that he would be able to get it first try this time. He'd been thinking about things a lot and was sure the extra practice he'd put in during the last time was going to pay off now. He was quiet as he listened to the teacher before lining up with everyone else. As soon as they could start Rhys concentrated, thinking over the important D's in his head before focusing on the destination, scrunching his eyes slightly as he concentrated. And the next second he had vanished from where he had been standing and appeared at the other end of the hall right on top of the X. He refrained from fist-pumping, instead, heading back to try again. And then again. And one more time for good measure. He finally left the Great Hall after the fifth practice, confident that he could do it once it came to the actual exam.
Kita knew this would be the last lesson for appariation. They had only been able to practice once which seemed ridiculous. She wasn't worried though. She knew she would do perfectly like she did everything in her life. She knew her value and also knew how above she was from everyone else around it. No one else would admit this aloud, which certainly fueled Kita's need for some sort of revenge plan to put everyone in their place. She had not come up with a way to express her anger yet though. Since this was the case, Kita knew she just had to focus on her classes. She would get the best grades as always, but definitely put in less effort or no effort to impress the professors. One reason she liked appariation. It was a ministry worker instead of a professor.

Kita entered the Great Hall and stood near some of her classmates. She only focused on the ministry worker as the lesson began. They were practicing appariation again, but this time they had to line up. What a waste of time. Kita joined the line and waited her turn impatiently. This impatience only grew until finally she was able to try. Kita looked at the X across from the Great Hall. She focused on the three D's that were given in the first lesson. She was determined. She knew her destination. Now she just had to act on it. She closed her eyes and pictured the X clearly in her mind. She willed herself to be there.

After a few seconds, she felt that feeling in her stomach. She opened her eyes and she was right on the X. She smirked in triumph. Of course, she had done it. Kita got in line to practice one more time. Once she had landed on the X twice, she felt like that was enough. She left the Great Hall. This exam would be easy.
Zee was ready to give appariation another go. She had managed it in the last class, but she did not feel comfortable enough taking the exam. She had to get it right the first time and quickly if she was to get her license to appariate whenever. The Gryffindor girl entered the Great Hall, joining the many classmates that had already arrived. She took a spot in the crowd as the lesson began.

The Ministry worker explained what they would be doing today. They would be trying to appariate to the X in the Great Hall. That seemed just as easy as a hoop. Zee could visualize it. She joined the long line of students. She hated waiting in line, but she wanted to practice of course. When it was finally Zee's turn, she stepped up. She pictured the X in her mind and then visualized herself landing directly on the spot. Zee closed her eyes and off she went after a few seconds. She felt that sick feeling like she was being squished into a small area. But when she opened her eyes, she was directly on the X. She let out a small cheer before joining the line again.

Zee continued to practice over and over again, each time landing on the X. She went as many times as she could go within the time. She felt much more confident now to take the exam. She left the Great Hall, one of the last ones to leave. She was ready for the exam now. Nothing more she could do but take it.
Caleb was feeling pretty confident as he arrived at the last apparition lesson before the exam. The thoughts of his sister were less persistent as he waited to be let into the great hall once more. The instructor was as cheerful as usual but he followed along and was looking forward to more practice. He got in line but took his time so he ended up towards the end but he didn’t mind. He wanted to get a good idea for how the rest of his classmates were doing. He listened to the instructions and it seemed easy enough. Caleb tapped his foot as he waited but finally it was his turn and he stared at the red X and focused on it. He went over the three D’s and took a deep breath. It took him a moment to grab hold of the magic but when he did it felt like he couldn’t breath and his whole body was weightless for a moment until he landed solidly on his feet. He looked down and grinned when he saw the X look up at him. He practice a few more times, mostly for fun more than to practice. But the lesson was over quickly but he was feeling confident about the exam. Probably the only exam he had ever felt confident for.
Despite an abysmal track record so far, Rene was still keen to keep working on apparition lessons. The trade off was worth getting a little headache, though he hoped there was a bit more instruction and less staring this lesson, especially with their exam looming. He supposed it was a bit like taking his driver's test if he were at a normal high school like all his friends back home, though he'd already gotten his learner permit over the last break and it wasn't nearly as stressful as this.

