You Don't Know Me But...

Cecily Kiernan

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Cecily quietly called for her owl as she shielded her nose against the stink of the owlery. In her hands she held a letter that she knew was strange, and most likely would confuse the recipient, but she didn't care. She was Cecily Kiernan after all, she never did anything the normal way. Well, mostly. With a grin she quickly attached the note to Hermes leg, telling him where to fly before heading out with a grin, curious to see how the boy she had never met would respond to her letter.

Dear Mark,

You don't know me. We've never met, and yet here I am, writing you a letter. I know, it's incredibly strange. I just.... well, I need someone to talk to.... and possibly plot with, but we'll get to that later. My name is Cecily Kiernan. I'm Jake, Jay, Kiernans little sister. He mentioned you in a letter. I hear you actually took my big Bro out. Impressive my friend. Mostly, the reason I'm writing you is because one one of Jay's only friends that isn't also my friend. We're really close. I'm basically part of the group when I'm around, and they love me, so you're bound to meet me anyway and basically forced to meet me. Anyway, Jay is a big jokester, and as he is my big brother, I love taking him down a peg or two sometimes. I was thinking it might be funny if we teamed up and planned something. He'll forgive you, I promise. Jay forgives anyone as long as I make him Even if what we plot doesn't work out, it'll be funny that we got to know each other without him knowing it. You probably think I'm crazy right about now. You're not wrong, but remember, I'm part of that gang. You don't really have a choice but to like me.

Mark was sitting reading a book, minding his own buisness when he head an owl. He looked up as it flew over him and dropped a letter on him. As he took it the owl landed in front of him and looked at him. He open read it. His eye brows knitted together as he did so. How strange he thought. Although it made sense for Jay's sister to give him a letter he haddnt expected it. He decided that it would be best to reply, if he diddnt want to be hung over the river when Jay found out. He began to write his own letter to her.

Dear Cecily

I was a litle suprised to recieve your letter but it makes sense you being Jays little sister and all. I would be glad to be someone for you to talk to. I would say what my name is around about here but you already know so i will just say that my last name is Stone, just in case you diddnt know that. I am a also suprised that Jay hasnt mentioned you to me, but he did say that it was his buisness. And you heard right about me taking him out, in fact i did it with only one kick. I was impressed with myself acctually. I wouldnt have to be forced to meet you, i would do it anyway, you sound like a nice girl and i would love to meet you weather Jay ask's me to or not. We should team up with each other some time, show him he isnt as tough as he thinks he is. It would be a little funny that we would know each other before we acctually met. We wouldnt have that awkward just met feeling then. Any way it was nice to meet you, well it was nice to hear from you. We should keep doing this, as i found it fun.

From Mark

I'm glad you were so open to my letter :) We can be like secret pen pals! Haha, I'm a dork, but its cute, so what ever. I'm not suprised he didn't tell you about me actually, he gets pretty protective. Though I am suprised none of the other boys has mentioned me. We're all rather close. They'd probably refer to me as dodger if they ever did, its their little nickname for me. One kick? Really? That's insane. Are you like, crazy fit or something? I can't imagine anyone taking Jay out with one kick, even if he does blame his bad rib for it. Yes, lets team up. Can you come to Brightstone next time we have a weekend? We could have a little planning session! Or we could simply plan here and then pull one on Jay that weekend. Here I am rambling and I don't even know if you can come. Let me know!

So, I figure, as we are to know each other, you should probably know a little about me. I'm a first year at Hogwarts New Zealand, twelve years old, but very mature for my age. I was placed in Gryffindor, though I have no idea why really, I suppose there's a reason for it. Lets see.... my favorite color is tye-dye, even though I know thats not really a color. What about you? Any questions for me? I think we should each have to answer one question about ourselves each letter. It can be like a little game, and a good way to get to know each other.


Its fine, im always up for new things and i enjoy writing letters and writting one to someone i havent yet its fun. How protective of you is he because i dont really want to get on his bad side, i no its a little wimpy of me but his is three years older than me and has all his mates. I know its insane that i took him out with one kick, but in all fairness i do work out alot so you no. And i would love to meet up with you in the next Brightstone weekend , and dont worry about rambling on becasue i do it alot aswell.

