You and I Walk a Fragile Line

Faxen Lowart-Kozlova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Dymetris ❤
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Faxen Lowart was dressed casually and comfortably as she climbed her way up to the top of the North Tower in the desolate, dim evening light. It was supper time but Faxen had no interest in eating. In fact, she had lost several pounds since last term because of her lack of appetite. The pretty brunette had been back at Hogwarts for several days after a horribly miserable summer. The term had ended poorly for her after the gossip magazine had spread around the school. Dymetris had left the hall without so much as looking her way that day. Since that day, Faxen had received only silence from him. After class, he was suddenly out the door. He avoided her gazes. Seemingly, he wanted nothing to do with her. The Gryffindor had no idea what had made his feelings for her change. Faxen was hurt, confused, and angered by his sudden turn around. To make matters even worse, Faxen and Enzo weren't speaking. She had gotten mad at him for his last letter and never replied back to him. Faxen had too much pride in her to write him a note to admit that he had been right. Dymetris had clearly decided he wanted nothing else to do with her. All in all, it had been the worst summer of Faxen's young life. She had nothing to distract her except for her music which she had thrown herself into with a fierce intensity.

Since the sixteen year old could not do magic outside of school, Faxen had her sister, Rosiee, shrink her grand piano down to pocket size so that she could transport it with her to school. Faxen had an inherent skill with music. She was good at playing the guitar and the drums, but with the piano she truly excelled. Her father had began to teach her when she was only three years old. Faxen had fallen in love with the piano and with music. Her home had been a musical one with lots of singing before her father died. She practiced the craft diligently when she was at home. At school, Faxen practiced with her guitar. Until now that is. Her piano was the reason she was up on the top of the tower now at dinner time in the frigid winter air.

Pulling out her wand, Faxen cast a few bluebells to keep her warm. Slowly she bent down as she placed a tiny little piano on the stone floor. The prefect cast the silencing spell along the walls in order to keep her music confined to the tower and not across the grounds. With a quick flick of her wand and a softly spoken word, Faxen enlarged the piano and it's stool to its normal size. Faxen smiled at her dear friend. The brunette took her seat, softly tracing her fingers on the ivory keys. Softly at first, but increasing gradually, Faxen played a song that had been on her mind these past few weeks. Her pure voice singing out the words until the end.
Dymetris poke his head to take gander look around the great hall. Everyone he knew of last year was there that evening. He didn't know why this evening he was curious to know who was in the great hall. It's not like it matter to him, good or bad he would always have to come here for a wholesome heart meal. He was beginning to think it was one of those time when he wanted nothing to be alone and eating was not priority at the moment. He spotted a few of his mates, waved at them and smile. It's always easy to pretend to smile, then everyone will think you were okay, when really since last school year you've been feeling like crap and this shallow feeling hadn't gone away since that gossip magazine hit the school's atmosphere. He told one of the younger puff that if anyone was looking for him that he would be in the towers tonight. He had a pocket full of runes and a pocket size telescope to do a little big of star searching and psychic reading.

Leaving before he had enter the great hall, Dymetris climbed the stairs taking his time with each flight that appeared to him. He was quite miserable, if only he had someone to talk too. His parents had been the best support throughout his entire, however he did not burden with the details of what happen in school. he told them a minimum of his drama, the last thing he wanted to other then screwing up again was them thinking less of him. He had played the disappointed looks on their faces many times in his head, it did not look pretty it did not suit well to him. Made him all but discourage to say anything to them besides they were very bust attending with his new born baby brother, Kiril Michail. a time to be happy that he was no longer the single child anymore and the arrival of his new sibling came unexpectedly, made it near impossible to spill the beans. He wanted to happy because he had a brother finally, so he did his best to keep away his school life interfere his home life.

