šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving You're so lucky! (Yellow)

Christa Langley

sorry, I'm a what
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
One of the bad things about being in first year was the fact that Christa really didn't know a lot of people in the school, which mostly meant she really didn't know who most of the people here were, or what years or houses they were in. Someone had mentioned that Cyrus Thorne was in Ravenclaw and that he spent a lot of time either in the Student Lounge, or in the Library, she didn't know if that was commentary on him being in Ravenclaw or not, because she was still trying to figure out the houses, but she headed to the library anyway to see if he was here. "Hi, sorry, um, do you know where I can find... um Cyrus Thorne?" She had a very big bouquet of roses for him and they were getting a little difficult to carry if she was being honest.

@Cyrus Thorne
Hope you don't mind this month+ late reply

Cyrus wasn't really expecting any roses for Valentine's day, though maybe he was hoping for one or two. He had decided to study in the library instead of the common room, just in case. His head jerked up in surprise when he heard his name, he raised his hand. "Er, I'm Cyrus." He said in a hushed voice.
Christa grinned when she realised the boy she had asked was actually Cyrus. "Oh!" She hefted the roses out for him. "I have this very big bouquet of roses for you, and a bunch of notes!"
Happy Valentines! Bet you got heaps of roses! You haaaaave to tell me if you do! xoxo Ruth
To Hogwartsā€™ poet laureate,
May your muses always be in your favour, and the font of inspiration never dry!
Yours faithfully,
Happy Valentineā€™s day!
(Written in a neat, dark gree ink) "Thank you for keeping my secret. And being my friend, I suppose. ~Sunday."
Happy Valentine's Day cousin!
Hope you have a great day and good luck on your next game!
Love Leah
Happy Valentine's Day!
Don't exhaust yourself writing too many love poems.
No note

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