You Again?

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Ever since the run in in the bathrooms. Stefan had been thinking non stop about a girl. A girl called Sam. The girl who he knew had seen too much about him. And he had told many lies to, unaware of how little they made sense and how little they added up. Now Stefan wasn't the type to actually be on the look out for someone, but ever since the run, her name had stuck to the back of his mind like it had burnt itself to the back of his mind. Stefan knew he was probably over reacting, but she had seen his bruises. He was sure, she had seen them. He didn't want to admit to himself that he knew she'd seen them. He hated thinking about how careless he'd been that night. How silly it had been to do such a thing in a bathroom. But then Stefan was still learning. He didn't know how to act with and around others. It just wasn't part of his DNA. He was slowly learning of course, but that encounter had left Stefan scared and shaken. Thankfully it seemed that girl had not talked about it with anyone. He had no heard on word of a whisper about it. Or anything remotely like what had happened to him. Stefan was afraid of what could happen if she maybe told a professor, but as far as he knew nothing had been said, and nothing had thought. Stefan was not normally so paranoid, but he couldn't help but be. He knew that it was silly to get so worked up about it. But to him it was major. No one had ever seen the bruises the ones that weren't visible. But, now one had. One that he hadn't meant to see. And he had no idea how to actually deal with it. It was always on his mind. He had tried to find her, but it was hard in such a big school, and all Stefan knew was that she was a girl, and that her name was Sam. It would appear quite stalkerish if he just went around calling her name to everyone, until they pointed him to her. And not to mention, it would take a lot for Stefan to be able to just start calling her name. He didn't yell, he didn't shout and he didn't speak above a normal voice. Which to most was a quiet voice. So really he was just letting things play out.

Stefan Mason Archer had several books under his arm, he had to do a spot of reading so that he was keeping up with the class, he knew that it would be difficult for him to read the page, but he couldn't go anywhere else, and what did it really matter, he knew that he would have problems no matter where he went. And the student lounge was becoming his favourite place in the school. It was a generally quiet and peaceful area. It generally had few people in it, and it always had a little space for Stefan. Stefan was wearing his usual clothes. The black tank top and black jeans, and grey jumper. Over all, Stefan looked that exact same as he always did. The black of the t-shirt and jeans drained his skin of any colour it could have. Which really wasn't much, and it brought out the startling deep blue of his eyes. That were the colourblind boy's best feature. The irony. He walked into the Student Lounge and smiled to himself. Almost empty. Perfect. Was all he thought as he walked inside, looking for his favourite spot. As he did, he saw that a girl was sitting in it. Curious as to who it was Stefan walked over. Stefan Mason Archer wasn't the type to follow his curiousity, but it was only once in a blue moon that someone ended up sitting in the spot that you mentally corner off for yourself. So, Stefan just walked over and as he did, he realised who it was. The girl, Sam. The girl from the bathroom, was sat in his spot. Stefan was frozen. He had two options, either to walk away or to keep going, full steam ahead. Speak to her, find out if she'd told her. There was not even a doubt in his mind that this was the same girl. He could see. Which was weird, since everyone looked more or less the same in a black and white world.

Stefan took a small deep breath and walked towards her. He had not taken off the bandages and he could feel them now more than ever, but his black eyes wasn't so bad, and he now just had a small scar upon his face. Apart from the left over the scars, anything that was visible to others was fading. "Sam?" Stefan asked, unsure as to why his voice came out a question. He waited for her to acknowledge him. Before he would either take a seat or walk away. Although right now, like before, all he wanted to do was run.
Sam sat in the student lounge face burrowed in a book as she lost herself in the pages. It was a muggle book she had got sent to her from her collection at home just a few day before. It was obviously well read from the creases that ran up and down the spine, well read or not taken care of very well that was. She was around three quarters of the way through a book that looked at least 400 to 500 pages long and as she turned the page it didn't look like she would be putting it down anytime soon looking engulfed by it. She had asked her dad to send it to her so she could lose herself in the pages and stories of the lives of fictional characters which distracted her from the boring routine of school life. The only half interesting thing that had happened lately had been running into that boy, Stefan, in the bathroom in the early morning on the way to the library. But since then she hadn't heard anything more about him or seen him, she was starting to doubt whether or not she would recognize him but that doubt was soon to disappear.