As he neared the top of the steps, he paused from moving any further. He could hear a melody of some kind and someone singing coming from the towers. It sounded like keys and some notes, it struck him odd that piano playing would come from the up here. Interested to see if piano was in fact coming from the towers, Dymetris continued climbing the steps to the tower. He reached the top and stride in, his suspicious were correct.He smiled, enjoying the tunes then soon after realized it wasn't much of a song to be smiling about. He edge close towards the piano player, her back to him , he stop frowning. From behind and as close as he was to her, he recognize her from anywhere. Faxen the girl he cheated with Cosette was playing a piano and alone, Dymetris said nothing for a long time, even when she was finished he kept quiet staring at Faxen from behind. His heart ached from the lyrics of the song, he was such a fool, such an idiot to mislead and now he was causing more pain that was unnecessary to the teenage boy. He wished nothing more to make her smile again, like back when they were close and just friends.
Faxen sat with her shoulders hunched over, her head turned downwards. She was oblivious that the person who was the focus of her song was silently watching her from behind. The Gryffindor sighed. It wasn't as if she had not tried to enjoy her summer. Faxen had not sat at home alone sulking for three months. The inciting brunette had reverted back to her flirtatious self where she went on many dates. She had kissed more than a few of the boys she met over the summer. It's just that none of them gave her the feeling that she got when she kissed Dymetris. Her summer had seem hollow, without meaning, no matter how many boys Faxen used to distract her from the only one that mattered. Yesterday, Faxen had seen Dymetris across the hall. He looked happy to her soft brown eyes. It was going to be torture to see him every day indifferent to her presence when he had once claimed to be so enamored with the gryffindor. She had not heard if he was still dating Cosette but Faxen figured that he was since he had dropped all contact with her.

Faxen lifted her head as a single tear roll down her cheek. It was the only one she would allow herself. Faxen wasn't the type of girl to go heartsick over a boy. She wiped a finger across her face to take the tear away, knowing that her pride would not allow her anymore. Faxen raised her fingers, placing them gently over the keys. This time she played a graceful, gentle song. It had no words, only the piano music. Music always calmed her soul and erased her thoughts. It allowed Faxen to focus only on the music and not on her problems. She sighed as she played the last note and her hands fell away from the ivory keys. Why couldn't life just be simple? A small, quiet noise behind her made her jump. Turning around she saw the Hufflepuff that had occupied her thoughts since the gossip magazine was released.

A gasp escaped Faxen's rose petal lips. What is he doing here?! she thought silently to herself. Had he followed her up here? Or had he stumbled across her by accident? The latter seemed much more likely. Faxen stared at Dymetris as if he was a ghost. The typically outspoken girl had no idea what to say to this boy. Her heart yearned for his strong warm arms to wrap around her. That was not going to happen anymore. Faxen wasn't going to cross any more boundaries. It didn't work out in her favor last time. The pretty brunette took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts to speak to him. "How long have you been standing there?" she asked, first things first. It was only the first answer she needed from him and this question was at least harmless.
Dymetris listen to the rest of the other song. He must've been really good at hiding, she didn't notice him after she played the second song. He was regretting coming here now, a little maybe. What will he say when she notice him? What can he say? He didn't exactly came up with something to say since he left her out in the cold that day, the day he ran out the great hall like a coward. it was his fault, really she shouldn't feel worthless because he couldn't keep his male hormones in check. none of this would've happen to begin with, still maybe there was a reason that it happen. That's what he told himself to get through the summer, that everything has a probable clause and he went with how he felt at the time. Easy to think then say. He lower his hazel eyes, they would've been a little bluish little less green, he started to think they change depending on his mood swings. He drop his arms, thinking he should go and leave her alone. He was about to skip out then having to face her music, all the matter in the world made him stay put instead he stared back into her eyes when she noticed finally that he was standing there.

"I was, I mean I came up here to do some work. I didn't think anyone was up here, playing on a piano" he dabble on confused. "Been here for quite sometimes already" he took a good look over the piano, majestic instruments piano were, more majestic when someone he cared about can actually hit a good note or two. He gazed right back, his eyes meeting Faxen. All the guilt came rolling back resurfaced shadowing every part of his fleshy being. He certainly did not like this feeling hangover him again, no, no no, not now. Come on a whole summer you did well, you did great and you see her again and you can't even look at her?! He utterly felt pathetic. "Are you alright? I don't want you to hate me" he was truly sorry for abounding her like that, and as he stood there having to face her like this, he still couldn't look at her for a long time. His eyes fell quickly before they were comfortable giving all the attention she deserved. He couldn't bare looking at her now and remembering what he did to her and Cosette. Just not right.
Faxen looked at the Hufflepuff boy with distrust in her brown eyes. She studied his body language as his eyes darted away from her glare. Apparently this meeting had been an accident and he had not been following her. Yet, Dymetris had not gone to leave when he saw her familiar figure. There he had stayed, watching her play. Of course, her friend knew that she could play the piano, but Dymetris had never heard Faxen play. The Gryffindor girl crossed her arms over her chest, just looking at him. What was she supposed to say? "Are you alright? I don't want you to hate me." Did Faxen hear him correctly? Dymetris didn't want her to hate him? Well, he certainly had a funny way of showing her that. Until this moment, Faxen had not realized just how angry she was at Dymetris for running out on her.

