You're the right kind of wrong

Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
The school holidays had been difficult for Lyra Potter. She had seen her boyfriend, James, most days at Ollivander's. They had a pleasurable time exploring parts of the Harbour together whenever they weren't working. The only unpleasant thing between them was a secret that Lyra was determined James would never find out. It was the biggest, most important secret she had ever had. The Gryffindor was in love with her best friend, and she was sneaking around with him behind her boyfriend's back. Lyra and Felix had been secretly dating since the end of the previous year when he had confessed his love for her. The Gryffindor girl wanted to trust Felix, but she needed time to make sure he was in fact serious about her. So far, she wasn't convinced. Felix already had another girlfriend, and despite whatever reasons he gave her, she felt uneasy about it. Really, she did her best to put it out of her head. She never voiced any complains. How could she? Lyra had no room to talk. She was still seeing James, and she did have feelings for him.Though it was nothing compared to how Felix made her feel.

The brunette had still visited Felix at his house, but there had been next to no time just the two of them. Falon was there, or Felix's mother who luckily adored Lyra. As soon as she returned to Hogwarts, Lyra had been making excuses to leave the Gryffindor house or to meet Felix alone. James didn't enjoy Felix's company, so she didn't even have to lie to him about being with Felix most of the time. Felix had always been her best friend. Tonight, Felix was meeting Lyra in the trophy room. He had insisted that the room was never used, and they would not be interrupted there. Lyra arrived at the agreed upon time to find Felix already there. She grinned at him as she felt her pulse quicken. She bounced over to where he was, throwing herself in his arms. He was strong, and she knew he'd be able to catch her slender figure. She planted a kiss firmly on his mouth. "Did you miss me?" Lyra asked when the kiss finally ended, a coy smile on her lips.
Felix had headed to the trophy room right after dinner. Ellie didn't mind him hanging out with Lyra as she had her club and prefect duties to attend to. As long as he was back in the common room before she got off her patrol she wouldn't notice. It didn't give them a lot of time, but it was enough. It had to be enough. Lyra finally entered and immediately jumped into his arms. He knew this place was practically unnoticed by most. He'd been down here with James that one time and no one knew about it yet, so far. "Of course, I always miss you when you're not with me." He hugged her close, like he'd forgotten what she felt like, which was impossible. He could never forget something like that. "I love you so much Lyra." Felix pulled her into another kiss as he leaned her against one of the trophy cases.
Moving into Fifth Year had been the worst decision of Falon's life. She wished she had been able to not do the OWLs and just focus on her Quidditch instead. But, alas, she had decided to give up Quidditch to focus on her studies - a stupid decision if anyone asked her. Now in her Sixth Year, Falon was going nearly insane. With nothing else to focus her thoughts on, Falon needed some distraction. The Sixth Year hoped that she could spend some time with Lyra in the evening, so she quickly finished her meal so she could catch up with her friend. As Falon stood to leave, she noticed her twin leaving the Hall so she quickened her pace so she could catch up with Felix, but he was moving quickly. Deciding she'd catch up with him eventually, Falon let herself fall back, but she could still see her brother in sight. But Felix didn't continue to the Hufflepuff dormitory, where Falon thought he'd go, instead, went down a corridor on the third floor. She was about to call out to him when he went inside the Trophy room. Falon huffed, wondering why she was going on a wild goose chase for her twin, when she'd just see him tomorrow anyway. But she pushed forward, into the trophy room. "Oops! Sorry Feefee-li-" Falon started, thinking Felix was with Eleanor. But it wasn't his girlfriend. It was Lyra. Her friend Lyra. They were kissing. "What the hell?" Falon asked, confusion on her face, feeling it quickly grow to anger. "What the actual hell?"
