You're just a pawn in my game

Teagan Riley

Mum to Winter | Countess | UK & NZ Barrister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core

It was hard to ignore this day, the school break. The day you can't stay at the school and just be away from your family. The train stopped fully at the station while she looked outside her window. Teagan can already spot her people from the corner. At least, three were sent by her mother to pick her up. With a big sigh, the Ravenclaw hauled her luggage out of the compartment she was occupying and exited out of the train. Teagan was immediately greeted by her lady's maid, "Your ladyship, welcome back." The lady smiled at her and Teagan smiled back. The people around her household was much caring and loving than her own mother, only thinking about the family name and the title she and her daughter have. "As long as we go straight to York, It'll probably be a welcome indeed." She said cheerfully. Teagan didn't mind being alone at their house in York, her aunt Ainslee visits her to assist to some of her work.

"Actually, your ladyship ... Lady Camilla wants you to go straight to Whitecross."Her first footman informed her sadly. Teagan's smile vanished, it was expected somehow but she just didn't minded it. She gave her employees a weak smiled and nodded her head indicating she understood the summon. "Take me to her." The only words she said before they apparated to Northern Ireland, landing just behind the tall iron gates of the old family castle. Three years of apparating, Teagan's stomach is just as strong as the one holding it but the worry and fear her mother is giving her was beyond facing the fallen dark lord. Teagan can't explain if the dark lord himself possessed Camilla. "Was mother furious about something? Because she usually is." Teagan asked no one in particular. They know her mother more than her, she's probably always in York, doing the business she's should be the one doing and not Camilla.

But no one talked, they arrived in front of the double doors of the castle. The head butler greeted them with a smile but Teagan went straight in, not stopping until she was at the heart of the foyer. "Please, don't tell me we're staying here." Teagan was beginning to get irritated, she has her own court and county to run. Yes, taken she's only thirteen but that's not an excuse for her to be handle like this. The Countess was waiting for anyone to answer now, folding her arms in front of her chest, she heaved heavily.
The Marchioness didn't take her retirement from being an Auror too well. Her mother-in-law pushed her to take care of their daughter but Teagan was a trouble maker. Getting an owl from the deputy about a misdemeanor that led her and another student almost into danger. Another, a source tells her that the girl joined a dueling tournament, only to loose and broke a foot in the process. Camilla only agreed for her daughter to go on playing Quidditch because her father said so, she didn't know it will lead Teagan to being a pure adrenaline junkie. Teagan was the only reason why Ainslee was out of the picture, though, still hanging on her Ladyship. It was a celebration when her unborn child died suddenly, not that Camilla prayed to all the gods about it.

"Your ladyship, lady Teagan is here." Announced the head butler who peek in from the door of the smoking room. Camilla stood from her chair facing the large fireplace and toss the cigarette butt she finished into the fire. If Teagan will act like a rebellious teenager, then she'll act like a responsible parent even though she's really not. At the top landing of the staircase, the Marchioness stood there, studying her daughter before calling her out and getting the last bit she said to her helpers. "Indeed you are, Teagan Rose Maxwell. Don't you want to be with mommy?" The fiery hair lady confirmed her daughter's question. She was soon reunited with her daughter as Camilla took the last step of the staircase. "She'll be staying at the fountain bedroom. Direct her belongings there." Camilla stated to Teagan's employees. Of course, they stumble before her as they rush up to the west gallery. "You. Follow me." Her authoritative tone wasn't masked at all. It was always there. Talking to an important person or not, that tone always stick to her. Her authoritative demeanor was the one that boosted her career as an Auror and now retired, it will be more stricter in her house than ever.
Teagan sigh when her question was answered by none other than. By the way her employees scrambled at the tone of her mother, she still thinks that they work for her rather than Teagan. The Ravenclaw turned slowly at her mother, giving her a glare when Camilla asked her to follow her. Deep inside she's scared because her mother might know what she's been doing at school and there's a possibility that she'll ban her from playing Quidditch. Teagan followed her through the Grey Drawing Room and closed the door behind. She wanted to release some things to her that she wouldn't understand but it'll be worth her time. "Mum ..." She trailed off slowly, Camilla might go berserk on her. Teagan cleared her throat and continued, "Your ladyship. It might be a concern to people I have business with if I'm going to stay here in Whitecross. Aunt Ainslee has given me a full schedule tomorrow and I have to be back in York." The thirteen year old explained. But knowing her mother, she won't get any sympathy from her.

