You and I

Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
It had been a year since Chyou Jin seen Devlin, little did she know that she loved him. But from this experience, she was sure that the feeling exist. She had never felt weak before, mentally or physically but this was crushing her heart. 'Could it be that he love me no more?' The young girl thought as she stared at the empty, cold, pitch black street from the tenth story. Her eating disorder got worse, she was skinnier than ever yet she was physically strong. 'You shouldn't have trust your heart, you fool!' again the brown eyed girl thought, rocking her chair back and forth as she showed no emotion on her face. It had been a while since she looked dead, skinny, pale, no emotion, no goal. Devlin was the only person who kept her alive but he had been away for a while. And what hurt her even more was that she seen him with another girl, not sure if they were together or not.

Midnight was quiet, Chyou could feel the night breeze blowing her hair. She stood up thinking about her life, she had no goal, her life was meaningless. She never felt so lonely before and unprotected, she thought she needed no one in her life and that she would be fine on her own, but she was wrong. She was wrong.... The girl stood up, walking toward the edge of the building as she looked down, seeing the street empty. She had lost her mind, she wanted to live no more. She closed her eyes as she felt the breeze brushing on her cheek, ready to take another step to the air.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">Devlin Howard leaned on the wall, willing himself to take another step. Blood poured from his wound like an uncapped water bottle that had been tipped to its side, its contents releasing onto the floor. It spilled all over, creating such a bloody mess that would make the next street cleaner's job more annoying than it already was. "Too bad for him, then again, too bad for me." Here he was, crimson liquid spilling relentlessly from where the spell hit on his left side and all he could think of was how he would get his revenge once he had recovered.

They dare to double-cross him? Oh, someone was going to pay. They had shed blood, HIS blood, and not just a drop at that. He will make them pay. He just needs to sleep off and then when he got his energy back, he'll hunt them in the morning. All of them. He needed a place to stay for the night. He'd sleep everything off. Most of the exhaustion was from his travel anyway. A hotel would be no good; his house would be no good either, so he would have to sneak into someone's house.

Chuckling in a hoarse voice, Devlin pressed his hand against the wound, attempting to stop the bleeding, but it hardly helped at all. The blood warmed and wet his hand as it escaped through the loose cracks of his clenched fist; how pathetic. A call for help was just a murmur away, however, the last thing he wanted was to cry for assistance, he didn't want to be saved, not by those pathetic losers, he didn't need any help, not at all. Pushing himself up, Devlin willed himself to take another step. He had been away for more than a year, and he knew for himself that he had gotten stronger, much stronger than before, so a pathetic wound is nothing for him. However, he could already feel his mind grow groggy from the loss of blood, and his vision was faltering. A smirk appeared on his face, if this was where he was going to spend his last moments on the planet, his final breaths, his final words... if that was the case, he could at least say something that had been weighing him down for year.

"I never told you that you were my favorite human..." he murmured lowly as he raised his head to look at the moon shining brightly above him, and as he did so, he saw a familiar figure of a person, a person whose face had always crossed his mind. The only person that he had regretted leaving, though he would never admit it out loud. "Chyou?" The name felt foreign for him, name that he hadn't called out to for quite a long time already. "Pathetic, if this is some form of a stupid hallucination; I'm definitely not buying it".
Right before Chyou took a step forward, the young girl could hear someone calling her name. It wasn't just someone, she knew who the owner of the voice was. Someone who kept her alive all these days. In all the sudden, all the flashbacks, memories came into Chyou's mind including her childhood nightmare. The young girl took a deep breath before facing the other side, showing no emotion at all. Chyou was skinny, her skin was pale, dark circles were under her eyes. She was like a corpse that was attached to ground. The first time she met Devlin, she looked all the same, pale skin, skinny, messy, troubled. But he took care of her and taught her what love was even though Devlin was dominant, and that he wasn't afraid of hurting her but because of him, Chyou was alive. The girl thought there was no use in living without him, her soul was crushed. She had lost her family, her mind, and Devlin. Or at least that was what she thought.

