A long time coming

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Kailey Harrington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 1/2" Firm Fir Wand with the essence of Dragon Heartstring
Okay, so I'm sure this comes as a surprise to nobody so I don't know why I'm even making this out. But it's pretty obvious that I've been gone from the site for a while now. I've tried to come back multiple times, but for now it just isn't working. I love this place the it's members to death. But my muse and energy is tapped out and I'm barely on the computer period anymore. (I'm averaging maybe 1-2 hours a week, and that is in short, choppy fragments.)

So I'm leaving the site, I don't really know how long I'll be gone... A week, a month, possibly for good. I've loved every second of my time here and hate to think of it coming to an end, but that may wind up being the case. School is slamming into us with a dictator like principal on the loose, cramming for the CATS test coming up in about two weeks then immediately cramming for and doing Finals afterwards.

So I hope this is only until Summer break rolls around, My last day is May 26th but I'm an usher at Graduation and I'll be settling into an online summer college course so realistically I'd hope to be waddling back into all of this around the beginning of June, but I can't make any promises.

I love each and every one of you and I'll miss you all until my (Hopeful!) return!

See you in Junee~!
Enjoy your break from me. ;)
Enjoy your time off Kelsey. I know what you're going through. :hug:
Aww hope you come back :)

Good Luck with RL regardless!!
This is unacceptable...how will the three muskateers thrive without their Kailey? :cry: Le sigh, I understand about needing a break though. Enjoy your time away, get rested up and then come back to RP with us some more :D :hug:
Take care of yourself and best of luck with exams and school stuff.
I hope to see you back soon :hug:
Good luck with everything Kels and hope you can get back to us when things calm down for you :wub:

- Pattycakes :hug:
No matter what happens, Kels, we all :wub: you. Good luck with school!
Good luck, sorry to hear about that but hoping you'll come back ^_^ :hug: All the best x
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