- Messages
- 116
- OOC First Name
- - stacey -
- Wand
- Black Walnut 12.5 inch Essence of Meteorite Dust Core
- Age
- 5/2034
<i></i>N A M E: Zoe Ella Harkness

"There is thunder in our hearts.
And lightning in our veins."
<i></i>And lightning in our veins."
<i></i><B>B I R T H D A T E: 17 May 2034
<B>B L O O D | S T A T U S: Half Blood
H O U S E: Gryffindor
A P P E A R A N C E: 157 cm, honey blonde hair (usually messy),
light blue eyes, has a big toothy grin.
light blue eyes, has a big toothy grin.
P E R S O N A L I T Y: Bubbly, friendly, rather impulsive but very wary of the rules, stands up for her friends and loves making new ones. She takes the blame even when it was not her fault, or others were involved. She knows that she is the family favourite, and does not hesitate to remind anyone if the situation calls for it.
<i></i>F A M I L Y:
<I>Mother: Miranda Harkness
- 46
- Pure Blood Witch
- Lawyer; strict but ultimately caring
- Upholder of outrageous old fashioned traditions
- Ex Gryffindor
Father: Graham Harkness
- 50
- Muggle
- General Practitioner
- Dad-Jokes-making food lover.
Very submissive to his wife,
who makes all final decisions.
Oldest sister: Mariah Harkness
- 21
- Half Blood Witch
- Attending Harvard and studying medicine;
responsible second mother to Zoe
- Was the family favourite until Zoe was born
- Ex Gryffindor
Oldest brother: Ezra Harkness
- 19
- Half Blood Wizard
- Taking a prolonged gap year; really lazy
and wants to be a video game developer
- Always picks a fight over food
- Ex Gryffindor
Second oldest brother: Jacob Harkness
- 17
- Muggle
- A natural born trouble maker
who always picks on Zoe
- Embarrassingly scared of Mariah
Third oldest brothers: Louis and Henry Harkness
- 15
- Half Blood Wizards
- The creepy twins who do everything together/
the next Fred and George
- Blackmailing extraordinaires
- Gryffindor fifth years
Aunt Hilda: Sister of Miranda
- 38
- Pure Blood Witch
- Very rich, and spoils the children - especially Zoe
- Is currently caught in the middle of the family feud
- Ex Gryffindor
<i></i>- 46
- Pure Blood Witch
- Lawyer; strict but ultimately caring
- Upholder of outrageous old fashioned traditions
- Ex Gryffindor
<i></i>- 50
- Muggle
- General Practitioner
- Dad-Jokes-making food lover.
Very submissive to his wife,
who makes all final decisions.
<i></i>- 21
- Half Blood Witch
- Attending Harvard and studying medicine;
responsible second mother to Zoe
- Was the family favourite until Zoe was born
- Ex Gryffindor
<i></i>- 19
- Half Blood Wizard
- Taking a prolonged gap year; really lazy
and wants to be a video game developer
- Always picks a fight over food
- Ex Gryffindor
<i></i>- 17
- Muggle
- A natural born trouble maker
who always picks on Zoe
- Embarrassingly scared of Mariah
<i></i>- 15
- Half Blood Wizards
- The creepy twins who do everything together/
the next Fred and George
- Blackmailing extraordinaires
- Gryffindor fifth years
- 38
- Pure Blood Witch
- Very rich, and spoils the children - especially Zoe
- Is currently caught in the middle of the family feud
- Ex Gryffindor
<i></i>H I S T O R Y: Although the Harknesses were basically disowned by the Solaces (the family from which Miranda and Hilda come from), Zoe had a happy childhood in New Zealand. She has a very good relationship with her oldest sister Mariah; has a fairly ordinary relationship with her oldest brother Ezra; has a teasing relationship with her second oldest brother Jacob; and has been the accomplice and victim of many a pranks by the twins. Zoe herself has a history of playing pranks that may or may not be entirely good for the person being pranked. She has always tried her hardest to abide by the rules and listen to her mother - but her patience is usually under strain. She also used to be a Girl Scout, but then she got a little bored and quit.
She was overjoyed to learn that she had been sorted into Gryffindor, just like her family.
I N T E R E S T S: Quidditch; sport; flying; Charms; pranks;
escaping chores; Stephen King books;
and spending time with family and friends.
D R E A M S: Joining the Gryffindor quidditch team.
F R I E N D S: <COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Lavinia Benivieni | Kira Wolf
<i></i>She was overjoyed to learn that she had been sorted into Gryffindor, just like her family.
<i></i>I N T E R E S T S: Quidditch; sport; flying; Charms; pranks;
escaping chores; Stephen King books;
and spending time with family and friends.
D R E A M S: Joining the Gryffindor quidditch team.
F R I E N D S: <COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Lavinia Benivieni | Kira Wolf
<i></i><FONT font="Times New Roman">G E N E R A L | R O L E P L A Y S: Brave New World |
Pretend Its Home | Meet The Bookworm | Before We Forget | Operation: Slipping Under The Radar | Gathering a Girl...or Girls?
Pretend Its Home | Meet The Bookworm | Before We Forget | Operation: Slipping Under The Radar | Gathering a Girl...or Girls?