You're like a married couple.

Anamaria Prinze

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana had a bag in one hand as she walked out the door of the shop. Just as she got out, someone barged into her side. SHe turned around, ready to yell at someone when she realised who it was. "Oh for the love of Merlin. Why you?? Of all the people I could of bumped into, why you?? I'd prefer to bump into scum rather than you. Seriously. You're gross." Ana shook her head as she looked her sister up and down.
Odie had managed to get Eddie to look after Connor while she went out for a quick shopping trip. She needed new clothes as she had chucked a load when she moved house. She was about to turn into a shop when she bumped into someone. She was going to apologise to the person until she saw that it was her sister. Ana had turned into a moody b!tch recently. Even for a pregnant woman. "Get a grip Ana. It's not my fault that you don't know how to pick your boyfriends. I wonder how you're going to lose this one??" She smiled cockily at Ana as she mentioned the babies.
Ana's anger flipped when Odie mentioned Noah, Cameron and Natalie. "Don't bring them into this. It's nothing to do with you. At least I don't have a baby with a guy I hardly know. I actually knew the fathers of my babies before I got pregnant." Ana remembered how Eddie had started off as a one night stand but had become a fiance because of Connor. She liked Eddie as he was her best friend but she was in love with Theo not Eddie.
Laura was doing a bit of pass time shopping. She was a bit bored and what better way to spend her wasted time than to buy some new dresses. She turned a corner and was about to go into a nice shop when she saw two girls fighting. They looked like sisters by the simalaritys but it wasnt any of her business. What was her business was to try and shut them up for every one else. She walked over there and stood at their sides. " Sorry for the intrusion but i dont think that the street is the best place for this. There are other people here two and what ever is going on between you two isnt for the rest of the world to know about." She looked at one girl and then the other. One thing was for sure. They had completely different fashion senses. One of them looked like a tramp in her eyes where as the other looked like she was out of a fashion magazine
Ana turned when a girl rudely interrupted. She wasn't bery happy with people who butted in where they didn't belong. If Ana was the same person she used to be, she would have said sorry to the girl and walked away, holding in all the anger she felt for her. Now was different. Ana was happy to show her anger and she didn't care who saw. "Keep your nose out of it. It's none of your business what we're fighting about and it's none of your business whether we fight here or at home. Got the picture?? Or do you need me to make it clear for you??" She grinned evily at the girl.
Odie stood, shocked at her sister. Ana was right in saying that Odie was an idiot for getting pregnant with a guy she hadn't know at the time but everyone liked Eddie including Ana so Odie couldn't see why she was making a fuss of it. She had been about to say something about it when a girl came and interrupted. All she could think about this girl was Wow, you've got some guts. Odie ignored her sister and smiled at the girl. "I'm sorry. I'll try and get my sister to shut up. Difficult task as she has such a big mouth but it's possible." Odie turned from the girl to Ana and back to the girl again.
Laura stared at the girl who had just gone on with herself to her. Laura wasnt really one to argue so just flicked her hair. " I know its none of my business but in all fairness you are in the street." She kept her voice neutral as she looked at the other girl with a smile. " Thanks for that, i dont think im obliged to make a comment about the whole difficult task thing though."
Odie grinned at her sister's snotty know-it-all glare that she was giving both Odie and the girl. She held her hand out to the girl stood in front of her. "I'm Odie, by the way. Odie Prinze. And this is my baby sister-Anamaria." She knew how much Ana hated people using her whole first name. She knew how much Ana hated it more than anything when people used her middle name as well but Odie wasn't that mean.
Laura smiled and took hold of the girls hand and shook it. " Well it nice to meet you both." Well nice to meet Odie anyway, Ana had certainly made an impression of herself. " Im Laura Sherwood." She was married now but didnt really use that name as she wasnt to sure about Leo yet but had decided that she liked him so had stayed with him. " So i guess you two were out shopping?" She looked at Anamaria hoping to actually get her to smile. " I do like the clothes you are wearing. You must tell me the shop you got them from, i shall pay them a visit." She smiled.
Ana could tell this Laura girl was just trying to flatter her to get on her good side. It was working though. Clothes were one of the things that Ana didn't ignore. "Why thank you." She let a smile appear on her face. It increased when she saw her sister roll her eyes. "I got them from a few different places. This top I got from a shop just round the corner. It's amazing there and nothing costs too much." Seeing as Ana didn't have much money, cheap clothes were good.
Laura smiled at Ana. " Well i must pay them a visit. I could do with good clothes cheap. I mesn some of the things around here are just so expensive and a lot arent even very nice. Its like hello how does this work." She laughed and looked at Odie with a smile. She wasnt as keen on her type of style, more boyish than she prefered but she didnt want to insult her. " I have a friend who would love your fashion sense aswell."

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