"Hello Devlin" The eighteen years old said without even moving anything but her lips. "We finally meet again" She continued with her unusual dreamy voice. Chyou wasn't sure if Devlin was real or it was her brain messing with her just like it used to. But she was tired of it, every time she found out that it was just her imagination, she ended up crying, hurting herself with no one caring. So she was going to end it, she wanted to end this misery. "Come and give me a hug before we part" A smile appear on her face but yet her eyes were blank. It seemed like she was asleep or had lost her mind. She wasn't even looking at Devlin, she was looking straight forward focusing on emptiness. "Very well then, good bye" Once more she faced the street ready to end all the misery.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">Devlin blinked his eyes a few times to make sure that his brain was not playing tricks with him, that the person standing right in front of him was the very person whom he had always longed to see. "Chyou.." He said lowly, trying to stand straight as he pressed his hand harder on his side. If this was indeed the Chyou that he knew before, then he is in no position to show any weakness, he was supposed to be strong, he was supposed to be invulnerable. "We have not seen each other for years and that's all you'll say?" He continued with his usual tone, stepping forward to approach the young girl. He wasn't sure whether it was just him or there was something different about Chyou. The dominating and secured aura that she had before was gone. Her, but not her. "Chyou?" He called out yet again, there was definitely something wrong. The person in front of him was not the same person that he had last seen it seems. She seemed like an empty and soulless shell, something that he had seen before, something that he had thought he had buried along with his nightmares, this is not the person that he had wanted to see.

Taking a better look at her, a sudden realization had struck him. She can't be thinking of ending her life right then and there, right? Devlin had never thought that from all those countless meetings, this might be the last. No, some people said that when you're close with someone on his/her last day, you will feel his aura radiating even more than before. It was all too sudden. In a blink, Devlin couldn't even get why his body started to feel light, the last thing he knew, he was already next to her. He saw her expression, her expression that he would never forget in his lifetime. Those empty orbs, it's something that he wouldn't want to see ever again. "What do you think you're doing? Are you out of your mind? You.. you.. just what are you thinking!" He yelled, unable to stop himself as he placed both of his hands on her shoulder, shaking her as if that would help to bring the person that he had always wanted to see. Wounds and pain forgotten, he pulled her into a hug, a hug that was so tight he wasn't even aware he was already doing it. "You really are stupid! Goodbye? Just what are you saying..." He said lowly, releasing her from the said hug but still having his hands on her shoulders, as if if he let go, she'll be gone and he wouldn't be able to catch her again.​
Without taking a deep breath before taking a step toward the empty air, two strong hands were wrapped around Chyou. She stood still, spreading the coldness of her heart to anyone around her, focusing on the emptiness. She wasn't sure what was happening, she wasn't sure if this was a dream or this was real. Yes she had it in her dream, meeting the man that she loved but it was just a beautiful dream, nothing more than that. But what about now? "Why are you talking so loud?" The girl asked with her dreamy voice, just like a little child who woke up in the middle of the night of the sound of her drunk father. "Shhh... Collin's asleep" She whispered to the ear of the fine boy who was hugging her. Her body shivered a little, feeling scared, unprotected because of the volume of the voice of Devlin's. Perhaps it wasn't too loud but Chyou's mind was telling her that it was too loud to be heard.

Tears started to roll down yet her sight was still empty "No father, No!" She yelled as the nightmare took control of her brain. She was picturing herself in little Chyou's body. "Get away from me!" She yelled pushing Devlin away from her, she had been so much stronger than she was. As she took a few steps away off the edge, walking toward Devlin without emotion. She was still picturing herself dealing with her most hatred father, Calvin Jin instead of the man that she loved Devlin Howard. "You bastard" The dreamy tone of hers came out once again, focusing on the dark of the night as she felt the wind blowing harder, reminding her of the tragedy in the woods back then even more. Now that she was so much older, she could cast spells at her target, she knew how to perform each one of it perfectly but back then, what she could depend on was her physical strength. "I've told you father, I can never forgive you" She pointed her wand at him.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">Hearing those words coming from the girl in front of him, Devlin cannot help but feel frozen on his spot. This was definitely not the Chyou that he had wanted to see. All those times that they were apart, he had always thought that once they see each other again, they will be at each other's neck like how they used to, he had always thought that once she sees him again, they'll be engaging again in their usual fights. But then again, fate was not that kind, in fact, fate always love to play tricks with him, to ruin his life that he always tried hard to build. "Collin?" He said in a voice that is so low no one would probably hear it. The Chyou that was in front of him now looks so lost and broken, like those china dolls that he used to see before, beautiful, but fragile, those eyes that used to carry so much fire in it was now replaced by dull orbs, doll like eyes that seemed to hold no emotion in it.

