Zara McCaffrey

OOC First Name
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Full Name:
Zara McCaffrey

Zara's father wanted to name her Sarah after his deceased sister but her mother had a dislike of boring ordinary names and thus a compromise of Zara was made. Neither parent saw any need for a middle name. That was one thing in the naming of Zara where they were in complete agreement.

Date of Birth:
4th October 2024

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Hair: Very dark brown. Almost black. Thick and straight though does curl a little in wet or humid weather.
Eyes: Dark brown.
Height: Currently her height is 4ft 7 (140 cm)

Zara is outgoing, impatient and easily bored. She never can sit still very long and is easily distractable. She doesn't like activities in which require sitting such as reading and cannot understand why other people read for enjoyment. Zara is not a very empathetic young girl and can be cruel with her jokes whilst completely unaware of how much she is hurting the feelings of a fellow human being. She just thinks it's all in fun for everyone involved.


Father: Adoniram McCaffrey is a half-blood Australian who moved to New Zealand after graduating from a magical school in that country. He has never given a straight answer for his decision. Whenever anyone asks he will make up some wild story, each one different from the previous. The one Zara believes is the story of the dragon he helped rescue and he had to quickly leave the country because things got to hot for him. He never talks much about his own parents whom he claim died when he was sixteen but never says how. All the family knows about them was that his father was supposedly an Irish pureblood who after married a muggleborn had to quickly leave Ireland. Considering his other wild stories no-one can verify the story beyond the fact that the elder McCaffreys did indeed come from Ireland. Zara is very close to her father and finds him very entertaining.

Maria McCaffrey (formerly Vaughn) - Maria is a half-blood English witch who'd gone to Hogwarts in Scotland. She moved to New Zealand a couple of years after graduation at the request of a sister who'd migrated there a couple of years earlier. It was only supposed to be for a couple of years but then she met Adoniram only two months after moving there. Maria is much more serious than her husband with a surprisingly fanciful streak. She's much more on the ball with their children when there is any playing up than he is. Zara can be especially wilful with her mother and usually ends up spending a lot of time staring at her bedroom wall due to her behaviour. Both of Maria's parents are half-bloods and still live in England. Her sister moved back to England a few years after Zara was born.

Charlton McCaffrey - Charlie is fifteen and a squib. Even before it was obvious he had no magic he and Zara had often fought. Now with her officially soon to attend Hogwarts New Zealand the animosity between the two has increased tenfold. He is resentful and she does not help matters by her continually rubbing it in and boasting about all she will do at Hogwarts.

Quentin McCaffrey - Quentin is eight and Zara thinks he's a pest she could well do without. He is already showing signs of magic which is a relief to the parents and dread to Zara. She was hoping she'd never have him at Hogwarts with her.

Zara doesn't have any pets of her very own but the family owns a dog which looks like different parts of other dogs had been thrown together. They were told when they got him he is a setter/red healer/labrador/beagle mixed with something else unidentifiable. There is also the owl which lives down in the back garden. Zara hopes to have an owl of her very own.

Area of Residence:
The McCaffrey's have lived in Wellington for as long as Adoniram & Maria have been together.

Blood Status:
The family is half-blood with no contact with any muggle family member since the last purely muggle in the family (Maria's grandfather) died long before Zara was born.

On the McCaffrey side the family is purely Irish. On her mother's side it is mostly English with a dash of German ancestry.

Special Abilities:
At this point in her life Zara has shown no special abilities though her mother does claim she has the ability to get out of one lot of trouble and into another within the blink of an eye.

Interests or Hobbies:
Quidditch and tree climbing. They are her two favourite things to do. Anything which requires concentration for more than ten minutes is a bit much for Zara to handle. Thus the music lessons her mother insisted she have turned out to be a waste of time and money. She has tried a few other different hobbies but mastered none of them having lost interest within the first couple of weeks.

Additional Skills:
Zara does not as yet have any other skills since her mother vetoed her learning to fly before Hogwarts much to her disgust.

Courage. Quick wit. Athletic.

She's impulsive and will often leap into things or jump to conclusions within half a heartbeat. No thought to her actions or reasoning used. Zara does have a tendency to tease other people mercilessly.

Describe your character in three words:
Impulsive, chatterbox, flutterby

Favourite place to be:
The Wall. A low wall she's come across which borders some plants is perfect for sitting on whilst planning her next move or leaping from if the mood takes her. Zara attributes that wall to her best ideas (never mind that they usually end in disaster).

She has a few friends at the muggle school she currently attends but isn't especially close to any of them. They are just a group of girls she hangs out with at break time. Zara won't really miss them once she starts at Hogwarts and doesn't care if they don't miss her.

Hogwarts House:
Zara was not at all happy with her sorting. She had her heart set on Gryffindor and despised Slytherin because she hates the colour green and for some perverse reason she wanted to have the same house as her mother had back in Britain. Given enough time she see much more clearly that even though the colour is green Slytherin really is the best fit.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Join the Quidditch team and become captain is her greatest ambition. The school work is just stuff she has to do. However she does think learning real spells will make up for the duller parts of her schooling.

Best school subjects:
Zara thinks DADA will be her best school subject because from what she's gleaned from her parents it involves learning how to throw hexes at people.

Worst school subjects:
History of Magic is the prediction of not just Zara but pretty much the rest of the family because of all the reading it involves. No wand waving to speak of. Though her father did suggest that with her wild imagination she may surprise them. Zara still hasn't figured out what that has to do with History.

Extracurricular Activities:
In Zara's own words: 'Quidditch of course!'

One day.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Zara believes in living in the now rather than planning for the future. Quidditch may be the exception.

Your Patronus:
"I reckon my patronus will be a spider. That'll scare everyone. Silly of people to be afraid of spiders. Dad reckons it'll be a pelican because they've got big mouths. I'm not sure why he thinks that'd suit."

Your Patronus memory:
The memory most likely to be used by Zara is the holiday the family went on not long after Charlie didn't receive a Hogwarts letter. They'd gone to England to visit their mother's family and Zara really enjoyed meeting her grandparents and cousins.

Your Boggart:
Really big waves at the beach. Zara was nearly drowned at a beach in Australia because of big waves and that experience has affected her in such a way that she refuses to even set foot on the sand of a beach.

Your Animagus:
In Zara's own words, "One day I'm gonna turn into a possum. Dad calls them pests and since he also thinks I'm a pest so of course it'll be the perfect animal to be. Then I can be a pest to him and he won't even know it's me."

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