Zack C.James

Zack C.James

Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
The Basics
Character's Name: Zachary Charles James
Nick Name: Zack
Character's Birth date: November 12th, 2021
Home-town: Australia, Perth
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Educated At: Durmstrang
Occupation: Student

Hair: Light golden, short and rather flicky.
Eyes: Deep Greenish Blue.
Height: 5'7
Build: Zack is well built, strong and muscular. He is rather tall and is still growing.
Style: Casual but expensive. Jeans, shirts, Jackets and mostly always Black Vans.
Other Distinguishing Features: His lights golden hair and deep eyes.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Zack can be quite proud and full of himself at most times, and is usually a trouble maker, loving to get into mischief and pull pranks. He is strong willed and independent, but loves to be the centre of attention. He is ready to battle any fight that occurs and is brave in that stance. He can be quite sympathetic and caring of others, especially his twin even though she doesn't think so. He in intelligent, but mostly likes to relax and have fun, except for when someone insults him or importantly his family, then his is quick tempered and quick witted.
Biggest Fear: Spiders and losing family members, especially his twin.
Bogget: Giant Spider.
Greatest Desire: To become an Auror and a warrior for the Ministry of Magic.

Name: Caden Ryan James.
Age: 46
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Ministry of Magic
Hair: Black short hair, some grey hairs, only little though.
Eyes: Brown flecked with green, like Lisa.
Height: 6'1

Name: Enevera Kelcy James
Age: 44
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Occupation: Healer
Hair: Light blonde, long and wavy, like Lisa. Her colour is where Lisa and Zack get their colour from.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7

Twin Sister
Name: Lisa Emily James.
Birth Date: 12th of November, 2019
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Occupation: Durmstrang Student
Hair: Golden blonde like her Brother's.
Eyes: Brown.
Height: 5'1

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