I have a cousin who goes to HNZ, she is a second year and her name is Alexia Smith, i dont know if you know her but you should meet her, you might like her. I will write to her and tell her to meet you, but thats later. Im a second year Durmstrand and im thirteen which im geussing your brother has probablly told you. I can be mature for my age but sometimes i can be a bit childish but im sure you wouldnt mind because it always make people laugh, in a good way of course. My favorite colour is blue. Ummm ok let me thing of a question for you......... What is your favorite lesson and whats your worst one and what lsson are you worst at. I know that was more than one but they kind of link together.

Mark, Or Kid as your apparently called,

You have no need to worry. I can handle Jay and all the guys with a bat of my pretty little eyes. I'll protect you! haha. I'll be sure to look out for your cousin, what house is she in? Knowing that may help me meet her. And no worries, we can all be a little childish, its what keeps life fun. Everyone needs a mix of maturity mixed in with fun, just most people don't realize that until later. Seems like you have, like me, so therefore, you are awesome :)

My favorite lesson is actually Astronomy, but only because I adore the professor, my favorite subject is transfiguration, and I'm best at potions. I'd say my worst was Herbology, probably what I'm worst at too. Professor Kalif is a real piece of work, let me tell you. NOT a man you want to cross.

My question from you is this: Where are you from and whats your home life like? You can tell me as little or as much as your comfortable with. I'm a very open person, not like Jay in that aspect at all.

From Cece
Dear Cecily

Im not that worryied about Jay, like you i have my ways aswell. My cousin isa second year in gryffindor. She is a nice girl and would be nice to you and would be good to talk to. Be careful though as once she is your friend she is your friend for life. And i do make my life fun and my best friends life fun and exiting. His name is Tyson and he has a huge crush on a girl called Morgan and he wont shut up about her. The onlt problem is that he is rubbish when it comes to girls. I have to ask them out for him, i have tried to show him how to be around them but he doesnt get it.

I am from New Zealand, born and bread. My home is nice. It has two floors, ground then the one on top of that. My room is light brown at the bottom and white at the top and i have a cream carpet. I have a dog who sleeps in my room with me, he is a huskey puppey and his name is max. I live with my dad as my mum died when i was born. I dont get on very well with my dad and we always argue.

My question for you is :who are your best friends and who are your enemies?

From Mark
With a tired expression glued to her face, Cecily slowly ate her eggs that morning, not really looking forward to the day that lay ahead of her. Suddenly, her eggs turned into a mess of yellow goo and feathers, causing Cecily to let out a scream of shock before she realized it was simply an owl. She glanced over as a seventh year laughed at her expense, her cheeks reddening slightly and her usually good mood fowling until she managed to undo the letter. Seeing who it was from she felt a huge smile come across her face instantly, her eyes scanning over over the words with excitement. She had found herself growing rather attached to Mark's letter lately, noticing that word from the boy she had still never seen had the power to brighten her entire day. The whole day found cecily am impatient mess as she eagerly awaited the end of classes when she could write back to her secret friend.

Dear Mark,

It was good to hear from you today, even though your owl landed in my eggs at breakfast. It gave me quite a laugh actually. I wouldn't mind getting to know your cousin. I need a friend for life. Is she anything like you? If she is, I think I'd like her :D I'm glad to know you have your ways of avoiding trouble. Some people stop themselves from ever really getting to know me because of Jay. I love my brother, but that just really sucks. I would really hate to loose you as a friend because of Jay.

I can't wait to meet you if you really are as fun as you say! Tyson sounds sweet, does he attend school with you? That's nice of you to try and show him how to be. Are you like, a ladies man? I wouldn't be suprised, since your friends with Jay and all. However, if you're not, don't let them get to you and corrupt you! It's fine to have fun with girls, but there are some girls out there that are actually worth being nice too. Jay's learning that one on his own right now. Trust me. Just.... don't tell any of the other guys. That would be a horrible betrayal of my trust and then I'd have to beat you. You should let him try to talk to this girl on his own, he needs to learn to do it sometime after all.