Sam was startled at the sudden call of her name as her gave shot up to it's source, and there he was the boy from the bathroom she recognized him immediately. She hadn't noticed him in the room, come in or walk over to where she sat which is why she had gotten such a fright when he spoke but she quickly recovered. Sitting up more she tucked her book mark into the page she had been reading and sat it down before looking back up with a smile on her face not really sure what to say. "Hey Stefan," she said taking in his appearance from his black jean to his striking blue eyes. "How are you?" she asked with no idea what else to say as she realized they knew nothing about one another "You can join me if you like." She added not wanting him to feel unwelcome.
Stefan knew that it was weird for him to actually want to speak to the girl that had been on his mind for a while now. But then, no one apart from his father had ever stayed so plastered in his brain. He had not really remembered what she'd looked like until he'd seen her there. But her name. Sam. Stuck with him, like ever lasting glue. He knew nothing about her. Not even her house. Just the name. And yet, he'd never been so curious about anyone in his life. Stefan smiled as she realised who he was. He didn't know if this was right of him. To speak to her, since he'd been pretty dishonest with her before. But surely, she was understand his hesitiance to speak. He just wanted to be sure she hadn't told a soul. But she seemed kind. It wasn't like she was afraid or blurted out anything in the furst few seconds. It was odd, since Stefan just wanted to be sure, and yet a part of him, actually wanted to be friends with her. Stefan nodded and sat down. His eyes stayed fixed to the floor. Not really moving from there. He knew he'd have to speak, he'd been the one to start the conversation in the first place. So, Slowly Stefan looked up to the girl. And gave a small smile. "I'm better. You" Stefan returned her first question. He was sure that she knew he'd lied before about why he needed the bandages. There had been no car crash, he'd not slept walked. He just hoped that Sam, just let it all slide. At least for now. He wasn't quite ready to be honest about anything. Not with her. He would be about the smaller things in life, but the bigger things were much more an Issue to Stefan. He didn't want anyone to know about him, so he just knew to shoot down any questions about it, and move the conversation along. It was almost always obvious, but Stefan could hardly do anything to prevent that, it was still pretty hard for him to come up with good conversation material, even when he didn't need to quickly change the subject to something else.. Stefan was really still learning the ins and outs of conversation making.

"What are you reading?" Stefan asked pointing to the book, thinking that the conversation they were having couldn't get any more weird and awkward. He just really wanted it to be finished, so they could go back to not seeing or speaking to one another, but, he was still in a small sense happy, he'd gone up to her. Stefan looked at the book, and then back to Sam. He wondered what she looked like. It was something his mind always was wondering. What does a person look like without this black and white film. But He knew it would be quite a while before he would find the answer to his question. But that did not mean that Stefan couldn't imagine what the girl looked like. She was already quite pretty, and he imagine that her hair, was a brown colour that made her eyes stand out. Maybe the eyes were a light brown. he didn't know, but in his mind, he was sure, what he'd said was right. He couldn't in his brain see what he thought, but in a sense he believed he could. And he thought that Sam, was pretty. "What house are you in?" Wanting to take his mind off what it was saying. He didn't want to like anyone. More than just a friend. That meant honesty, but he couldn't but really kind of trust Sam. Which was why he brought up houses, to distract his mind and to figure out if she was maybe in the same house as he was, though he doubted that, seeing as she was a nice person
Sam readjusted her position in her seat so she could face Stefan while talking to him. She was glad he had spoke to her as she had started to think she would never see him again and was happy to hear he was better. She was still curious about him but tried to push it away as she didn't want to pry and seem nosy knowing it would more than likely push him away rather than open up. She glanced at the book, which sat on the arm of her chair as he mentioned it doubting he would recognize the muggle book and hoping he wouldn't think her strange for reading it like she was sure a lot of other people did. She loved to read any kind of book muggle of wizarding and personally favoured the muggle books with magic in them so she could laugh at what they got wrong. She remembered when she had thought magic to only exist in the fiction she read only to be shocked the day she got her letter telling her she was apparently a witch. She had a disbelieving reaction to it having laughed it off thinking it was a joke for the first couple of days after she got it until it eventually sunk in.

She looked away from the book back to Stefan "Eh... Eragon." She replied "It's a muggle book," she decided to add before he got the chance to ask and quickly moved on to his next question. "Ravenclaw," She smiled at him "can't you tell from my geeky past time." She joked. "So what about you what house are you in?" She asked in return knowing she hadn't seen him in the Ravenclaw common room or at the table in the great hall at meal times.

OOCOut of Character:
Like I said in the other topic sorry it took me so long to reply.

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