Rene tried not to fidget, grateful for his height as he peered over people's heads in line to watch closely as the students in front of him took their turns trying to apparate onto the X. It should be easy in theory, and some classmates certainly made it look so, but Rene could only stand there dumbly for a few minutes furrowing his brow and staring before he muttered an embarrassed mumble and moved to the back of the line.

He was dreading his next go round, staring once again at the X as his turn came again, but this time he felt a squeeze, like he was being pushed or maybe pulled and he tried to keep his focus, stumbling in a confused circle as he appeared several meters to the left on where he'd been standing. It was way off target, but definite progress and Rene let out an excited laugh, eager to get back in line and keep trying until the lesson was over.
After last week's minor succes, Ivelisse was more determined than ever to do well this week. Especially when this was the only other time they got to practice before their exam. It seemed like a very short time to learn something, and yet most of them were doing quite alright at it. She took a stand in the line that was formed when they were told to apparate onto the x one by one, watching as some of her classmates went before her. Once it was her turn, Ivelisse focussed everything she had on appearing on the X and closed her eyes before feeling herself being tugged away. When she opened them, she noticed she was slightly off and tried her best not to show that it was botherin her. Especially not when some of her classmates made it look like there was almost no way to do it wrong. She took a stand in line and waited until it was her turn again, this time appearing right in the centre of the X. She practiced a few more times when she had the chance just to make sure thing would go over well during the exam and eventually left the hall.
Louis was hopeful for today's apparition lesson. He had actually managed to apparate last time, though he had only managed to actually do it once. Unfortunately, they were unable to practice in between lessons, so Louis had been waiting impatiently for the next and final lesson on the subject. The ministry lady told them they would resume praticing today, then said something about the kids who hadn't managed to apparate last time. Louis couldn't help himself, he glanced at René. But then the lady told them to line up, so Louis turned his attention back to her as she explained what they had to do. They had to apparate from one end of the great hall to the other, to a red X on the floor. It seemed more difficult than the hoops had been, but that was probably the point. Loius tried his best, but hes still wasn't entirely sure what to do. Louis fidgeted as he waited for his turn, then he tried his best. He opened his eyes to find himself in a different spot, but it wasn't the other side of the room. Still, it was about halfway there. Louis had to try a few more times before he managed the X. But he did manage it. When the lesson was over, Louis felt pretty confident. He was going to nail this exam.
As much as Celia wanted to learn to apparate, she did not want to go to today's lesson. She had spent the past few weeks doing her best to avoid her classmates, but that was impossible during a lesson. Her one solace was that everyone would be too focused on their apparition practice to pay much attention to her. Celia entered the Great Hall, trying not to wince as Ms. Finch stared at her. Had the woman somehow heard about her dad? On one hand, Celia assumed Ministry officials had better things to think about than adolescent gossip. On the other hand, she knew the magical community in New Zealand was tiny.

Ms. Finch asked them to line up, and Celia tried to find a spot between two of her more unassuming classmates. Her stomach sank when the woman explained that they would be apparating one at a time. The last thing Celia wanted to do was to be the center of attention and have to apparate while her classmates watched her. She now wished she'd gotten a spot further back so that there would be fewer people around when she made her attempt. But trying to move back would only attract more unwanted attention.

As Celia got closer to the front of the line, the knot of anxiety in her stomach seemed to grow. Finally, it was her turn. Celia clenched her jaw and stared at the X, determined not to let anyone know how uncomfortable she was. Destination, determination, deliberation, she silently chanted to herself. Destination, determination, deliberation. Celia tried not to think about what her classmates must be thinking, but that was impossible. So when she finally twisted on the spot, she disappeared and reappeared several meters away, missing the X completely. It wasn't even close.

Cheeks burning, Celia made her way to the back of the line, determinedly avoiding the gazes of her classmates. Her fists were clenched so tight they hurt, but at least the pain was a useful distraction. On her next attempt, she was able to land on the X. She hadn't landed in the center, like some of her other classmates, but her feet were touching it. That was good enough, Celia decided, and she strode quickly towards the exit. She didn't want to be here any longer than necessary.

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