Still, as mad as she was Faxen did not hate this boy in front of her. He had been her very closest friend at Hogwarts. The one that she trusted all of her secrets, her triumphs and her sorrows. They had crossed a line into something more last term. There was no way they could ever go back to that place where they had been just best friends. Faxen sighed as his hazel eyes met hers once more, clearly wanting her answer. But what was she to say? The truth? Or a polite lie? No, Faxen knew the truth was always best. She shook her head at him as she turned away from her piano completely so that she was facing Dymetris. "Honestly?" she said, her voice hard. "No. I tried to forget you. I tried all summer, but nothing was much of a distraction." Faxen said, not looking away from those pretty hazel eyes. "I'm angry, hurt, and confused. I don't hate you. I will never be able to hate you." she told him with sadness in her tone. "We will never be like we were before, but maybe we can at least try to be friends? Because I can't keep avoid you. It's just too damn painful." Faxen said, finally breaking eye contact and looking down at the stone floor.
He heaved a heavy sigh. Girls they could say one thing, a few words to be exact, but inside it was a lot more then words, a lot more emotions, lot more meanings. He had two moms, they've taught him plenty of stuff for him to pick up a lot of knowledge in the female race. It didn't mean anything, when all you was trying satisfied one. He rubbed his hands as he stood there maybe looking like an idiot for asking her not to hate him. It was the first thing that pop out of his mouth when he said after he'd explain quickly why he ended up here this evening. He said because he was wrong for ignoring her for a few weeks added months, for not letting know where he stood after the whole explosion, for leaving her that day he wished he could take back his actions. Dymetris hazel hue drifted around the room, they bounce from the grounds to the floor, back and forth, avoiding to make contact. When he couldn't help it any longer, he rolled his eyes, he dare took a step and sat besides on the seat. He looked straight ahead, it was easy to look straight ahead but knowing that she was besides him, well he couldn't forget that or make it any easier for him.

"I don't want you to forget me, I would go crazy if you did to be honest" he said staring at the floor, seriously he was giving his eyes a pretty good work out. "I bum this whole summer, but I know you, I know you wouldn't be hurt all summer because of me. You're stronger then that Faxen, a lot stronger then other girls in our years" he was flattered that she would care, that she would bother with him for that long or even consider him a friend after what he put her through. But he like to see that she was capable of facing him and not care what anyone said. she had tried talking to him, in return it was him running away. He was lost at what to say next or if he made sense to her. "I'm sorry and I know, I know it won't be the same, but if you give me a chance I'll try my hardest to be a good friend. I still care about you, don't think I've stop caring, the only reason why I couldn't talk to you or face you, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to apologize for messing up big time. I'm an idiot...but please forgive me?" he faced around, his eyes met her pretty ones, he would like to be much more then that but he know it will take some times before she would consider him again.
Faxen's brown eyes were still focused on the floor when she saw Dymetris' feet close the gap between them. For a split second, the brunette thought that he was going to pull her up into his strong arms. Not that she would have necessarily objected to his warm embrace. Despite her feelings of betrayal from him, Faxen longed to feel the Hufflepuff's touch once more, but she was fearful of getting hurt. Dymetris was the only boy that she had ever had any real feelings for of more than just friendship. He was the only one that could really shatter her heart if she let him get too close again. Yet, Dymetris just moved to sit beside her on her bench. It was a harmless action though his intimacy put her on edge. She could feel his familiar warmth on her side. In a selfish way, it made Faxen feel better to know that Dymetris had not had not enjoyed his summer either. That he, too, had missed her even if he had been avoiding her. Faxen was a strong girl just like he said. Stronger than the other girls her age, but he was exaggerating her strength when it came to Dymetris. The Hufflepuff was her personal kryptonite that could so easily undo her resolve to keep him as just a friend.

