You Summoned

Rion Pendleton

at my weakest, i've never been more strong
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2047 (16)
Rion knew exactly why she had been summoned to Professor Corrins' office. For the most part, she had managed to fly under her professors' radars. Sure, her enthusiasm had waned, but she had always struggled academically, and her change in attitude wasn't marked enough to raise concern. Charms was different. Rion loved Charms. It was the only subject she was any good at, the only subject she had put any real effort into, and her sudden disinterest was obvious. Naively, she had hoped Professor Corrins wouldn't care. At least she felt reasonably sure she wouldn't tell her off; she was far too nice for that. Mentally preparing her excuses, Rion knocked on the door.
Mallory cared for all of her students. She knew some of them found her silly, some of them outright disliked her, but she still cared all the same. So when she'd noticed a change in one of her younger students, she'd been concerned. She set up her office; hot tea, some biscuits, a few treats. She'd just been straightening the pillows on her couch when she heard the knock on the door. Smiling softly, she walked over and opened the door. "Miss Pendleton, please, come in," She spoke gently, a warm smile on her face. Once Rion was inside, she shut the door and moved to sit behind her desk. "Tea? Snack?" She offered, motioning to the things she'd set out.
Folding her arms, Rion marched into Professor Corrins' office and sat down. Sullenness was her best defence. It was her only defence. "No," she said. But politeness got the better of her, and after a moment she added, "Thanks." She didn't want snacks - or pity, or kindness. Either of the latter might make her cry. No - she wanted to hear what Professor Corrins had to say, make her excuses, and leave.
Mallory smiled softly. She studied the girl a moment, her heart aching. "Miss Pendleton, is everything alright?" She spoke gently. "I've noticed how withdrawn you've become. Would you like to talk?" She asked, tempted to offer out her hand but keeping them folded. "This is a safe space. Anything you say here won't leave the room." She promised.

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