Your from New Zealand? Why do you go to Durmmies? Maybe you could show me around this place, it's all confusing to me. I live in California, so New Zealand is pretty different. Your house sounds very nice. Did you know Jay and I have a huskey too? He's the prettiest dog, his name is Rocky. I also have Trigger and Zeus, a German Sheperd and a Great Dane. And my little owl here is called Hermes. She's the one that always delivers my letters to you. I don't get on very well with my dad either. He isn't very.... lets just say he's not nice to me. He's not around much though, lucky for me. My mom's gone too. She died in a car accident when I was eight. I was in the car with her when it happened.

To answer your question, my regular best friends are basically all the guys that are Jays friends who you've met, except I've never met Kenny. Here at school my best friends are Aspen Jones and Bridget Black. I find it funny that the first initials of our name's spell out ABC. I only have one enemy here, and I don't know her name, only that she's full of herself and she's a slytherin. I suppose any of my friends enemies are mine as well since I don't tolerate people messing with my friends.

Hmmm, let's see. I need to think of a question to ask you... Though I suppose I've asked you a few through the letter already. Alright, here's my question: If at this moment, you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Wow, this was a pretty long letter. Write back to me soon!

Your Friend,
Mark was having a lie in for once. He was led on his bed with his arms over his head when suddenly he felt something land on his stomarch. He gasped then looked at what it was only to see that it was his own. He picked her up and put her in her cage and took the letter. When he saw that it was from Cecily his heart missed a beat and a smiled spread across his face. He took it to his desk to read then he began to write a reply.

Dear Cecily
sorry to hear about my owl she is always doing stuff like that, she just landed in me as i was sleeping, which made me jump a little. Alexia is kind of like me in the fact that she makes friends easy and that she is kind. I know that Jay can be scary but i dont believe that he would do anything to drastic to me as i am three years younger than me so it isnt very manly to do something like that.
I also carnt wait to see you, i bet that we would be like best mates with in ten minutes or something. Tyson is sweet, he got really exited and happy the other day because he kissed a girl. It was very funny. I am a ladies man i suppose but i dont really talk to girl the way i used to anymore, i think im getting feeling for another girl so im a bit rusty i think. Jay doesnt have an influence on me so i wouldnt worry, i dont hang around with him too much to be honest. Im glad to hear that Jay is learning, between you and me i dont think that is a regular occurance for him, im only joking dont worry.
I know hearing that i live in New Zealand and that i go to Durmmy may seem strange but i just diddnt think that hogwarts was for me, i mean all the different houses be mean to each other and stuff, i diddnt see the point in it really. My house is pretty nice thank you, also you have a lot of dogs and the great dane alone counts as two.
You sound like you have nice friends, i dont really have many friends, well not the ones that i hang around with often. I have met kenny and he is very nice and friendly.
To answer your question, i would change my relationship with my day so that we got along more and diddnt argue.
My question to you is...... Are you single or do you have a crush on anybody?

From Marky
Cecily was out on the lawn when she saw a now familiar owl heading towards her, a huge grin spreading over her slightly flushed face. As of late, the slightest thought of a certain young man had been enough to bring color to her cheeks and a joyful twinkle in her eye. Not that she noticed. No, Cecily herself was quite oblivious to the changes coming over her lately, though a blind fool could see them. As the owl landed Cecily approached the bird carefully, holding out her arm for it and untying the letter before taking a moment to stroke the creatures feathers. In a rush the girl found herself headed back towards her dorm to write a response.

Dear Mark,

It's quite alright about your owl. I'm quite clumsy myself. I think I'm actually growing fond of her. What's her name by the way? I'd like to know what to call my feathered friend. Also, is it alright if I give her treats sometimes? I'll be sure to track down Alexia one of these days. I'm sure we'd get along famously. And if Jay so much as lays a hand on you he'll have me to deal with. Trust me, dealing with me can be brutal sometimes.

Judging by our letters I'm sure we'll be best mates withing moments. We already seem to have alot in common. I'm glad Tyson is finally doing better with the ladies. Any news about the girl he has his eye on? I think that's quite cute, him liking her so much as to be afraid to talk to her. It's also cute that you might be getting feelings for a girl! I hope she's pretty and kind, and that I'll approve. Now that we're friends I need to make sure that any girl your with will treat you right. And you're right, learning is not a very regular occurance for jay :).

Sad that hogwarts doesn't suit you, it would be nice to have you here. But then I wouldn't have an amazing pen pal and that would be upsetting. I have alot of dogs because I love them. It's pretty much the only nice thing my dads done for me letting me have them. Also, they drive my old bat of a grandmother absolutely bonkers, so that's pretty awesome.