Lyra grinned at Felix as he told her he loved her. The brunette didn't think she would ever grow tired of hearing it. Lyra and Felix together as a couple made so much sense. So much more sense than anyone she or he had ever been with in the past. Besides, Lyra fit in his arms like she was made for it.The Gryffindor girl was going to tell him she loved him too when he pulled her in for another kiss. She didn't protest as she wound her fingers up through his hair, clutching him closer when she heard a familiar voice. Lyra broke away from Felix to see her friend and Felix's twin, Falon. She could sense an explosion coming, and recognized the look in Falon's eyes. Lyra unwrapped her legs from around Felix's waist and put them back on the ground. "Oh um. Hi Falon." she said, lamely, though she didn't make any movements to pull away from Felix. Falon was her friend. Surely she'd be happy for them once she found out how they felt about each other. It was an optimistic thought. "I'd like to say this isn't what it looks like, but that would be a lie." she tried to joke. She didn't answer Falon's question, preferring to allow her Felix explain to his sister. She wouldn't tell her anything he didn't want her to know. Lyra looked at Felix accusingly. "And, you said no one comes in here." she told him, hitting him lightly on the chest. At least it was Falon and not James or Ellie.
Being together with Lyra was like no other feeling in the world. He only wished he could spend every waking moment with her, but he wasn't sure how he could convince her of that plan. She was still fairly adamant about dating James, much to his chagrin and he was dating Eleanor, hoping it would take some pressure off of Lyra. People were so used to seeing him with a girlfriend he didn't want them to suspect anything if he suddenly didn't have any at all. Atleast that was the story he told Lyra. The part he hadn't told her was that he enjoyed Ellie's company and that he genuinely liked her. "Sometimes I wonder if-" Felix didn't get to finish his comment because that was when his sister decided to walk in. At first she seemed confused, but then he confusion gave way to anger and Felix immediately stepped in front of Lyra to shield her from Falon's superior Felix beating skills. "Well, no one normally does, I didn't know Falon was following me." He was a little annoyed by that, but he was now concerned with what Falon was going to do. Leaving Lyra he approached Falon cautiously. "Falon... I love Lyra."
Falon's eyes narrowed as Lyra tried to joke it off. She folded her arms and stood, watching the two, waiting for an explanation. Not only did they not tell her this was happening, but they both had partners, and this was not cool. Felix's comment about her following him turned her anger into overdrive. She hardly registered what Felix actually said. "Well, whoop-de-doo for you two! Sure, being in love definitely means sneaking around. Being in love totally means not sharing it with anyone, especially not your twin, who - merlin forbid - "follows you around"." Falon exploded, using quotation marks on the latter words. But she wasn't done yet. "Oh and it definitely means being with other people at the same time! You know, I really didn't think the two of you would stoop low enough to be two timers. Even though you've dated the whole school Felix - lying and cheating is so not okay."
The very first time Lyra had ever met Falon, she had been angry and come charging into the hospital wing after Felix, demanding to know who had hurt him. She knew the girl was protective over her twin, just like Lyra was when it came to Link. She could understand Falon's anger at the two of them right now. It wasn't as if anything she said was untrue. The brunette was touched as Felix stepped in front of her as if to protect her, not that Lyra needed his protection. She was more than capable of handling herself. Felix's confession of love for Lyra seemed to only make Falon angrier as she she then started yelling at them both. Lyra stepped around Felix, determined that he was not going to take the blame for the situation that they were in. "Falon, just listen, please." Lyra said, knowing it was important for her not to lose her temper. She desperately wanted to make things better for Felix. She could deal with it if Falon hated her, but she didn't want to come in the middle of Felix's relationship with his twin. "This isn't Felix's fault. It's mine. It was my idea to keep it a secret, and I asked him to go along with it and not tell anyone. You know how quickly he gets tired of his girlfriends, and I didn't want to join that list. Don't be angry with him. Just me. Blame me." Lyra pleaded with her friend. She didn't doubt that Falon saw Lyra with James in the common room where Felix couldn't see them. Falon knew what they were like when Felix wasn't around. Lyra was absolutely the guilty party in this situation.
Though Felix wanted all of this to go away he knew he couldn't do it that easily. He could understand why Falon was upset, she had every right to be. After all, this was something he probably would have told her under other circumstances and she certainly didn't approve of this kind of relationship anyone, not when it was secret. Still, he loved Lyra and he would do whatever he had to in order to be with her. "Look Falon, I'm sorry you feel this way, but you can't just punish us because you don't agree. You have no idea what we're going through and this isn't up to you." He told her. "I love you Falon, but don't make me choose on this. You won't win."