Seeing the tears rolling down the girl's face, Devlin was taken back. Chyou was never one to show her weakness, much less her tears in front of anyone, and if she does, then something bad must really be going on. As he was about to reach out and dry her tears away, Devlin felt his body being pushed. If it was any other situation, he would either be annoyed or amused at her strength, however, he wasn't. Once again, he pressed his hand on his side, his wound was opening once more and blood was again pouring from it. He had already lost a lot of blood, but dealing with it was the farthest thing from his mind at the moment. For right now, Chyou needed him, and waking her up from this stupid nightmare of hers was more important than the wound on his side. Concentrating on the matter at hand, Devlin tried to stood up straight once more, only to be faced with Chyou's wand being pointed at him. "What the hell are you doing Chyou? Wake up won't you?" Be it just a normal situation between, he wouldn't be afraid to raise his wand too, but at the moment, at this very moment, he was just afraid that he might just loose the most important person in his life. He had never told her yet just how special she was, and though he doesn't know why, he had this feeling that he was the one at fault here. That he was the one to be blamed at what was happening to her.​
In all the sudden Chyou could hear the whispers of people talking, though there was no one but the two of them, though the night was quiet, Chyou was disturbed by the voices in her head "Quiet!" She shouted as her breath began to be harder and harder. The eyes of her began to be filled with tears once more. The empty souled lowered her wand as she looked at an arm of the boy in front of her that was covered in blood. She lowered her right hand as she took a potion and a cloth out of her pocket. "You're bleeding Collin" It had been a while since Chyou saw her brother, she missed him but she was afraid of showing him her weakness. "I've told you not to touch my things, now look what you get as a punishment" The girl forcefully took the hand of Devlin's, wiping it with the cloth as she lowered her body, looking to wound and poured the potion to it, thinking that he was the brother of Chyou's and that she had fought him and hurt him. She was sure that he was going to feel it sting, Chyou always hurt herself, with or without purpose and since she wasn't ready to die, she carried it around in case the blood pour too much. "You'll feel better soon" She eyed the wound once more as she saw the blood stop pouring.

Slowly the black haired girl stood up as her heart beat faster and as she breathe harder and harder. Her eyes that was focusing on the pitch black of the night suddenly were locked on Devlin's brown eyes. She broke down to the ground as she release her wand and the bottle of potion, hearing the glass broke as some of it cut her skin, piercing it down to her flesh as she felt the liquid beneath her knees. She cared little about the pain, she was used to it, in fact she had felt worse pain than this so this was nothing. She release her arms that was squeezed tightly, taking the piece of broken glass out of her hand as she saw her hand bleeding. Once more she stood up "Devlin?" She looked at him feeling a little confuse, this time she was hiding her feeling instead of not having it at all. "You jerk! Where were you!?" She walk toward him, pushing him to the back, feeling angry and confused. She could see her blood printed to his clothes but she didn't care. "WHERE THE H3LL WERE YOU!?" Once more she yelled as she grabbed him by the shirt, feeling the pain in her hands and shook him hard, not believing what she saw. She knew that she could play the arrogant role where she show him no emotion but she was too upset and she wanted to lose him no more.
Thousand of thoughts were racing on Devlin's head, he doesn't really understand anything that was happening. The Chyou that he had left before was a strong woman, a young woman that was brave enough to stand up against him and tell him right on his face that she doesn't like what he was doing. He wonders where that girl is and who is the girl that was now shedding her tears in front of him.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he saw Chyou lower her wand. It seemed that finally, finally, she was regaining her self control. However, that relief was replaced by a scowl when he heard the words that the girl uttered afterwards. It seemed that she was still mistaking him to be her brother, someone whom she had not seen for a long time. "I'm not-" Devlin was not able to finish what he was going to say as Chyou had forcefully took his hand, wiping it with the cloth that she took from her pocket and pouring some potion into his wound. He flinched. It was not everyday that he would suffer from an injury like this after all, cursed those idiots who dared to shed his blood. "I'm not you brother, snap out of it Chyou.." He said, rather harshly as he checked his side, the blood stopped, but the burning sensation of the wound still remains.