I have some pretty cool friends. I'm the kind of person that thrives off human contact. And don't be sad, I'm your friend now!

My answer is that I'm single. There is one boy here at school who has sort of caught my interest, but nothing huge. I usually just like to have fun with people. So I guess I'd say I don't really have a crush on anyone here.

My question to you is this; Whats your favorite place in the whole world? Kinda a lame question I know.... Looking forward to your reply!

Thinking of you,
Mark was sitting alone on the cliffside looking out, he was waiting to see his family again but not his dad, just his cousins. He heard an owl calling to him and he smiled wildly along with his heart that was now thumping uncontrollable. His owl came and landed on his leg. He took the letter of her and stroked her. "Good girl." He got up and began to walk back to his dorm with Jesse glued to his shoulder.

Dear Cecily
Yeah my owl is quite easy to fall for i must admit, she is just so friendly. Her name is Jesse and i know its a bit rubbish but ohwell, and of course you can give her treats, she will love you for it as i dint usually do it because i never have any. I hope that you two will get on as i dont want her going on with herself again. Also im not sure that i will ever want to annoy you now after hearing that.

Yeah i have noticed that we have alot in common and i have also had an idea, because i carnt mention you to Jay as he still hasnt mentioned you to me i was think that we could send a picture of us to each other but i just wanted to check with you first before i did anything. And this girl that Tyson likes, im not sure how she feels towards him, i think she likes him but i also think that she likes me aswell but i dont know, even if she was im not interested as far as i am concerned she has Tyson written all over her. Im not sure how this girl is, i think that she is nice and pretty and im sure that you will approve.

ee i bet if i moved to hogwarts i wouldnt be as cool as i am in these letters would i. ;). I like dogs too but i could only realy have one or at most two. Im glad to hear that they keep you amused and your familey vexed, thats always fun.

Im glad to hear that you are my friend now and i think that i also know the name of that girl you dpnt like as i have met her before. Her name is Shaylah Rouge, I think that is how to spell her first name, im not too good with spelling sometimes.

To answer your question, i dont really have a favourite place, i like being in different places depending on my mood.

My question is, What is your favorite colour. I know that is a stupid question but still.

From Marky
Cecily was laying on her bed just thinking about things when the next letter arrived. Knowing instantly that this was Marks owl, Cecily eagerly untied her letter, feeling a flipping sensation as she did so that knocked her back for a moment. This flipping in her stomach was soon accompanied by a speeding of her heart as she began to read Mark's letter, wondering in the back of her head what this strange warm feeling was.

Dear Mark,

You know, they say that sometimes pets take on personalities to reflect those of thier owners. If that's true whoever this girl is that's stealing your heart is in trouble. She's bound to fall for you instantly haha. Good thing you don't want to annoy me, I can be quite vicsious when I want to be and i would hate to have to kill you ;)

I'm not sure if you'd be as cool here as you are in the letters, I'll have to let you know when we finally meet in person. I think it's fine if you want a picture, I even attached one to this letter actually, just make sure Jay doesn't notice you have it or he'll murder you, no matter how young you are. I think it's good of you to stay away from this girl if Tyson likes her, especially if she likes you. It's nice, and shows that you can be a good friend. So, if this girl is Tyson's type, whats yours?

You may be right. I don't really bother with the girl seeing as she was a complete snob to me. I haven't seen her lately, so thats good.

I know its not really a color, but I'd say my favorite color is tye-dye, but if I have to choose.... I choose green. Or dark purple. haha, I'm so undesicive.

My question is what's something you'd give just about anything to have?

Eagerly awaiting your reply.

P.S. since I gave you a picture of me I better get one of you too!
PPS. Its a goofy pic, so don't laugh at me or judge me too harshly!

Mark was busying himself with his normal daily workout, He had done his push up and pull ups, he had done his sit ups and press up and now he was on his long run around the grounds when Jesse came flying towards him. He smiled and held his arm out for her then began to walk back to his dorm, smiling the whole way. When he put her back on her perch his heart began to beat at a new pace but it wasnt anything to do with the exercise. As he read through it he could feel the adrenaline pumping wildly through his veins.