Faxen lifted her head up, still looking straight forward and not at the boy beside her as she tried to absorb everything that he was saying. Dymetris was one of those rare people who was just so good to his very core. She knew that it had really bothered him to do something so wrong as cheat on his girlfriend. Because of that, Faxen felt guilty for her role his immorality. Dymetris asked for her forgiveness as he apologized for all of his wrong doings. Her caramel eyes met his hazel ones, and Faxen knew that she would not deny him her forgiveness. A small smile appeared on her rosy lips as she nodded her head. "I forgive you." she said in a soft tone. Impulsively, Faxen leaned over to give him an innocent kiss on his cheek. It sealed her forgiveness of him. Faxen wasn't the type of person to hold a grudge. It was too tiring. "I promise that I won't do anything to come between you and your girlfriend again. I don't want to be that girl anymore. You deserve happiness." Faxen said with sincerity. Dymetris deserved to be happy, and she did not want to stand in his way.
He like how he felt when he was around despite they were at a fragile state right now. He enjoyed her company always, except the part when he ran away from her. Again his fault. Dymetris enjoyed listening to her speak, she sounded reborn from their mistake together. A mistake he understood deep down inside was wrong but it was sort of the highlight of his young life. He couldn't put it by him to regret kissing and her loving his best friend at the time. Nothing else would feel the same way again when he was with her, he'd always want to be around, kiss and hold her like he use too. If he was going to try and win her over he would have to fight harder to do so and not messed this up again with any other girl. Not your typical romeo, Dymetris could only but be himself. Sincere and make an effort to be faithful. No girl deserved to be treated that way, besides he's been hunting down his owl little Juliet. No good in misleading and wandering astray anymore, when Juliet was sitting right next to him. He would have to be that romeo and love her only if the chance was given, if she really dud forgive, that's all he really needed. It was hope.

Dymetris skin burn when she kissed his cheek, he moved his hand and rested them down on hers. "Thanks your the best, but you don't have to worry about me with Cosette anymore. I think she hates me or something, I don't know" and quite frankly he didn't give a sh!t anymore. All the rest of last year he was told he did wrong and he shouldn't have done that, Dymetris was tired of it all. Faxen forgiven him blew away all the criticism he got for doing what he did. He sweared the next person to tell him he did wrong, he was going to seriously sock them in the face. From this point on he was going to live a little bolder and be happy about the choices he made in life. His uncle will not dictate his choices anymore and someone who didn't matter to him opinion's would not matter. He was fighting, and fighting for one cause. His prize was the girl right next to him. Forget everyone else, this year he was ling again. "Anyways, I wanted to write to you all break, my mom just had a baby in July, I have a little brother now. Kiril Michail, I wanted you to see him but I didn't think you would be up to seeing my horrible face" he chuckle a little. His brother kept him sane, he was learning so much about having a brother and couldn't wait for Brightstone weekend to see him again. He was in a somewhat cherry mood now that's everything been sorted out with him and Faxen.
Faxen could not help the way that she still felt about Dymetris even after their summer apart. The Gryffindor knew that her romantic feelings were not being influenced in the slightest bit by his Veela charms either. Her heart still skipped a beat as he took her delicate hand in his own, warm hand, like he had done so many times before. The gryffindor knew that the hufflepuff meant this as an innocent, harmless gesture. It was something that Dymetris and Faxen had been in the habit of doing their whole friendship. The day that the vivacious young girl had met the quiet, shy boy on the stairs, Faxen had taken Dymetris by the hand and dragged him out of the castle to Brightstone. Everything had been so much easier back then when they had been just best friends, before they had shared that first kiss. Not that slender brunette regretted one bit of their relationship though she still knew what she did was very wrong. Yet, Faxen could not help that she had fallen for her best friend.

The brunette was distracted by Dymetris' hands that she almost missed what he had to say about his relationship with Cosette. Faxen had come to her resolve that she had no future with Dymetris, but his words changed all of that. There was hope for the two of them yet. Cosette was no more. A smug little smile came to her face unconsciously. Faxen could not be happier at his news. "Really? Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, not able to keep her happiness out of her voice. "I should probably tell you that I am sorry about it, but honestly? I'm not the slightest bit sorry." Faxen told her friend truthfully. She squeezed his hand and rested her head on his shoulder as she had done so many times before. Faxen listened to his news about his new brother intently. It cheered her that he had wanted to share his summer with her. Faxen was happy again for the first time since the gossip magazine came out. "That's wonderful Dymetris." she said, congratulating him. "I would love to meet him. Maybe I can see him Christmas break?" she asked him.
Dymetris smirked, Faxen was obvious about her feelings. He'd take it by her words that she didn't care much about his relationship with Cosette. She wasn't the only one. "To be fair, I don't think we had a connection, yeah she was pretty to look at, but I didn't feel it." he said explaining his relationship a little to Faxen. He wanted to say feel the same way he felt about her, though everything in the universe told him not too. It was to soon, but his heart spoke another language. It's typical for his heart to betray him, he bit down his lip maybe that will get it from stop exploding on the inside out. He let her loll against him, his hands wrapped around hers, why was it so easy to fall into old patterns? He didn't have the answer to that. No one ever knew what they when they did it. It's always been like that too. Unexplained action went unexplained till later on. That's the basic of the world to you. He sighed heavily and unravel his hand around her finger. "Yeah that would've been fun, he's such a cute little baby" he chuckle. Dymetris hung back on his hand and let his friend stay there for a while.