A loud crash was heard as the bottle that Chyou was holding hit the ground, pieces of glasses were scattered everywhere, and some of it pierced her skin. She was breaking down, much like the glass beneath her. Devlin didn't know what to do nor what to feel. All he knew was that he should do something, something to pull her back into reality. His thoughts was stopped when he heard her speak again, this time, not in the dreamy voice that she had before, and this time, she was calling out his name. "Chyou, are you-" Once again, he was cut off as he felt himself being pushed and being grabbed by his shirt. "finally, you're back.." He muttered, enclosing her fists into his hands. It was warm, her blood mixed with his, but he didn't care, not at all. "Forget that, I'm here already am I not? Missed me?" The cocky air around him was appearing once more. He knew that this was no time to play the mean role that he always takes, but nevertheless, he feared to change. This girl, this girl who was grabbing his shirt right now, the girl who was yelling her lungs out as she asked him about his whereabouts, had finally come back to him and he would never let go again.
No matter how hard Chyou tried to push Devlin, he wont fall, he got stronger than he used to be or at least that was what the girl thought. Soon she felt his hands on her fist, stopping her from shaking him. She knew that she could've cry in his arms and confess to him that she loved him, but she was far too arrogant to do that although it was hard for her to hold her tears. Never in her life she felt so relief before, again tears started to rolled down her brown eyes, she couldn't resist it. The feeling of sadness, happiness, and worrying about Devlin leaving her again were all mixed up. "Do you not care? You've no idea Devlin, you've no idea what I've been through!" She yelled still trying to fight against him. She wanted to slap his face as hard as she could, yes she was angry at him for leaving her without noticing her until she thought that he needed her no more in his life when she was mentally not ready.

Chyou gathered her strength as she pushed Devlin's hands away and slap him on the face, tears still rolled down her face. Again she attempt to punch him on the stomach pretty hard, she lost her energy due to lack of eating, resting. ((sorry for the GM)) "How could you?" Chyou had no idea how to react to this kind of feeling, she was arrogant but yet she was scared of losing him. It seemed that she choose to let go of her pride just for this one time. She walk toward him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly, not caring if she scared him. She was small, smaller than she used to. If he was going to shove her away then she would haunt him and kill him with her bare hand and probably end her life as well. "How could you?" She sulked as she dig her nails on his skin while hugging him. "I have no one, how dare you Devlin, how could you?" For the very first time in her life, she cried and worse, on the arms of someone. She had never imagine experiencing this kind of scene. But just for this one, she let go of her pride, for the sake of love.

"You stupid, stupid boy! You fool!" Chyou murmured, letting go of her nails that were pressed on his skin ignoring the rhetorical question of Devlin's about missing him or not. "I'll kill you if you repeat the same mistake. Don't you dare Devlin, don't you dare!" She held him tight, giving him a message that she wanted him to be with her, she wanted him to vanish no more. Chyou needed him, he was the only one who she could count on. Yes, she loved him, more than anything else. She wanted him, but she was too arrogant telling him all these messed up feelings of hers.
For the first time in his life, Devlin had let himself be pushed around by another person and for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do. His quick thinking and sharp tongue would be of no help to this situation at all, his domineering demeanor and his arrogant aura had failed him at the moment, for the first time in his life, he was confused. "I have no idea cause you're not telling me anything." He said albeit in a tone that he had never ever used before, a tone mixed with self guilt, confusion, anger, and gentleness. "What happened to you?" His words sound foreign to his ears, he's not one to care for someone out loud like this after all, not even for his family.

