Zhenzhen Young

Zhenzhen Young

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- My name is Zhenzhen Young
-ZhenZhen meaning Precious
-Young meaning Youth

Date of Birth:
- I was born or was told I was born on Autum day of October 15th

Current Age:
- My current age is eleven years old

Basic Appearance:
- Looks more Chinese than Canadian
- She had almost round eyes but they get slander almost towards the end. They are jet black, but underneath moonlight they change to a light violet.
-She has black hair much like her eyes, it is jet black and straight
-Her style of clothing his retro and a bit of old school trash and skat. She also likes to wear old school punk clothing, unable to afford the latest fashion she prefers the old school style anyways.
- ZhenZhen or also known as Precious, is a tomboy but at the same time girl kind of girl. She can come as being tough and ruthless in the eyes of many, but if you go to know you will know that's not the whole truth at all.
- People will say she mean and arrogant, she acts way to out of control and that she been known to be restraint alot of times. This is where the freedom of speech and creative sides comes out of her, otherwise people can be so judgemental.
- Weird

- None, Ward of the County

- Can't afford a pet

Area of Residence:
- Ontario, Canada

Blood Status:
- Unknown Blood Status

- Chinese and Candian, Canadian Born

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Filiming
- Directing her Short Stories at young age of eight she really got into after her foster parent at the time gave her a muggel camcord for her birthday. It was the first present she ever received from anyone, she cherish still after a couple years later.
-Amature Acting I suppose come with film and directing?
Additional Skills:
- studying the world around her a bit more attentive than a normal eleven year would be,

- Surviving
- Believe in Freedom of Speech
- Being creative with her Film
-How she gets sick so easily with anything
-The effects of losing memories all the time, it's like have old timers but a young age.
It happens frequently with her but there are times when she can recall something back.
- What others say about her that is so not true to her at all.
Describe your character in three words:
- Weak but Strong
-Happy but Mad
- Somtimes Lost because of her effects of losing memories

Favourite place to be:
- Niagara Falls, she been there quiet a few times.
-Sometimes to film or just be there to recall back a few memories and secrets, it comes as a shock this is where she remeber

- None

Hogwarts House:
- She probably end up being an Slytherin because of the way she is misjudge

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- At the moment, none

Best school subjects:
- n/a

Worst school subjects:
- n/a

Extracurricular Activities:
- n/a

- In Seven Years

Current Job:
- None

Plans for your future:
- To find any family that are still alive and out there

Your Patronus:
- Candian Lynx

Your Patronus memory:
- Getting the camcord for her firest present and actually staying the placement longer than usual.

Your Boggart:
- Restraint, any kind of restraint.
Hospitals, being lock away for hours on end.

Your Animagus:
- Arctic fox

Mirror of Erised:
- Any face she could remember when she was a child, hopefully the glimpse of the past and her parents with her. If she could have that chance with them.

A page from your diary:
-My life is over, my camera no longer work and it happen the day the light shattered into pieces the time I was in the wreck room with the other girls. I have no idea how that happen and it happen while I was yelling at Ebony for stealing my Dorito Chips off my dresser. When I got mad the light exploded and my camera stop working. Half my stuff stop working actually. I was so mad and upset that I went crying to my room, locking myself away from everyone at the home. It was the worst day ever, till an owl came to my window and in it's beak held a letter with strange writing on the front. I read my name from there everything just got a lot more weirder than before....

Zhen xx
Just quickly corrected the spelling of your topic for you, if you don't mind! :3 Also,
-Did she go from Foster Home to Foster Home?
-Out of my own curiosity, would they be Muggle's or Wizard's?
-What was her relationship like with her Foster Parents?
-If it was bad, how did she get from Ontario to New Zealand?
-What happened to her parents? (or is that part of your plot? :p)

Full Name:
- My name is Zhenzhen Young
-ZhenZhen meaning Precious
-Young meaning Youth

Date of Birth:
- I was born or was told I was born on an Autumn day on October 15th

Current Age:
- My current age is eleven years old

Basic Appearance:
- Looks more Chinese than Canadian
- She had almost round eyes but they get slander almost towards the end. They are jet black, but underneath moonlight they change to a light violet.
-She has black hair much like her eyes, it is jet black and straight.
-Her style of clothing his retro and a bit of old school trash and skat. She also likes to wear old school punk clothing, unable to afford the latest fashion she prefers the old school style anyways.
- ZhenZhen or also known as Precious, is a tomboy but at the same time, girly. She can come as being tough and ruthless in the eyes of many, but if you go to know you will know that's not the whole truth at all.
- People will say she's mean and arrogant, she acts way too out of control and that she been known to be restraint alot of times. This is where the freedom of speech and creative sides comes out of her, otherwise people can be so judgemental.
- Weird