There was a knock on the door and came in their under-butler with a tray of tea. It was odd that all of their employees had to be with a wizarding background even though their family doesn't actually use magic here. Specially her. "I'll get that Matthew. Thank you." She took the tray from the guy and placed it at the coffee table. The boy went on and closed the door behind him, Teagan didn't pour tea, she wasn't staying that long anyway.
Camilla led her daughter to the drawing room for some serious mother and daughter talking. It was a concern that she's beginning to get in trouble and it's not good for the Maxwell name. Upon getting inside the room, she heard the door closed behind her and Teagan calling for her. She sigh but didn't turned around. Camilla wants to burst out what she wanted to say for a long time but then their under-butler came. She turned to them at last, only that Teagan took the tray from the guy and set it aside on the coffee table. "Okay, then. What if I told you that you'll not getting away from the embarrassing stuffs you did at school?" Camilla stated, her left hand on her hips. "And don't take that tone on me, Missy. You're still underage and I'm still your mother." Right now she would like a shot of brandy, straight, no ice. Stubborn like Jessica Camilla thought frustratingly but she'll keep her cool as long as possible.

"Now, do tell me why did you get in trouble? Your father let you stay in the castle even though I didn't agreed to it and you got in trouble? Unbelievable!" Anger slowly taking over her as she took out her cigarette case and lighting one. Camilla didn't signup for this but the kid is a bonus for her plans. Actually, it made it easier for her, she got the life she wanted and she's pretty much living the dream as Marchioness.
"Why can't you just let it go? You can't expect a teenager not do stupid stuff, mum." Teagan reasoned out. Her mother can't go back to the 18th century and lock her up or marry her young to someone with title. It's 2043 for heavens sake. "And why do I have to explain everything?! Mum, it's not like I'll be looking for a job and they'll see my good behavior certificate from Hogwarts. I'm basically just going to school for fun." The young Countess didn't understand why she had to go to school when parts of it she hates.

Teagan shook her head while studying her mother as Camilla light a cigarette. "Would you stop smoking? You'll die before I even graduate" she commented furiously. It has been a problem between her and her mother about her smoking, Merlin she's not even at the smoking room of the house. And the worst came out of her mouth, "Sometimes I wonder if you're my mother. I have never felt your love since I was born. Dad's probably the only parent here. He never shove our nobility to me and he's the one born into it." Teagan had to take a deep breath. She had never felt fearless before in front of her mum and she's doing it right now. "I wish you've never been my mum. I would trade my title for a simple life than be with you." It was out of her mouth in a second, and she can't take it back.
The red haired Marchioness was simply shaking from anger as Teagan started her rage. Camilla threw the unfinished cigarette on the hardwood floor of the room and stomped on it. The woman put a few inches between her and her daughter before speaking. "Surely you do know that your ground is both the wizarding world and the no-maj world. The people we know on both worlds has eyes on you and if they hear about this, you'll either loose respect from them or gossip about you. Ainslee's unborn child is enough of a scandal. So, don't add to it." Camilla's tone strain. Not showing emotions, just firm words. The Marchioness sigh raspy. She turned around to pour herself some tea and hope it would calm her down. Camilla isn't violent toward anyone but she does have anger management to be work on.