Dear Cece
I am so happy to hear from you again. Your letters always make my day and they always make me smile. If that pet thing that you mentioned, if that is true then Max is in real trouble. This girl that i think im in love with, i think you know her. I hope she does feel the same way but i would be suprised if she did as it is pretty odd. And dont worry i wont ever annoy you if i can help it. I wont ever make you upset or do anything to hurt you.

I think i am just as cool as i am in my letters. I mean i have a six pack, but i dont know if you would be interested in that. I like working out, it lets out all that frustration that builds up in me from my dad or just people. Also here is a picture of me, it isnt the best one in the worl but still, if you want a better one then just tell me and i will send a better one for you. Dont worry about Jay i will never tell him about you if you dont want me too. And its not that Morgan isnt my type its just that Tyson is in lov with her so i carnt fancy her and acctually i think that she kinda likes him now, so thats good news for him and me. I dont really have a type to be honest im not too pickey but i do like girls that are pretty and have a nice personality so i guess thats my type.

Im glad that you dont have anything to do with her, i wouldnt want anything to do with her eigher as she has a very protective death eater father.

To answer your question i would have to say my mum, i have never met her and she died giving birth to me so its just been my dad but we dont really get on and we argue alot.

My question to you is does blood type bother you? Do all your friends have to be pure blood and if they arent then you dont like them.
As she had found herself doing increasingly often over the past month Cecily sat in the common room strumming away at her guitar, absentmindedly making up tunes as her mind wandered. Her thoughts where usually scattered, that was nothing knew, but lately her scattered thoughts all seemed to focus on one subject; one boy. she found herself shaken from her musings by the arrival of a rather clumsy owl landing haphazardly on the neck of her insrument. Letting out a fond laugh for the bird the young girl quickly fished out some owl treats, feeding them to Jesse before petting the bird and taking her letter. A smile crept over her face as she read the letter, only to be completely frozen when she saw the picture that was attached. Her stomache did its familiar gymnastics routine, flipping and flopping to the increasing rythm of her heart. How long she simply stared at the picture, she couldn't say, but she was finally able to rouse herself enough to write a reply to the boy she found herself becoming increasingly fond of.

Marky Mark!

haha, sorry bout the lame nickname I decided to include. I'm glad my letters make you smile, yours always do the same for me. I look so forward to getting them. How do I know her?! Who is she?! telllllll meeeeeee. How is it odd? Your quite a mystery to me here. You have no idea how much it means that you would never hurt or upset me Mark. It really mean alot.

I'm sure you're just as cool in person, I'm so excited to find out! Six packs are nice, but they aren't everything. Make sure to keep that in mind. I like this picture of you. You look so serious haha.

I'll make sure to stay far away from this shaylah chick if you think it's a good idea. I trust your judgement.

I think thats a very good answer to my question that you gave. I wish I could somehow make it happen for you. I'm here if you ever need to talk Mark. I miss my mom too. Even if you never met her, I'm sure you still miss her.

To answer your question, blood-status means nothing at all to me. I honestly think it's just a stupid label, even though I'm a pure-blood. I like people from any blood level as long as they're fun good people. What blood status are you even?

My question. Whats your favorite food?

Mark walked into his dorm and sat on his bed for a few minutes then stood up and looked out of the window. He let his mind drift, he thought about his family, he thought about what he was going to do when he was on the break, but most he thought about her. As he was thinking he was suprised when Jesse flew right into his face. He fell back onto his bed still with his owl on his face. He picked her up and spat out all the feathers from his mouth and giggled then shook his head. 'stupid bird.' He thought then took the letter and began to read it. He smiled and the familar feel of his thunderous heart beat began to take effect while he bagan th writ his letter.

Dear Cece
Dont worry about the nickname it could our little thing and maybe our little secret aswell please. Im glad that you look foward to getting them. See now if i told you who it was then it wouldnt really be a secret would. But if it helps you know her very well, haha. Im glad that i remain a mystery to you as that will keep you entertained for a while.

Dont worry i know that they arent everything, but i can be quiet charming aswell when i want to be but that doesnt matter anyway.

Yeah i do miss her but my dad doesnt understand, he says that how can i miss her if i never knew her. He doesnt understand though so i dont talk about it.

im glad too hear that blood status doesnt mean anything too you and im a pure blood, it doesnt mean anything too me eigher.

