You can't buy me

Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Lilith tapped on the desk in the empty classroom. She had a neat list with people who had signed up to try out of Quidditch she would need to set up try-outs not to mention find time to go dress shopping for Eden's wedding. Looking around the wide open room and listening carefully. Lilith realized how really alone she was. Pushing away from the desk. Lilith went to the middle of the room. Slowly turning in a circle. Lilith threw her head back and turned faster. Enjoying the moment of pure bliss. Lilith let out a loud burst of laughter. Oh how Eden and Hoshi would make fun of her for being so silly but they where far away from Lilith at the moment and so she could do as she pleased and not worry about being told she was being to childish or something just as silly from her sisters.
Blaine Michaels strolled through the castle of Beauxbatons, not paying attention to anyone at all as he walked, and not particularly caring who he offended with his lack of greeting. He was Blaine Michaels after all. Rich, powerful and worshipped. No one messed with him, and everyone jumped when he said to. School was his playground, and life was like reading a book. Breezy and easy. Blaine smiled to himself, and turned down a corridor, and instantly stepped into an empty classroom. He knew he was being followed by a professor, and was keen to be rid of her, as he was dying for a smoke, and this particular professor seemed to have a problem with it.

Packet instantly out of his pocket, and smoke in his mouth, the first intake as he lit it up was like heaven. "Ah... Pure bliss." he said to himself, and then realised he wasnt alone. As he looked into the middle of the room, he spotted a girl, and as he studied her, noticed she was gorgeous. 'Yet another trophy soon to be added to the wall' he thought to himself as he puffed his smoke. "The flower blossoms in peaceful silence, seen by none, but admired by all." he said, as he slowly walked down the rows of tables to stand infront of her. "And who might this blossom of rare beauty be?" he asked, taking her hand and pressing his lips to it. He stepped back and too another draw of his smoke. Today was proving to be interesting after all.
Lilith had stopped spinning so fast she was starting to get dizzy and she really did have things she needed to do but they could wait for just a little while longer. How was going to know that Lilith was playing around and goofing off instead of homework or quidditch or even the horrid wedding. Pulling out her wand Lilith waved her wand and the windows opened letting in the sun shine. Just seeing the sun hit her body made the violet eyed girl smile that much bigger.

Lilith smelled the smoke before she saw anyone. "What is that horrid smell?" Lilith said softly but echoing across the room. Seeing a handsome boy walk across the room. Lilith blushed softly. He was talking poetry and it was pretty but it was the kind of nonsense that Eden had warned her about. He asked who she was as he kissed her hand. Taking her hand back. Lilith looked at the boy for a moment. "You know those things will kill you." Lilith said tartly to the boy. "I am Lilith. Lilith Koshiba I just transfered here from Hogwarts New Zealand from the house of Slytherin." Lilith said letting a small polite smile cross her face but nothing to much hopping that the boy would get the hint and put out that vile smoking thing.
Blaine instantly picked up the signs she was showing, indicating she didnt like the smoke. He looked from her, to the cigarrette and back, and sighed. Taking one last draw, he flicked the smoke straight out the window. He was becoming quite a good shot with his butts, but that was besides the point. Looking back at the girl he know knew was Lilith Koshiba, he smiled to himself. She was definately a thing of beauty, and the more Blaine looked, the more he wanted her. And Blaine always got what he wanted. "So im told, but they are yet to actually do the deed." he said in an empty tone, pushing one of the chairs out from a table and sitting down on it, leaning ack on the seat. He thought about her last name, and could have sword he had heard it before, but he pushed the thought to the back of his head. It was unimportant.

He studied her some more, now noting she was a year below him. He took in her stunning features, letting a soft and malicious grin spread across his face as he viewed his newest victum. "So, Lilith Koshiba, who recently transfered from Slytherin house, how do you like Beauxbatons?" he asked, smiling at her. His eyes were wondering all over her body. "Im Blaine... Blaine Michaels." he said, using his name like a crown. Well, in this school, it just about was.
Lilith watched as he flicked the vile thing out the window. Waving her wand the windows snapped shut. The sun continued to shine through and she moved into the light a bit more. If this boy wanted to check her out she wouldn't stop him. Wondering who he was and what it was that he wanted. She would be polite for right now but if he over stepped his self she would be sure to fix that. Shaking her head at his comment. Lilith flicked her wand at his chair causing it to dump him on the floor. "Opps my bad." Lilith said softly no hint of smile on her face.