Sipping her first tea, Teagan went on but she didn't expect what she said next. That was it for her. Camilla turned around briskly and threw the tea cup on the floor making a big clash and shards of porcelain scattered everywhere. "You think you'll acquire the life you have right now, Teagan? Well, think again!" Camilla started to pace around. Trying to calm down but hell has taken over and she'd kept this secret for too long. "If it weren't for me, Jessica would have not graduated Ilvermorny. If it weren't for me, Jessica would have been shun by our parents because she had you with some muggle. I helped you and Jessica have a good life while I sacrifice mine. You just have no idea. No idea, you ungrateful spoiled brat!" She was heaving heavily. Now that everything is out of the box, Camilla's problems are just starting. Problems that can't be resolve with lying anymore.
Ainslee was just finalizing some charity paper works for Teagan to sign, hopefully to get it done by today once she gets home. But it seems their arrival time has been compromise, they were late. Setting aside the remaining papers, Ainslee was about to call Teagan's ladies maid when the telephone from her desk rang. The Lady Maxwell took the receiver and greeted the caller. It was their first footman, "Your ladyship, we've gone into some trouble." Informed the young man from the other end. Ainslee got worried all of a sudden, ready to apparate where ever the man would tell her. "Is it major?" Her ladyship asked. "If you'll call the Marchioness wanting the Countess to stay in Whitecross for the rest of the summer a major trouble. Then, yes, it's major, your ladyship." Hearing what was said made her furious. It was already arranged that Teagan's priorities over the summer are here in Rawcliffe. "I'll be arriving in a minute. Keep an eye on my niece." She hanged up and slammed the receiver back to its cradle. And without informing anyone she's leaving, Ainslee apparated there and then and landed just outside the front double doors of the castle. It was a pretty secluded place, no neighbors and the forest part of the land was wild enough not to see anybody apparate in and out.

Upon getting inside, Ainslee was greeted by the first footman who called her. "Where are they?" She immediately asked their location and was prompted at the Grey drawing room. Ainslee nodded at the young man and walked briskly to the door, about to open it when she heard a crash and Camilla shouting about Jessica and Teagan. It was enough what she had heard, all the things Jessica was telling her was all true. Her ladyship finally opened the door to the drawing room and revealed the two and the scattered debris of a tea cup. "Who do you think you are to take that tone on Teagan?" Ainslee's teeth gritted in anger as she spoke. She had had enough of Camilla and all her lies. She knew from the start that there was something with the Fields family. She knew that her brother wasn't that stupid to have a one night with some unknown teenager. "Camilla ... What a greedy leech you are. I've heard everything and I just wanted to say you never fooled me. Not once." The brunette walked slowly toward Camilla and stopped just a few feet away.

It was the anger that clouded her mind that her right hand flew and landed on Camilla's cheek. "That's for everything you have done to my family. I can't wait the day you're no longer a Marchioness and just an ordinary person of the society." She could do the impossible and stripped her title from her even if it is stated by the law that she can retain hers.
Her face wasn't saying anything at all, it was null of all emotions as Teagan heard every word her mother said. Should she even call her mum? She wasn't a Maxwell, not even a drop of blood from them. Tears silently rolled down her cheeks. "How'd you know that it was for the best that you did?" Teagan asked calmly. For all she knows, Camilla didn't sacrifice anything at all. She was the one who had to sacrifice her normal life for this. Camilla meant this to happen so she can have power, she was worst than the dark lord himself after all. "And what sacrifice, Camilla? Tell me what sacrifice you did for me and aunt Jessica?!" The Ravenclaw shouted at Camilla's face. She can't help but cried some more. She wiped the tears away and was sobbing when the door to the drawing room opened.

Teagan turned around to see her aunt Ainslee had arrived. Furious at the most. Her aunt have been in a feud with Camilla and at first she didn't understand why but never sided with anyone. Now that every little lies are out, Teagan was more into her aunt than Camilla. But it was unexpected for her to see her slapping the Marchioness. The Countess flinch at the crack of a hand damping on another person's skin. She was shocked, yes, but Camilla deserved to be slap to see the truth. Teagan drew closer beside her aunt and held her arm. "Aunt Ainslee. Stop it now. She got the message." Teagan softly stated.

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