Open You don't need an education to know what class you're in

Morrie Ayre

Careless with the truth
OOC First Name
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Single (Not Looking)
Curved 8 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Open after a few replies - @Eurydice Nightray

Morrie had no motivation but had reluctantly gone to the library to study, however the constant throat clearing of someone nearby drove her to the edge. Unable to stand it any longer, she got up and gave the person a good shove as she stormed out, fuming. She stomped through the halls and down a couple of floors, looking for any quiet place to study but being very fussy about the place, probably because she didn't actually want to do any studying and just wanted to complain instead.

Finally, she reached the abandoned classroom. She slipped inside, dropped her bag on a desk, and took the time to look around. She peeking behind the professor’s desk, glanced into corners and even checked out the view. She was doing anything, really, except starting her homework.
It had taken a couple of weeks, but eventually Eurydice had found herself more comfortable walking the castle halls on her own again. It probably helped that she hadn’t seen the hag since the snake incident. And that she’d managed to talk to a friend about it. Elio-nii, Kael-nii, and Hina-nee were also quite the comforting presence whenever she would walk with them around the castle. She hadn’t told any of them what really happened. She’d barely told William. But it was okay. Today though, she was trying to find her three older… family members. The three of them had taken to shutting themselves in some corner of the castle to study - well, Elio-nii and Hina-nee were trying to force Kael-nii to study. Which was quite silly since Kael-nii always said he studies in his own time even if Eury had never really seen him open a book. And so, she tried to make herself useful by bringing them snacks from the kitchens. It was quite an undertaking as she would have to check random abandoned classrooms to see if they were there. She hadn’t had any luck today so far, but this was only the third classroom she was checking anyway - there would be many more. “Kael-nii? You here?” she called out as she opened the door. She already regretted opening the door though as soon as she caught sight of who was inside. The hag. But oh well. It’s not like Eury particularly cared about her, she had more important stuff to get to. So she promptly ignores the hag as she does a quick scan of the room, failing to hide a look of disgust, and moves to leave.

@Morrie Ayre
Morrie looked up at the door immediately as someone rudely entered without knocking, her eyes narrowing as that first year, who also apparently thought they could just barge in and look disgusted without so much as a word to her. Morrie twitched with irritation, but composed herself well enough. "You're too late, my snake already ate them." Morrie said dryly. What's the worst that could happen? She was a first year after all.
Eurydice would have ignored the hag after making sure that Kael-nii wasn't in the room. Of course, as soon as she caught sight of the hag, she should have already assumed that Kael-nii wouldn't be in the vicinity. Wouldn't be caught dead being in the same space if he could avoid it. He didn't like anyone in his space after all, except a few people. But the mention of the snake made her flinch and pause. And she hated it. She'd been doing well these past few weeks. But she forced herself to think of how laughable it was for this... thing to best her brother. "As if. My brother could easily handle a hag like you," she said before turning her back and walking away.
Morrie scowled, recalling Aine's letter that said Hufflepuffs were just a bit pathetic. Her hand twitched toward her wand, but she restrained herself for now. "You know," she began loudly, just as the girl was about to leave, "You really shouldn’t go around calling other girls hags. It’s not very nice." She smirked, Hufflepuffs were supposed to be all about kindness, after all.
Eurydice paused in the doorway as the hag called out to her. It was funny, she supposed. That they thought Eury cared about being nice. She supposed it was because of her house colours, because, for some reason, people kept thinking that Hufflepuff meant nice. When it very, very much did not. Her mum was a Hufflepuff, and while her mum was awesome, nice would probably not be the word people would use to describe her. Hufflepuffs didn't have to be nice. And Eurydice had never used nice to describe herself either. She turns her head, an eyebrow raised, entirely unimpressed. "If the shoe fits," was all she said.
The first year in front of Morrie had that irritating, overconfident look Morrie couldn’t stand, especially from anyone younger. She somehow had the nerve to toss a snarky comment in Morrie’s direction, not once but TWICE. The audacity was almost impressive, except Morrie found it annoying. She rolled her eyes then yawned loudly, as if bored by her. “Honestly, you're more boring than my homework." She told her flatly, "Get the hell out of here before I hex you into next Tuesday, brat!" She warned her, or she could send the snake again because that had been fun last time.

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