"What have you been up to as of late?" he asked her. "Anything fun, or misleading any new boys" he teased Faxen. He wonder if that was to soon, maybe he though. Though it was already said and done, "Have you been practicing qudditch? Any luck you will be on the team this year?" he decided to bring up another topic, one they could relate to at instant. Dymetris loved quidditch, but he discovered over the summer he was getting more into Ancient Runes studies. When he had not been helping his mom taking care of Micky, he got into his ancient Runes studies. It occupied his mind, whenever he was going halfcrazy thinking about Faxen he used Ancient Runes as distraction. Prove to work for a while, but at night he couldn't fight back his thoughts, he would stay awake at night thinking about the fair brunette. It's harsh how she would come into his mind when he was trying to sleep, he'd wouldn't get any sleep at all. It was worst when he did sleep, he dream about and they weren't your normal typical fairytale dreams. They were dreams a boy his age was hoping to really be happening.
Faxen rolled her eyes at Dymetris' words. Personally, she didn't think Cosette was even all that pretty, but maybe that was just her jealousy speaking. Faxen wasn't jealous of Cosette as a person, however she had been jealous of the relationship that the Hufflepuff girl had with Dymetris. Faxen's smug smile reappeared. I don't think we had a connection....I didn't feel it he had said. Words that greatly cheered the sixteen year old. She knew that Dymetris had feelings for her last term. Feelings that had been very real to them both. The Gryffindor girl left the conversation at that, not wanting to speak anymore about Dymetris' ex-girlfriend. She smiled at him, looking up into his hazel eyes. "I'm sure he is. Especially since he is related to you." she teased him ever so slightly. Of course, Dymetris' brother was bound to be part veela like him. Faxen was sure he was an adorable little child.

Faxen raised an eyebrow at Dymetris as he asked her if she had done anything fun, or mislead any new boys. Did he really want to know the answer to that? She wondered if he asked it out of curiousity, jealousy, or both. He asked and Faxen intended to give him an answer, at least to let him know that her options were not limited. He would have to work for it if he wanted her back. "Misleading is a rather harsh word. I was only having a bit of fun with them." she said all too innocently. Dymetris would know that she had been out with other boys this summer but he wouldn't know that none of them had been able to live up to Dymetris in Faxen's eyes. She wouldn't be admitting that to him today. Faxen shrugged her shoulders at his next words. "Well I tried out for the House team like you suggested. I'm an alternate chaser. I guess that's to be expected since I never tried out in the past." she said, not really letting that bother her. She wasn't upset by it or anything. Faxen just liked to play for fun.
Of course those choice of words sounded a bit offensive, he scratch the side of his neck uneasy. She still answered, and Dymetris was having a hard time in questioning if he was jealous or not. He had a hard time thinking but the look on his face spoke louder then words. He quickly was glad the subject changed in his favor, he nodded understanding. "You'll still get a chance, these teams they don't always work out when it comes down to game day" he would know, his line-up had changed in the last minute, that day was so crazy for him. It was the best intense game ever but he couldn't help to feel his head was not all in there that day. So much was going on, he had a difficult time to focus clear. "If not, it's always okay anyways, these games are harsh, they can take a toll out of someone" he shrug simply not caring really, he loved the game but after all that's happen he wanted to focus more on his future, although quidditch is a wicked sports, didn't involved what he was aiming for hopefully that something would make him happy.