Devlin felt himself being slapped on his face as he looked at Chyou with disbelief, she was definitely confusing him, and added to that, he himself was of being no help at all, trying to solve this illogical equation right in front of him is proving to be a very difficult task. He was about to retort and yell at her, anything just to calm her down and to calm himself as well, however, he was frozen on his spot as he felt small arms wrapping itself around him. "Chyou?" He said, unsure of what to do. This is not like him, usually, he would push her down, act as if he didn't like what she did, sneer at her, anything mean, but right at the moment, he wasn't sure how to react, he wasn't even sure of what to do anymore. His eyes shut closed as he felt her nails digging on his skin, it was painful indeed, but he was sure that that pain was nothing compared to what she was feeling. "I'm here now aren't I?" He said once more, for the first time in his life, the cold stoic facade that he always wore had fallen. Tears once more rolled from Chyou's eyes, and seeing those tears, Devlin realized how much he hated them. How much those tears doesn't suit her. He promised right then and there that he would do anything, anything at all to not see those tears again.

"I won't leave again..I won't.. I.." Devlin was never one to make promises, he was afraid that once the situation calls for it, he might leave again, but he cannot just say that to her can he? He wanted to assure her that she would never be alone again, however, because of his arrogance, he would never admit it out loud. Chyou was and is the most important person for him. She was there when no one is and she understands him, understands him probably more than he understands himself. He hated this fact, he hated the fact that despite being strong, he still needs to rely on her. He was afraid of these feelings, feelings that remain to be a mystery that he he wasn't sure he would want to solve.
Chyou had a lot of questions flooding her mind, she wanted to know what's going on between them, is she just a friend or more than that? She wanted him to tell her but she knew that it would be impossible, both of them were far too arrogant, but this feeling was too strong, so much stronger than her pride. She hated the fact that she couldn't control her heart that she would let the feeling control her, making her do things that she could never imagine before. "You are but what if..." She couldn't finish her sentence, she hated herself for being so weak. If Devlin ended up leaving her, she would drive herself crazy again. She wanted to be independent but it was impossible, she loved him already, she was attached to him. She had give him the other part of her heart even though he knew nothing about it, or did he know?

Feeling annoyed for not hearing the words that Chyou wanted to hear from Devlin such as confessing to her, the girl pushed him away in all the sudden. Little did she know or care that the cut on her palms were deeper than it used to, it started to sting so much more than before but she didn't care, she wanted to focus on them instead of the stupid cut. "You wont leave?" She looked at him, she was serious about it, she wanted to make sure. "You wont see me ever again if you even think about leaving me" She said, meaning every word. From this day, Devlin knew how Chyou felt toward him, he should know that she needed him to keep her alive, he should know that she wanted to be with him, no one else. But again, being arrogant or their pride could always ruin the moment.

Gathering bravery and pushing away pride out of her mind, Chyou looked at the boy in front of her "What's going to happen? We're graduating, what do you have in mind Devlin?" She walk toward him slowly and stopped right in front of him and looked up to him in the eye, she wanted to hear the truth, she wanted to hide no more. "What's going to happen to me after this? I'll have to go back to America? With Calvin?" Chyou didn't want to call him `dad` anymore. She hated him with all her heart. "You tell me Devlin, you tell me" If he kept holding to his pride and if he kept quiet, Chyou would walk away. She wanted to be disappointed no more, so she had to know what the future holds.
Devlin hated the warm and light feeling that he was experiencing right now, he hate how he cannot put his finger on what it was nor how he can not name it. He hate how pathetic he was for feeling weak, he hated it all. His heart was racing wildly like whenever her wanted someone to just drop dead in fromt of him or when he wanted to break someone's neck, however, he knew for sure that the uncontrollable thumping of his heart was not because of this desire for the death of someone, not Chyou, definitely not her. This was different. The feeling was something that was unpleasant yet pleasant at the same time... He doesn't how he'll call it. Was it what those stupid and bird brain people call love? Was it even possible for someone like him to feel such pure emotions? Never did that thought crossed his mind, yet at that very moment, he fears that he was already being pulled into that direction, the only thing was that, will he allow himself to fall or would he run before he could stop himself from doing so? "No what ifs Chyou, the present's all that is important." He didn't want to think of the possibility of seeing Chyou on the same situation as he did just a few moments ago. That Chyou was someone that he wished would never appear right in front of him again.

