Open Yule Fest

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Aonghas Fergusson

listless; robe-maker; father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not interested
Oak Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
8/2036 (24)
Aonghas was pleased that the yuleball was here again, he liked the easy celebration that it was. He wasn’t sure about if he was going to go home for the holidays. He knew he should, he knew that was the better thing for him to do, but Aonghas did not particularly want to. He knew that going home after a semester of hogwarts would bring back some of his old issues, the fact his brother still hadn’t reached out, well, at least not Rory. He’d received a letter from Graeme of all people. So he knew his brother was alive, but it still felt empty, there was just something missing. It was like he had lost him without actually having lost him really. The boy walked into the great hall, thinking that he should’ve invited Lauren to attend this with him. It would maybe make it more bearable, but he hadn’t - perhaps even Katia would’ve made it more tolerable. Aonghas headed to the food table, if he was to run into her anywhere it would be there. Aonghas liked parties, liked celebration but he couldn’t get his heart into it. Aonghas picked up a snow something and began munching on it. It was something to do, he wanted to come to this, was happy to be there, but he couldn’t build the same enthusiasm for it as he might’ve wanted.
Everly wasn't much for dancing without her friends so when she showed up to the Yule Ball without any friends nearby she drifted towards the snack table to start. She spotted a boy from her year having the same thought as her and wondered if she should say something to him. She wondered where Madeline or Cyzarine had gone off to and if either of them were here. She liked most the girls in her dorm and thought most liked her. She knew she always seemed to butt into conversations and events with no forewarning. That was what made her hesitant to say anything to the guy from her classes, maybe he was busy trying to bulk up courage to ask someone to dance. She didn't want to ruin his night by talking to him. But as she watched him he seemed to be mostly enjoying the food and just looking for a friend, much in the same way she was that evening. "Hi there, you're in my year right? A hufflepuff I think?" She asked approaching the boy.
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