Closed Yule have a cool first date.

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Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
Sky was nervous. she was going to the ball with a date. it wasn't the first time she had been to a dance with a date. but it was the first time it had felt like a proper date, with someone she was interested in. they had hung out a few times in the arts room over the semester first by chance or just by being there at the same times. however the last few times they had met up for planned jam sessions, it had been nice getting past her slightly cold exteria and getting to see bits of who she was, and it was after one of these sessions that the topic of the ball had come up and somehow it had ended up with them agreeing to go together on a date even though she wasnt sure who asked first.
But now she was nervous? what did one do on a date? should she feel bad that her dome mates werent going with date and she was ditching them? no she should enjoy the ball. they had both been to enough dances with dates to let her have hers.
She had spent ages that afternoon deciding on an outfit. half her wardrobe was strewn over her bed. sleeping in it would be a later her's problem. eventually she had decided to go with a two peice a dress with a flowy orange top that went with a white skirt with orange 3d butterflies around the hem. it was pretty, simple, not too ove the top but still had some personality.
once her hair and makeup were done, and lets face it neither took long as her hair was too short to really do much with other than brush and she was not a huge make up fan she was ready.
sky made her way down the stairs her heart beat getting quicker with each one down until she couldhear it in her ears and feel her pulse in her fingers. she was relieved that she got to the entrance hall first. she stopped in a spot that she coould see both halls as well as the door to the passage towards slytherin house. she took some deep breaths as she waited trying to settle herself before Ngawaiata arrived.
Ngawaiata had been trying and failing to be extremely cool about this date ever since it had come up, and for the first time in her life she was failing. As her classmates had started getting wrapped up in silly relationship drama around her, Ngawaiata had mostly stayed out of it. It wasn't that she wasn't interested in dating in and of itself, but the whole process of.... getting it all started... that was all a bit much. How could you just... put yourself out there like that?

But then she had started spending more time with Sky in the arts room, making music together, or just hanging out and talking, and bit by bit things had begun to change. Ngawaiata didn't think she had ever thought of another person as "easy to talk to" before, but Sky fit that description to a T. Everything felt simple with her, the pressures of the world melting away as she could just... be herself, with no fear or expectation. The conversation when it happened had been back and forth enough that Ngawaiata wasn't entirely sure anymore who had proposed the date, but somehow her fluttering new feelings had been rewarded; they were going to the Yule Ball together.

Ngawaiata had spent an embarrassing amount of time deciding what to wear, fussing with her appearance in a way she never had before. It felt silly, but she couldn't help looking over her hair for what felt like a dozen times before finally heading up to the Great Hall. Sky was already there when she arrived, and she greeted the Hufflepuff with a small, nervous smile. "Hey." She looked over the other girl's dress, glad that she hadn't gone hard on the glamour. Not that it seemed like something Sky would do, but some of the girls at this school made such a fuss out of what to wear to dances. "Your dress is beautiful." She added, fighting back her nerves. This was a date, and she didn't need to feel silly about complimenting Sky.
Sky saw a familiar face through the crowd and felt the nerves drop off her as Ngawaiata approached. in that moment it didn't matter what she looked like or if Ngawaiata liked her back. she was here and it was going to be an amazing night. she smiled as the girl approahed. "Hey Ngawaiata" she said realising just then that just showing up was a good start but not everyhting for the date. what was she meant to do to greet her, shaking hands seemed too formal. a hug too personal. "thank you" she said as Ngawaiata complemented her outfit. She miled as her eyes took in her outfit, "you look, wow. Stunning" she said. it was true her date was in a white linin dress. so very simple. but beautiful in a way that said i dont need anyhting over the top to distract from my own beauty. which was certainly somehting that she could appreciate. "should we go in" she asked offering a hand out to Ngawaiata to take. as she took a step towards the door.
Ngawaiata did her best to wrestle down her nerves, and didn't even fight back the smile that split her face when Sky complimented her. Something about smiling in big groups of people had always felt too vulnerable to Ngawaiata, like she was drawing too much attention to herself, but with Sky it was all so easy. She wanted her attention, and didn't much care if anyone else was staring. Her heart thudded a little harder as she took Sky's hand, smiling as she let the older girl lead her into the Great Hall. "What do you want to do first?" She asked as she looked around, realising abruptly that she hadn't thought as far ahead as what you actually do on a date. Maybe she should have gritted her teeth and asked Manaia for advice, but it was too late now. "We could.. get something to eat... or have a dance..."
Ngawaiata's hand in hers felt right. it felt like running water and sunshine and lemonade on her tongue. She glanced up at her and smiled as she saw the expression on Ngawaiata's face; her smile was the kind that warmed her up somewhere inside her chest, it was not an expression that she saw often though it was something she was starting to see more frequently recently. it was this time when they entered the main hall. She stopped and looked around. the room looked amazing. like a glade in the trees. "It's like at home" she said. Looking around. she tried to remember the last time sheh ad been to the family home it had been a few years ago during the big break. but it has been summer then. not winter. "I always love the yule decorations, it reminds me so much of home" she said as they made their way across the room.
They paused deciding what to do. But the music had already snook under her skin the jazzy riff mushing a rhythm into her. She held out her other hand for Ngawaiata "would you so kind as to join me in a dance" she said somewhat unsuccessfully trying to bite back the huge grin that was spreading across her face.[/B]
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