Yuki Okinawa

Yuki Okinawa

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Yuki Ai Okinawa
- Birth Date: March 7
- Current Age: 10 years old
- Basic Appearance: Darkish light brown hair, sometimes curly usually straight, dark brown eyes(appear to be black), tiny body(looks as if you hug her you'll crush her to pieces)
- Parents: Hiroaki Okinawa and Kiyoko Okinawa
- Siblings, if any: Ayame and Kaede Okinawa
- Area of Residence: Tokyo, Japan
- Blood status: Muggleborn

- Hogwarts House (And why): None yet, anything but a Slytherin. She may be a Hufflepuff because she's not very strong, but she has a heart that wants to look out for everyone
- Best school subjects (And why): Not any really, she is ignorant, but when she takes Care of Magical Creatures that will be her favorite class
- Worst school subjects (And why): All except Care of Magical Creatures when she takes it, she doesn't need to study, her life is already set for her.

- What would their Patronus be? A Swan
- What would their Boggart be? Kaede hating her for being selfish
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Butterfly
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Surrounded by the two people she loves most: her sisters
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When Kaede wrote a song for her to dance too when they were younger and played it for her first dance recital.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,
I'm getting better at dancing! Okaasan and Otousan said that they are going to pay for me to go to the best dancing school! I'm so glad that they love me so much. Even though they love me, they won't tell me how to get in contact with Onee-Chan
Onee-Chan won't tell me either, and she has to know! Onee-Chan is so smart! She is the top of her class and has skipped ahead 2 grades! Okaasan and Otousan said they're going to have Onee-Chan tutor me so I can become as smart as her.
It's weird though, they never offered for Onee-Chan to help Kaede. I wonder why?
Kaede-chan said that she would write me a song to dance to before she left. I don't know if she did it, but I hope she did. Okaasan and Otousan won't tell me how to contact her, or when I make a letter to send to her, they say they'll send it to her, but they never to. Okaasan and Otousan are barely around either, so when I ask Nana our maid to do it for me she says she can't. No one will tell me why either. I miss Kaede-chaaaan! I love Onee-chan but Kaede always plays with me. Onee-chan used to play with me but Okaasan keeps her studying all the time. She never has time to play anymore. Okaasan says I can't play with anyone outside the gates either because they arn't like us. I can hear them though, they sound like they have a lot of fun. But I love Okaasan and Otousan so I won't go out and betray their trust.
Goodnight Diary-chan!
Love Yuki-Chan
Hello Yuki,

just a few questions...

1. You don't get to do COMC until third year, does this mean you are going to hate and do poorly at every other subject for your first two years?
2. Will you need extra tutoring at magic school as well?
3. Did it upset you to get a tutor?
4. Why would a swan be your patronus?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. How do you get on with your parents?
7. Do you miss Kaede alot?
8. What interests and hobbies do you have?
1. Yuki has never been good at school, and she doesn't really care about school (it's supposedly a "waste" of her time), and only when she gets to her third year and takes COMC will she start taking more of an active part in her education.

2. If she does she'll go to her older sister Kaede. Kaede is eventually gonna tell her to actually start working in school and do her own work, and that's going to be around when Yuki's in her third year.

3. No it did not, it was her older sister who taught her, and she was a lot more lenient than other tutors Yuki had had before.

4. A swan would be her patronus because she is a dancer, and a swan is very graceful. It also is a very strong bird.

5. No, her parents wouldn't allow pets. There are fish in the various ponds on the estate, but none of them are hers.

6. Yuki is the precious baby, and her parents treat her like she can do no wrong. They are very lenient with her, and let her do virtually anything she wants except going outside the walls.

7. She misses her dearly. Kaede has always been the one who has stood up for her, or more likely is her protector. Her sister's confidence intrigues her, and Kaede inspires her to do her own thing.

8. Dancing is pretty much the only thing she likes to do besides the basics like eating and sleeping. She also does swimming and viola, but she does not like swimming because it ruins her hair and viola is boring.

Overall, Yuki is sort of selfish, and doesn't really realize that she acts selfish. If things don't go her way, she gets very angry, and her whole life she's gotten what she's wanted, so school will be hard for her. She can also be very mean, and says things that she doesn't always mean. However, she refuses to say sorry. No one has ever yelled at her before, so she doesn't really know what it's like to be yelled at.
Even though she's mean, she's also very shy.

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