- None, Ward of the County

- Can't afford a pet

Area of Residence:
- Ontario, Canada

Blood Status:
- Unknown Blood Status

- Chinese and Candian, Canadian Born

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Filiming
- Directing her Short Stories at the young age of eight, she really got into it after her foster parents at the time gave her a Muggle camcorder for her birthday. It was the first present she ever received from anyone, she still cherishes it, even though it's a couple years later.
-Amature Acting, I suppose it comes with film and directing?
Additional Skills:
- Studying the world around her, and a bit more attentive than a normal eleven year would be.

- Surviving
- Belief in Freedom of Speech
- Being creative with her films
-How she gets sick so easily with anything
-The effect of losing memories all the time, it's like have old timers but a young age.
It happens frequently with her but there are times when she can recall something back.
- What others say about her that is so not true to her at all.
Describe your character in three words:
- Weak, but Strong
-Happy, but Mad
- Sometimes lost because of her effects of losing memories

Favourite place to be:
- Niagara Falls, she been there quiet a few times.
-Sometimes to film or just be there to recall back a few memories and secrets, it comes as a shock this is where she remembers things the best.

- None

Hogwarts House:
- She will probably end up being Slytherin because of the way she is misjudged.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- At the moment, none.

Best school subjects:
- n/a

Worst school subjects:
- n/a

Extracurricular Activities:
- n/a

- In Seven Years

Current Job:
- None

Plans for your future:
- To find any family that are still alive and out there.

Your Patronus:
- Candian Lynx

Your Patronus memory:
- Getting the camcorder for her first present and actually staying in the placement longer than usual.

Your Boggart:
- Restraint, any kind of restraint.
Hospitals, being lock away for hours on end.

Your Animagus:
- Arctic fox

Mirror of Erised:
- Any face she could remember when she was a child, hopefully the glimpse of the past and her parents with her. If she could have that chance with them.

A page from your diary:
-My life is over, my camera no longer works. It happened the day that the light shattered into pieces, the time I was in the wreck room with the other girls. I have no idea how it happened, but it happen while I was yelling at Ebony for stealing my Dorito Chips off my dresser. When I got mad, the light exploded and my camera stop working. Half my stuff stopped working actually. I was so mad and upset that I went crying to my room, locking myself away from everyone at the home. It was the worst day ever, till an owl came to my window and in it's beak held a letter with strange writing on the front. I read my name from there everything just got a lot more weirder than before....

Zhen xx
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Just quickly corrected the spelling of your topic for you, if you don't mind! :3 Also,
The spelling of my writing or my topic title? I think it's alright, otherwise is that why you copy and pasted my whole thing over? Cause it's nearly impossible with spell check for me to make mistakes now xD

-Did she go from Foster Home to Foster Home?
Nope, she lived in a home. Meaning she stayed in this place much like an orphanage except no one gets adopted and you basically stay till your eighteen.

-Out of my own curiosity, would they be Muggle's or Wizard's?
IC she probably wouldn't to tell you the truth. Zhen has this weird premature old timers disease where she loses her memories often, that's why she has to write most of what she knows down on journal.

Now OOC the owner is a muggel born, she been running this place for years now. She sometimes thinks Zhen disease has something to do with the magic world. She hope it did and it's something that can be fix.

-What was her relationship like with her Foster Parents?
With the woman? Fair, nothing to serious. Zhen keeps her distant from everyone.

-If it was bad, how did she get from Ontario to New Zealand?
The woman heard about Hogwarts New Zealand, when she realized Zhen was a witch, she was hoping for New Zealand. Having heard much about the school and all.
-What happened to her parents? (or is that part of your plot? :p)
This will probably be in her biography when I further develop her more, but I have the slightest idea what happen, and that's all I'm going to say
"Zhen has this weird premature old timers disease where she loses her memories often"
Anterograde Amnesia or Retrograde Amnesia maybe?

I was actually looking for a term to describe it (I took this idea from Butterfly Effect, it's a great movie !) but I will look further into it :) though Anterograde Amnesia sounds right. Thanks for your help :D !!

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