"I can't promise anything, but I won't leave without saying anything again.." He said, reassuring the girl that he would not let her feel the same way again. The future was unclear, he might have to leave again once the situation calls for it, but he vows not to leave without telling her of the reason yet again. He vows to say a proper goodbye once he needs to do it so. "I don't think that I'll live to see the living daylights once again once I leave you, will I? Not saying that you could win over me, but then again..." He started, looking at her eyes. Close to him was the only person that he treasures, the only person that he is willing to trust, the only person who he is willing to protect and keep safe even with the expense of his own family. "But then again.. if I leave, won't you come with me?"

"The future holds no promises for us Chyou, we don't know what will happen.." Devlin only lives in the present, never in the past, and never in the future. He is not a fool to daydream about what might happen, what will happen, or what had happened. He wouldn't waste his time thinking of the what ifs or what could have been. The only thing that he cares about is the moment and the time that he was living in. "The only thing that I'm sure of is that... you'll always be by my side, won't you?" It was a bit selfish of him, he knew that. After a long time of not seeing her, after a long time of being gone, he had the guts to tell her to stay by her side.. It's selfish he knew, but that is what he wanted.
The feeling was too strong that it changed the way Devlin talked to Chyou and the way she react to the man she loved. Her eyes were full of hope for the very first time in her life, even though she showed no emotion to Devlin but her eyes could never lie. She knew that she would be a good partner in crime with him. Her heart pounded as her knees became weak, she had never felt this way before, no, never before. "I want you to tell me if you're leaving and I want to be there with you" Once again she said with a voice full of hope, she couldn't help it. But she wanted to be left no more. "What did you do to me?" A small laugh came out of her, she too was confused why she was so different than she used to why she couldn't punch him on the face and break his nose and made him do what she wanted. But this time it was more like pleading, hoping, and ordering at the same time.

Once again Chyou grabbed him by the shirt with a wrench and looked at him in the eye "I want you" Her eyes sparkled as she locked her eyes with him, she was meaning it. The young girl was afraid of the future, she had no where else to go, she wasn't comfortable living without Devlin. She wanted to be with him, only the two of them. Both of them didn't have to worry about money since both of them had more than enough. "Tell me, tell me Howard" She pulled him closer to her still locking her brown eyes on his. "What's going to happen to us? In specific" Deep inside she was hoping that they would start a new life together. She could no longer play the guessing game, no, no… Everything between both of them had to be crystal clear so Chyou knew what to do with her life.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">The situation in front of him was not the usual that Devlin had grown accustomed to. Since they had met, their daily meetings had been full of mockery, insults, everything that constitutes and results into a disagreement or a fight between the two of them. There's a lot of hate between them, but as an old belief goes, there's a very thing line between love and hate. Devlin wasn't sure whether what he was experiencing at the moment was what some people call love, more so, he thinks that it was just some sort of attachment, the form of attachment wherein he wouldn't want her to be with another man, to be with another person other than him. Call it selfishness, or call it love, whatever it was, the hate and intense rivalry between them had seemed to have developed already into an unusual bond. A uncanny and unique relationship between a young man and young woman. "What did you do to me?" Devlin threw the same question back at her, he wondered what had happened though, or the them that is there right now would last for long, or if it will ever work out. There were a lot of fire between the,. and their personalities were just too strong, one would even wonder how they had ever got along. "What are we? Tell me Chyou, just.. what are we?" The bond between them might be indescribable, not with just a single term like friends, lovers, or enemies. Theirs was something that only something that their hearts new, if he did have a heart.