Falon stopped and listened to Lyra, understanding why she wanted to keep it a secret, but not understanding why she still had to be with someone else as well. Falon opened her mouth to reply, to tell Lyra how greedy she was being when Felix spoke. She rolled her eyes as he said she was punishing them, as if this was her fault. They were the ones sneaking around! Not even having a chance to ask Felix to explain what the were going through, he said something she never thought she'd hear. She wouldn't win. If he had to chose between Lyra and her, he would chose Lyra. Falon's heart broke, and she dropped her hands to her side. "So much for that Hufflepuff loyalty." Falon said, shaking her head at her twin, before heading towards the door angrily, sadly. Before leaving she turned back to Lyra. "You can't break other people's hearts just because you're scared. You're both being selfish." There was nothing else to say. Unsure with what exactly her heart and mind was feeling, Falon stormed off.
Lyra Potter could not believe her ears. Felix just told Falon he would choose Lyra over his own twin, and she still couldn't quite believe it. A look of shock passed over her face as she glanced at Felix before turning her face back to Falon. She could see the heart break on the friend's face, and she felt sorry for her. Lyra knew what hearing something like that from Link would do to her. Luckily, Link wasn't interested in anyone seriously, ever. Falon's words to Lyra didn't bother her in the least. She already knew that she was being selfish, and she didn't pretend like she wasn't. Her attention wasn't on Falon's exit but Felix instead. Lyra knew Felix and Falon well enough to know that he would never have said that to her about any other girlfriend he had ever had. The other girls didn't mean enough to him to hurt Falon like that. "Did you mean what you said to her? Or did you just know that would make her leave?" Lyra asked, hiding the emotion in her voice. She wanted his honest answer, not the one he thought would please her.
Felix couldn't believe he'd actually done it. Familynwas so important to him, Falon was so important to him. Finn was so... okay maybe not Finn, but definitely Falon. She'd stood by him every moment of his life, being seperated by house had caused him so much pain over the years, yet here he was, making his own sister's heart break. It broke him, it truly did. He knew what he'd said was going to hurt her, deeply. He'd said it anyway because his love for Lyra was the only thing that kept him from break down right there. He knew that Falon would forgive him for what he said, eventually, but that if he lost Lyra, getting her back would be impossible, he chose the lesser of two evils. Making Falon leave was breaking him into tiny pieces, but he did what he had to do. Upon hearing Lyra, yet again, question his sincerity, Felix almost lost it. His heart was already broken, the fractured pieces laying before him, but yet she still questioned him. Every time she questioned him, questioned his sincerity, a little piece of him fractured and joined the rest, but this, this hurt him deeply. He would forsake his own family for her and all Lyra could do was wonder if he was serious. "Lyra. I would do anything for you. You break my heart every day, but I would do anything for you." he told her. "My heart only ever belongs to you. So please, continue to fracture it, because no body could ever come close to putting it together like you."
Felix had been repeatedly insisting that he valued Lyra above everything else, but this was the first time she really heard him. The next words out of his mouth broke her in a way she didn't know was possible. She didn't want to be the source of so much pain for Felix. She loved him with her whole heart and soul, and she didn't want to force him to choose between Falon or her. She couldn't do it. She refused to come between them. The intensity of emotions he felt for her was frightening to Lyra. Weren't they too young for this? "Felix, I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to break your heart into pieces. I don't want you to choose your family or me. That's not who I am." she said, looking at him with wide green eyes. Lyra knew what she was doing to him wasn't fair. It had been Lyra's idea to date in secret and she should have never asked him that. Falon was right. She was terrified and selfish.

"I'm done." Lyra said, taking a step closer to Felix and putting her hand on his cheek. "I choose you and only you. I want you, Felix. I don't want to share anymore." Lyra said as she wrapped both of her arms around his waist. The Halloween feast was two days away, and she had already committed to go with James and Felix had committed to Ellie. She didn't want to take that away from them when she had already caused too much hurt. "I'm breaking up with James. The day after the feast. I swear it. I love you, Felix. I always will. You are the only one I need." she said with all the sincerity in her tone. She pulled him down into a deep kiss. Her hands moved freely over his body as she pulled him tighter to her. Lyra never waited to let him go again.

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