I carnt wait till Brightstone weekend, it isnt long now and we should really start talking about meeting arrangements and stuff dont you think?

my favourite food would probably have to be, pizza or something along those lines.

My question to you is do you have a crush on anybody, and what is you favorite spell. Sorry i know that its two questions but you know.
Cecily eagerly read her letter from Mark, heart fluttering every second. A smile came to her face when Mark mentioned his nickname being thier little thing. She liked the idea of having something special with her friend. When Cecily got to reading about the girl he liked however, she felt her mood quickly change, and for the first time, she felt pangs of jealousy twisting at her insides. She sat for a very long time, wondering to herself who this girl could be and why she cared so much. Jay's words from earlier kept ringing in her head. Was it possible that she was falling for a boy she had never even met? Confusion like she'd never felt cinsumed her til her head began to ache. Deciding she needed the distraction Cecily quickly made her way to the dorm to reply to his letter.

Marky Mark!

Why do you want your fabulous new nickname to be a secret? You don't think it would be fun if that's what everyone called you? You can't just tell me I know this girl very well and then not tell me who it is! The suspense of wondering about who she could be is killing me. You want me to die Mark?!?!?! I don't doubt that mysetery or no, you could keep me entertained for quite a long while.

I'm not worried, I just like to make sure my friends don't turn into annoying cocky loser guys who think they're all hot and awesome and everyone should worship them. That's why I always make fun of Jay. Otherwise his ego would cause that head of his to explode.

I've come to the conclusion that must dads just really really suck. How rare is it that you hear of a good dad? I'm sorry yours doesn't understand you though. It hardly seems fair. I'm always here for you though, whenever you need anything. That's what friends are for.

Brightstone is soooo sooooon! I'm not sure I've ever been this excited in my whole life. I hope you still like me in person. I have to meet all my brothers new friends too. And see all the boys, who probably will bombard me. I know I'm meeting up with Jay and the boys, probably in the afternoon. Would you like to meet up somewhere before that? I'm not sure where we could go.... Jay and the boys are likely to see us if we're at the Three Broomsticks or something. You probably know the area better than I do. I've never really been to brightstone except to pass through. You wanna pick where we should meet?

I don't really know what my favorite spell is yet to be honest. You've asked me about having a crush before silly! But I suppose my answer has changed, so that makes it an alright question. I think I may be starting to get a crush on someone, but it's a really weird situation, so I haven't exactly figured it out yet.

My question is this.... whats your biggest fear?

Mark lay on his bed reading the letter that Cece had sent. He smile was as usual plaserd onto his face with the racing heart rate that always accompanyied it. As he got to the end his s iled dissapearded as she wrote that she did have a crush on someone, that dissapointed him alittle. He began to write his letter to her.

Dear Cece
I dont mind if you tell anyone i just thought that it could our little thing thats all. And i can just say that you know her very well and then not tell you eho it is because that IS what i am doing now. haha. I do hope that i could keep you entertained for a long time.

Im the same when it comes to friends i dont like to make friends who are just annoying or bully people. I like my friends to be people who will stand by me through thick and thin. Yeah i think its good that you make fun of Jake, he does have a huge ego.

I have to agree with you about dads. My cousins dad beats him and his wife up and he hurt his son pregant girlfriend. I am glad that you are here for me, i feel like i can talk to you about everything.... Well exept the whole girl thing. But that will all come out in good time im sure...

I know how you feel i am very excited aswell. Its fine that we can meet in the morning. I thought that we could meet in Honeydukes. I dont usually go there so i dont think that any off my friends would look for me there so we should be safe. Unless of course you want to meet them aswell as me but they arent that cool haha.

See i think that it is alittle unfair that you get to have a crush that you arent sure about and dont tell me but when i have that kind of crush i have to tell you.... Hmmm tell you what if you tell me your person then i will tell you mine ok. But you can go first haha only because you have to reply to me next.

The answer to your question is nothing. Im not acctually afraid of anything, well not that i know off anyway. Yeah i know its a bit corny but there we go.

My question to you is even though i asked it above in my letter but just in case ou werent going to reply to that bit. What is the name of the boy (or girl) that you have a crush on?

Marky Mark

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