There's different kinds of love it seem, the kind of love where you love her because you want her, or you want her because you love her; it might even be that you love her because you need her, or that you need her that's why you love her, and for Devlin he didn't know which is which, if he love her because he needed her, or because he wanted her, or he love her just because he does. "You're mine.." He said lowly, his eyes lovked into hers. He meant it, if she won't be his, then no other person will ever have her. "I... need you." He added, almost in a whisper. It's a pathetic, admitting that he needed her to carry on, he's like his comfort zone, just like he was hers.​
Chyou pulled Devlin even closer to her not caring if he might not be comfortable being too close to her. She shook her head as she listened to Devlin who wanted her to tell him what they were. Without realizing, she tip toed and planted a kiss on his lips. His lips were soft, this was Chyou's first experience, this was her first kiss, a kiss that she would never forget. And luckily it was with someone that she loved, someone that she knew she couldn't live without, and that she would do anything to stay beside him until the last breath of hers. Still closing her eyes, Chyou lean back as she stood up in her normal position as her hands were no longer on Devlin's shirt. She looked down to the ground not sure what she was doing, she was shocked. "Forgive me" She bowed her head apologizing as she took a few steps backward. The girl felt like crying, she was worried if Devlin was annoyed because she did that to him and that he would leave her. She turned to the other side and whispered "I love you" Her voice was small, she wasn't sure if Devlin could hear what she said or not but she didn't intend to let him know.

Not knowing what she should do, Chyou took few steps away from him. She was worried of annoying him, she wanted him to stop her and tell her that he loved her. Devlin may had told her that she was his, but then she had always been his since they were young. They've been spending most of their time together and that Devlin usually hate those who were too close to Chyou or showed romantic interest. The same thing with Chyou, whenever a girl shows romantic interest or even dare talking to Devlin, her heart boils in anger and jealousy. She had always been his, his best friend but more than that? This feeling existed since they were young but they had no idea about it until they were about to lose each other. This tragedy was like a wake up call for both of them, it was like a slap, telling them that they actually needed each other, that the feeling existed.
Devlin and Chyou lived in a world where tomorrow was never guaranteed. There was always the question of whether or not they would survive the next 24 hours. Their friendship was the shaky unstable friendship of two lonely souls looking for companionship. It was the kind of friendship that could be destroyed in a second, but miraculously survived. It was the fragile strand of a spider's web. Fragile and easily destroyed by themselves, but together they were stronger. Less vulnerable. This unspoken arrangement had saved them. They remained together for the mutual comfort they gave each other. They were friends not only because they wanted to be, but because they had to be. They stayed together for survival. It was a fragile existence, but it kept them alive.

Over time they began to really care for one another. They began to talk about things other than survival or the plans for the next day. They talked of hopes, dreams, and fears. The began to lean on one another, one always ready to catch the other should they fall. They listened to each other. And now, they might even go as far as to call it love. Devlin knew that in a heartbeat he would willingly give up his life for her.

Devlin's thought were cut off as he felt Chyou's lips on top of his. It was his first, and he was sure that he would never forget this feeling. The kiss was soft and he would even go as far as to say that it was innocent. Chyou's lips were soft, and he had to admit, he liked the feeling of her lips on his, but the surprise of the sudden show of affection from her had prevented him from responding. He remained, not moving even though Chyou had already leaned away from him. He love her, but he still wasn't used to showing his affections, he is, after all, still him, a man that most people would can ruthless and evil just like his name suggest. But if it was for Chyou, he was sure that even just a little, he would start to really open up, and even just by little, start showing off some real human emotions. If it was for Chyou, he'd be willing to do anything. He had never told her about it yet, but this unspoken feeling vow was something that he was sure to kept. "Don't be..." He said as he heard her apologized. It was one of those really rare times when Chyou would utter the word sorry, for between them, that word rarely existed. Saying sorry was something that they rarely do, for Devlin knew that no matter what happened, even without that word, he was sure that they would forgive each other.

"You're my favorite human, you know.." His voice was barely a whisper, he remembered, just when he was about to loose his conciousness before, he had regretted telling her these lines, not being able to tell her that in this life of his, she's the only one that he'll regret leaving, the only one that he really treasures. He was not that ready yet to tell the words I love you to her, cause despite not saying that, he knew for himself that he indeed love her already. "You'll always, always be.."

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