You're A Two Headed Donkey

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Jack Dyson

Well-Known Member
Who is Jack Dyson?
Jack Dyson is a muggle living in the UK. He is eighteen years old and working as a tech support guy. He spends his time mostly alone, except for those odd callouts when he has to visit the home of the customer to fix the problem. Jack struggles to function in muggle society, constantly living in his dreams, imagining himself as being anything from a prince to a pirate. In the comfort of his own home, he dresses in a more peculiar fashion, and is often accompanied by his fluffy white cat, cleverly named 'Cat'. Jack's social life is non-existent and he becomes awkward and often stupid around women, thanks to being a social outcast. Jack desperately wants to believe in another type of life and makes notes of every weird thing that he witnesses. He has never seen real magic, though he did, unknowingly, live in the same street as a witch, as a child. There are no known magic folk in the Dyson family.

What am I after?
I am looking for a bit of fun to really kick-start Jack's life: A friend would be a nice start, and a girlfriend, an even better one. Jack has never had a girlfriend, so they would need to be muggle-friendly and awkwardly-nervous-guy-friendly. Any blood status works for me. If she's a muggle- fine. If she's a witch- could be quite interesting. I would like Jack to eventually get married and have children of his own, and it would make life easier if this was a 'love at first sight' relationship. Now, love aside, I'm looking for some hate- enemies. I think it would not only be an interesting roleplay, but also quite an amusing one if his 'enemy' was a Death Eater, out to kill him- and Jack, somehow, manages to survive. I just have this image of him letting the cat in and staring out of the kitchen window, deep in thought, when a bolt of light smashes the window, and an action-filled chase scene ensues. Of course, Jack can't really fight back, so the Death Eater would have a massive upper-hand, however, Jack is surprisingly fast (thanks to randomly dancing around the lounge everyday) and so he could run. This also gave me an idea of how the girlfriend figure can be introduced: Jack is legging it from the Death Eater when either a) he runs into a muggle girl, who doesn't initially believe what he is saying, but then legs it with him when the Death Eater starts after them both, or b) he is saved by a witch who blasts the Death Eater away/what have you.

I'm open to ideas.
The future girlfriend needs to be at least 17 (if a witch, 16 if a muggle), and at most, in her late twenties.
I'd prefer that you post your reply here, but if, for whatever reason, you can't, then go ahead and PM me.
I have a suggestion for friend AND a lady for him :D

Axel Zemonif;
Axel is pretty easy going. He likes fun and causing trouble but he really has nothing against muggles or muggleborns. He has never actually met a muggle properly so Jack would be of interest to him. He's also not that good at hiding magic so Jack would probably learn about it soon. He is 20 years old.

Persephone Zemonif;
Sephie is Axel's little sister (she has another brother but he doesn't belong to me). She's 18 and is mostly interesting in having fun. That generally involves drinking and varies boys she meets. Her brothers aren't aware of her general lifestyle and are very protective over her against men. Like Axel, she hasn't met a muggle before either so Jack would definitely interest her.
She's impulsive, slightly crazy but in a good way, and generally lives life to it's fullest. She can be hotheaded and viscous if someone hurts her or someone close to her though.
I like the love at first site idea but, if you do like Sephie for him, there would also be a sort of forbidden romance thingy because her brothers hate the idea of her with any guy, even someone they're friends with.

You like the idea??
I love you. I really do. Thank you for such a speedy and excellent response. :wub:
They both sound wonderful. Slightly crazy and impulsive.. Sounds like Jack's dream woman xD
If you're up for the 'running from Death Eater' sort of idea, then that's great, though we'll have to wait for a willing Death Eater :p
Otherwise, I can (or you, if you like) get an RP started for Jack and Persephone. And, if we're not doing the Death Eater idea, then I can start one for Axel and Jack too. I honestly don't mind. :)
But you are brilliant. :abby:
Ah, sure ^_^
I can work with that.
I've PMed Axel.

Other people who read: Still looking for enemies.
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