Closed You Redeem the School

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Brevity Boone

brainy; messy; wasted potential
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Whippy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
06/2043 (19)
Brevity had been crushing on Maisie hard. She just found the girl to be amazing. She was pretty and she liked talking to her. Brevity found spending time with Maisie easier than she found spending time with anyone else. Some days it felt like it would be easier to hang out with her than to be alone with her own thoughts. Brevity didn't like the school, it was useless, but it was almost worthwhile since she had this friendship with her. Well, Brevity wanted to take it to the next level, but there was never an occasion for her to do so. But Brevity was hoping that she'd finally be able to, get the girl, so to speak. She'd dressed in a little black dress, which wasn't entirely her, but she had wanted to feel pretty and feminine, and this was the most she could manage. She was waiting in the hall itself, bobbing along to the music waiting for Maisie to appear.
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Maisie loved going to the dances with Brevity. They were besties, and she was Maisie's favorite person to spend time with. Of course they were going to go to the dance together! She loved the dress she was wearing, it was long and flowy and pink. She hummed as she skipped down to the hall, finding Brevity quickly and rushing to her, throwing her arms around her friend in a hug. "Brevy!" She greeted with a bright smile. "You look amazing!" She complimented, leaning back with sparkling eyes.
Brevity had long since gotten used to how Maisie greeted her. She let her wrap her arms around her and just enjoy her being close. She turned a little after pulling away from the hug and smiled at her. "You look amazing," she replied. "Happy Valentines," Brevity added though she thought the celebration was pointless. "What do you want to get to first?"
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Maisie laughed lightly. "Dancing!" She replied, like it was the obvious answer, she moved back, grabbing Brevity's hands. "Come on Brevy, let's go!" She giggled again, starting to move towards the dance floor.
Brevity rolled her eyes at the answer, but she happily let herself be dragged to the dancefloor. She moved in time with the music when they got there, her gaze just remaining on Maisie. "You're beautiful," she said with a smile.
Maisie giggled, just enjoying being close. "Thanks!" She countered. "So are you," She kept dancing, having a great time.
Brevity rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but you're prettier," she countered. She wanted to ask, wanted to ask her out, but the words died in her throat. She wasn't sure how to and was just lamenting the fact she wasn't a gryffindor and therefore by the school's standard brave. "I really like you," she said, though the moment those words came out it felt like the most obvious thing in the world. Of course she liked her.
Maisie giggled, swaying with the music. "I really like you too!" She replied immedietly and without hesitation.
Brevity stopped dancing for a moment at Maisie's reply, realising that Maisie had misunderstood what she had said, or the meaning behind it. She leaned in a little, speaking loudly. "No, like, I like you, like you," Brevity was trying to ensure she heard her over the music.
Maisie blinked, pausing in her movement. She tilted her head to the side. "Like super like?" She asked, confused. She tried to grab Brevy's hand and pull her away from the dance floor, wanting a bit more privacy to talk- the girl looked serious, after all. "I don't understand,' She offered, turning back to her friend. "What do you mean?"
Brevity didn't want to be frustrated but she felt it. She let Maisie take her hand and take them somewhere more private. She gave a little sigh, "I like you, I'd like you to be my valentine," she said almost with a roll of her eyes. Brevity felt silly saying it but it was true. It also felt easier to say than to admit with words that she had a crush on her.
Maisie took a moment to process what Brevity said, and felt the blush heating her skin. "Oh," She replied, and after a very very short moment of consideration she broke out into a bright smile. "Okay!" She agreed, stepping in and folding her hands behind her back. "Does that mean we can like, kiss and stuff now?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Like kissing and snuggling and playing with your hair all the time?" She asked, completely serious.
Brevity was immediately a little at ease with Maisie's reaction, though she worried a little that Maisie didn't entirely understand, but she did. She didn't say it back, just agreed. "If you'd like to," she replied. "If you actually want to, and like me like that," she said. The idea of snuggling was not one that Brevity was all that keen on, but if Maisie wanted to, then she'd do it.
Maisie giggled, and leant in, pushing up on tiptoe and kissing Brevity sweetly. It was a little clumsy- it was her first kiss, after all, but she loved it. She pulled back a bit, smiling brightly. "Of course! You're my best friend in the whole world, my favoritest person ever! I love you," She replied with a simple earnesty.
Brevity leaned in and kissed Maisie back eagerly. She immediately loved the taste of Maisie on her lips, finding it just wonderful. She leaned out and was just so glad that the feelings she had were mostly mutual. "Okay, I'm going to kiss you again, but properly this time," She told her before leaning in to kiss her.
Maisie smiled, dropping her hands to Brevity's. "Okay," She agreed easily, leaning in and shutting her eyes. This was nice- and Brevity had always made her heart warm in the nicest ways. She liked this development- especially if it meant she could spend more time with the Slytherin.
Brevity gave her little smile, and then with this permission kissed her. Giving her a passionate kiss of some pent up desire. She had wanted this, and her for a little while and she just wanted to show Maisie all of that in a kiss, even if it wasn't possible.
Maisie relaxed into Brevity, putting her hands on the girls shoulders and returning the kiss with equal fervor. She was breathless by the time the kiss ended, and she giggled. "Wow," She murmured, trying to snuggle into Brevity. "Does this mean we can go on like, dates and things now?"
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