You just made me cuter

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Nicole Crysin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


A twelve year old Hufflepuff but prefer she
should have been in Ravenclaw because she
is very smart like Einstein, but she also have
the trait of being very kind and caring to
other people. She likes to read everyday at
library and sometimes play Gobstone at the
courtyard. Another fact about her is that she
is the sister of Ally Crysin, a former Slytherin
who transfer because of her being the off spring
of Ally's father to another woman.

Okay, so, I want Nicole to be out of the world
or should I say, out of the library once. And for
that, she will be needing some true friends,
best friends, enemies and a possible lover
For the enemies, try to piss her off by dumping
some drinks into her because insulting words are
old school. And for the lovers, you might be a final
or not, I still don't have in mind about it.

If y'all are interested, just reply here or pm me
if you have a plot in mind that Nicole has to do
with it :)
Hey :D

Ok, i have a few characters to offer, they might not be what you are looking for, but i have been watching this topic for a while and noticed no one has posted, so if they aren't right for her, then at least some attention will be brought to it :p :

Alice Hills: (friend???)
Clever, 1st year Ravenclaw. Has a good sense of justice, but isn't very brave. Is always looking for more friends. Loves to draw, play music, write and read.

Isobel Hills: (enemy???)
Clever, 1st year Slytherin. Doesn't really care about anyone and likes to get others into trouble. Is always looking for a way to annoy someone whom she doesn't like. Has a random grudge against Hufflepuff's because of what the sorting hat said to her...

James Green: (boyfriend???)
Isn't very well developed, but is a 3rd year Durmstrang. He likes to flirt with girls and likes basically everyone. Is easy to get along with, but is struggling with life at the moment after his dad died and his mum has run off with another man. He is living with his grandmother and is fed up with life. Feels constrained and needs to have some more fun....

Ok, so thats all i can offer for the moment, because my other 2 characters are quite a bit older....

Tell me what you think (i don't mind rejection so its not a waste of time for both of us :D )

I'll take them all and I never reject
any people who reply on my plot dev.
I might be evil when I'm on Leslie but
not on Nicole :)
Do you want them to start knowing
each other?
Sorry for the late reply. I couldn't find where it was :p

I think it would be a good idea yeh, and her and James could write each other letters as close friends, then meet up at the next brightstone meeting....

how does that sound???
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