Taking a seat on the window seal Lilith looked out the window wondering just how all of her old friends where doing. "Blaine Michaels? I have never heard of you." Lilith said bluntly. From the way he said his name he was sure full of his self and Lilith was used to that and had no interest in another stupid boy. "I am liking Beauxbatons alright. Caption of one of our lovely Quidditch teams and hopefully prefect next year one can always dream." Lilith said thoughtfully. "I miss my family but since they are graduating this year I would be missing them regardless." Lilith said not really looking at the boy who was trying so very hard to get her to notice him.
OOCOut of Character:
Litte bit of godmodding, but thats fine. Haha

Blaine barely caught himself on the desk as his chair moved out from under him. He grinned at her wickedly, now feeling frustration towards the girl. She openly mocked him, even though he hadnt done anything to her? Well, two could play at that game. He watched her, eyes narrowed and a gleeful grin on his face. He was going to enjoy toying with this girl. Standing up, he paced circles around Lilith, walking over to the wall, and after waving his wand over it to drop the enchantment, pulled one of the bricks out. As he did, he grinned as he saw that it was indeed the brick he had cut in half a while back, and reaching his hand in, pulled out two bottles of firewhiskey and a bottle of butterbeer. He had stash's like this hidden all over the school.

Walking over to Lilith, he placed the butterbeer on the table next to her, and smiled. "Here you go... Oh, havent heard of me? Well that is honestly a surprise." he said with a shrug. Maybe she wasnt important enough to know him. Cracking open one of his whiskeys, he took a long drink, and sighed in delight when he pulled the bottle from his mouth. "Quidditch captain? Haha well, it seems your gonna have a hard year. Im a Co-Captain for one of the teams with young Mizeala." he said, shrugging again as he started his pacing. When she went on about family he rolled his eyes. He hated his family, well, except for Chase... And they rarely talked. He bore no love for his father, and his mother was as good as dead to him. "Family and love is overrated. They are not needed to survive, so the can be cast aside." he commented as he watched the grounds through the closed windows.
OOCOut of Character:
LOL Lilith is a brat just wait and see.

Lilith was enjoying this game of cat and mouse. It had always been Eden and Hoshi with all the boys and now that Lilith was so far away the only logical thing was for her to finally come out of her shell. And that was what she was doing. She already had a few really close friends. Caption of a team and now this. Oh if only her old classmates could see her now. As Blaine got to his feet Lilith clapped softly.

Looking at the bottle that was placed in front of her. Lilith turned her nose up to it. "I only drink water and as for what your drinking you get caught I am acting like I have never seen you before." Lilith said primly. Sure this guy was cute but he had a rough edge to him and Lilith was just not sure how she felt about that. "Thats interesting. Not a good enough player to have a team of your own?" Lilith said tartly at his boastful interjection about being a co-caption. "Maybe you could cast your family to the side but with mine why would I ever want that? We are closer than close and besides with out family who would help me spend all my fathers money?" Lilith said playfully. As she reached over and took the firewhiskey from his hand and tossed it out the window. "Opps silly me I am so clumsy these days." Lilith said as she smacked the last battle of drink of the seal and out the window as well.
Blaine chuckled and shrugged. "You do that, cause from the sounds of you , you'd be doing me a favour." he said, looking at her in distaste. She sounded the like type he shouldnt have been asociating with someone the likes of her. He took the bottle of butterbeer back from the table and placing it one the desk at the front of the room, which he was now sitting on. He was pondering what he was doing. He had come in with the intent of escaping life, and had run into, what had first appeared like a beautiful, and in Blaine's eye, was an easy target for him to hook his claws into. But now it seemed, she was the opposite of what he usually went for.

He had to laugh at her when she tried to insult him, and swigged his whiskey again. "I could fly rings around you, but unlike you, i havent had to struggle and earn my position. I just walked into it. So think what you want, but when it comes down to it, you wont win against us." he said, grinning maliciously at her. When she threw his whiskey out the window, he narrowed his eyes into a glare, and with the flick of his wand and a small lip movenment, his drinks flew back up into his hands, and he deliberately spilt one all over Lilith. "Whoops, how silly of me." he grinned, seeing the drink was now all over her clothes. He pulled out another smoke and lit it up, blowing smoke in her face. Two could definately play this game. "Im sorry, but spoilt rich cows dont exactly rank high in this school." he said, his eyes showing his glee. "And i would do well to remember NOT to touch my alcohol again." he chuckled, tossing his wand up and down in his hand.
"What do you mean from the sounds of me? You make it seem like I am a bad person." Lilith said with a giggle. This boy was really something else. Not like the boys she went for but there was something that called to her. She knew that she wanted to run from him but there was a side of him that attracted her.