He turn around on the small bench he sat with Faxen, he looked down at the piano and fluttered a few keys. "Play a few songs, I want to hear you play" he hit the key of G, not sure how he would know that and went up and down the scales before and after that key. "You were doing great before I interrupted you" he smirk, after all this was the first time he's heard Faxen played, he loved how she sound, sweet and heart felt. He wanted to hear more of her rich melody so he had something to dream about tonight, her music will signify her in his dreams, it's the closes he thinks he'll ever get to her. In his dreams, that's all he got till he won her over somehow. "What were the songs you were playing again, the first one, what was it called? I've never heard it before" growing up as a wizard - veela he knew very little knowledge of some muggel culture music, he followed some genre like a bit hip-hop and dubstep, but the one she sung made him feel a little bad inside. He was curious into what kind of things she like too, could you tell he was holding onto hope here?! Did he sound desperate, he hope not.
Faxen shrugged her shoulders at his words. She would love to play but if she didn't get the chance, it wasn't going to upset her. She knew that her future was not professional quidditch. Her future was music. Faxen didn't know for sure what she wanted to do in the music industry, but she had an inclination for singing and composing. She hoped that she might get her own recording deal. It was too early to think about that though. Faxen had to get through her two remaining years of school. She valued her magical education. It was extremely important to her that she do well. Faxen wanted to have options for her future. "I'm not worried." she told him with a reassuring smile. "If I get to play, then I will. No big deal." the brunette said casually. Faxen wasn't typically the type of girl to obsessively worry over things out of her control. Actually, the only thing that had ever caused her much duress at all was Dymetris this past summer.

Faxen grinned at her friend as he asked her to play more for him. That was something she could do. Faxen loved to play for others when they asked her to do so. The gryffindor flipped back around on her bench so that she was facing the piano once more. She watched as Dymetris played a few cords, a soft smile on her lips. She narrowed her eyes at him as he asked about her first song. So he had heard then. Did he guess that she was singing it about him? "Uh. It's an older song by a muggle named Taylor Swift. The song is called Haunted." she told him. "Growing up, we only listened to muggle music. In fact, we lived like muggles. Magic made my dad nervous. He was a muggle. Things changed once he passed away." she said as she played a classical piece by Bach. She could play this familiar piece in her sleep. Talking did not mess her up. "My father was a wonderful musician. He taught me how to play the piano. Mum says that's I got my musical talent." she said. Faxen hadn't ever really talked about her father to anyone at school. She chose to keep that part of herself private.

At the end of Arioso, Faxen moved on to another classic piece with little pause. "I was only six when my father passed away. Last April was the tenth anniversary of his death. He was trying to climb the highest mountain in New Zealand. My family is very outdoorsy." Faxen told Dymetris without looking up at him.Her brown eyes were focused on the ivory keys of the piano. Instead of spilling anymore of her secrets to Dymetris, she chose to sing another song. Upon her finish, Faxen finally looked back up at Dymetris. "Well do you want me to keep playing?" she asked, not sure how much of her he could tolerate tonight. The pretty brunette hoped he would say. She missed his company in any form even if she would have preferred to have his arms around her.
Dymetris consider himself lucky. Not only did she played a few pieces for him she told him about the connection with music and her dad. He was shock, his eyes spilling over the ivory keys, shock to know she was fatherless. Something they shared in common, it was weird and strange, he's never had a father because he was born in a household with two mom. Asenka tried to play the role of the male, so he didn't feel like he was missing out as much when he was smaller. She was tough between her and Maleena, she carried herself sturdier and did things that man couldn't possibly do at times. Yet she wasn't a male and this realization came when he started school. How all the kids would talk about their fathers, he would be the silent one in the group. He would mention his uncle, but that wouldn't be the same. Instead he talk about his mom, cause if their was one thing about Dymetris that remain to be true, he was not ashamed having two moms. He smiled at Faxen kindly, she spoke about her dad but her playing brought him to smile the way he was smiling now. His heart raced like a runaway train, he could almost hear in his ears, the pounding grew louder within every second of her playing.

When she was done singing, he shook his head no. Because he knew what he wanted to do besides hearing her play. He wanted to do something that's only been happening in his dreams over his summer. He took his chances, if she hate him or not, he was willing to go for it. He sighed a little, because if he didn't do it now he would regret it later. He lean over on the bench, his aim was for her lips, soft pedal rosy lips. The ones that kept his blood pumping and his reason for coming back to school in the first place. He was aiming for her lips, oh so close though somehow he was afraid of rejection, he was afraid of messing it up with her again, he was afraid he would be starting something up again and will be to quick to finished it like he's done in the past. That wasn't fair to her or anyone else. Dymetris instead of kissing her lips, as he was so closed, he kissed right besides her lips. He was close almost catch the tiny bit of her lips. He closed his eyes, even if they weren't her lips or he had been so close, he could still enjoyed kissing her regardless if it was innocent or not. Dymetris savored every bit of that one moment, regretting nothing anymore. If she was only mines, only mines and no one else.

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