Lilith let herself get closer at his taunts. "Wanna bet on that?" Lilith said softly. She couldn't believe that she was really doing something like this. As Blaine spilled some of his drink on her robes. Lilith glared at him "Whatever there just robes." Lilith said as she took them off and so they could dry out. Her uniform was neat and pressed so it didn't really matter. His next words where rude and harsh but she would find a way to make his regret them soon enough. "Listen here boy get to know me first before you call me a cow." Lilith said as she pulled the drink from his hand and pressed her lips against his.
As he viewed the girl, Blaine couldnt help but grin to himself, seeing the effect he was having on her. She was slowly but surely losing her cool, and as he watched her fall apart, he knew he was winning. When she giggled, he couldnt help but but frown, wondering why she was acting that way. Raising an eyebrow at her when she removed her robes, he couldnt help but admire her figure. He was, however, stunned when she took his drink and kissed him. His arms wrapping around her waist and pullin her towards him, he kissed her back enthusiastically, caught up in the moment.

As they stood there embraced and kissing, Blaine's head was running a a hundred miles an hour, his though his mind was numb and he had no idea what was going through his head. Pulling away from the kiss, and the embrace, he turned away from her, a frown on his face and his mind a battleground of confusion. "What... Was that?" he said after a few minutes, his voice breaking and shaky. He was developing feelings for her. Feelings he had never expected to feel...
Lilith couldn't believe just how bold she was being. Something about being in a new place around so many people that didn't know her from anyone else. It was amazing. Lilith loved the way Blaine looked at her like she was a amazing piece of art work. When he didn't stop her from kissing him she let her body relax into his. It just made sense to Lilith to be like this.

As the kiss deepened to the point they where both almost breathless. Blaine pulled away from her. Lilith felt her heart pounding fast in her chest. "I don't know I just had to do it." Lilith said truthfully. She had felt the urge and went for it. She didn't regret it as a matter of fact she wanted to do it again.
Blaine stood there, his voice lost and his mind a bundle of confusion. He wasnt quite sure how he had gotten to this point, but as he stared at Lilith, he knew that he liked where he was. The confused looked disappeared from his face, and it was replaced by one of his grins. Even though she had broken through his defenses, and had lowered his normally snide additude, he wasnt going to change himself... Just yet, at least.

Taking his drink back from her, and taking a drink from it, he chuckled. "Yes, well... Maybe it wasnt so bad." he said, his eyes viewing her body again, his grin growing larger by the moment. He could tell this girl would be some fun. "Is there any other urges you would like me to satisfy?" he asked, his grin growing even larger, his playboy additude back.
Lilith could tell from the look in his eyes that she had taken him by surprise. This could be a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe if Lilith could continue to do it in different ways he would stop with the drinking and other stupid things that would just get them in major trouble. Above all Lilith was a sweet heart that was always looking for the best in people.

Wrinkling her nose as he picked his drink back up. Lilith crossed her arms over her chest. "I have had better." Was all Lilith said. Rolling her eyes as he made a backhand offer. "If you would put that drink down and leave it down who knows what urge I could come up with." Lilith said her voice getting a edge of anger in it.
Blaine raised an eyebrow at her comment, his grin fading somewhat, and a tinge of anger hitting his eyes as he watched her, his face a mixture of feelings. His guard was back up, and now he had that dangerous smile on his face that ment he was in the game, and once he was in the game, things got freaky. "You've had because, merely on the fact that i bet they had wanted your tounge shoved down their throat, not caught by surprise and mouth raped." he said, chuckling to himself as he sat on the table, taking another sip of his drink and relaxing. He was enjoying taunting her, and for now, he was going to see just how far he could push her.

Looking between Lilith and his drink, he gave her a pained look, and sighed. "Oh how i hate choosing." he sighed, took one last swig of his drink, and tossed it behind him, straight out the window. A soft smile on his face, he stood up, and walked over to her, getting right up to her, his mouth a few centermeters of Liliths neck, his breath warm on her throat. "So, what else do you have up your sleeve." he half whispered, his hands gently making their way down her body, feeling the soft texture of her skin underneith her uniform.
Lilith watched Blaine's movements. What was it about him that called to her? She was always the good girl. Never leaving on the edge doing what was proper. His next words where harsh and rude but Lilith just laughed. She had heard worse things come from Eden and Hoshi when they weren't mad at her so this was nothing to her. She could ignore this and that would drive him even more insane.

Lilith rolled her eyes as he whined about choosing between her and bottle. As he tossed the bottle from the window Lilith let a small smile cross her face. His breath on her neck. Lilith giggled softly. "What makes you think I have anything up my sleeves to start off with?" Lilith said softly as she tilted her head up and gently kissed his neck.

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