Yep, I'm addicted..

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Alex Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey all! :hug:

Soooo... PDs don't usually go well for me, but I never learn my lesson anyway. xD

I have recently made Ariel Blade. She's the sister of Alex, Mikayla and Chase Blade, and Gregory's son. She is completely and utterly in denial of everything that tries to tell her that she is a Blade. She would rather just live in her own little delusion that she isn't one, and go on with her life. She is the immaculate love child of Gregory Blade and Haruhi Koshiba, born in secret though. She's a pending pureblood. She is kind, she is caring, but she will not stand around and let people talk poop about her. She will fight back. She needs friends, she needs enemies. However noooo love interests at this point, though we can talk futures if you really want. xD

While we're here, I'd may as well pop Alex out there for the world to see as well.

He's recently transferred to Beauxbatons after getting bored of Hogwarts and he now needs some new friends, and maybe even a love interest. Though he's changed drastically. He's drifting from the path of an Auror and starting to see the Death Eaters in a new light.

So let me know if you have anything. ^_^

~ Zach
I have Cosette here, she's a Beauxbatons student. I just joined the site, so Cosette doesn't really have any friends. I'm game for her to be friends with either Ariel or Alex Blade. How old is Ariel, and will she be going to Beauxbatons?
Oh, right, age. xD

Ariel is 10, and no. She'll be attending Hogwarts next time sorting comes around.

What's Cosette like? Just so we're clear. ^_^
Alright. Cosette is really outgoing, kind, affectionate, but a huge scatterbrain. She tends to walk into a room and forgets why she was there. I'm still getting a feel for her, so she will get more interesting as I RP with her :p
Her and Alex are like.. polar opposites. o_O
He's considerate, but he can be a very.. heartless person at the best of times right now. It's just his whole 'Death Eaters are better' stage. =))

Ariel would be the best suited one. ;)
Lol, they won't work out too well as friends then, and I'm not quite ready for Cosette to have enemies. Hmm, where does Ariel live out of school? Cosette lives in England, London to be exact.
Ariel doesn't exactly have a permanent home. She's disowned her parents in a way, because she doesn't believe that they're actually her parents. So she's an orphan so-to-speak.
Oh, hmmm, it'd probably be too difficult for them to meet and remain friends then :s
Ariel doesn't have anywhere she is required to be, so she can be pretty much anywhere. :p
Here is your promised post :)

I have Toffee Delacroix!
I haven't developed her much, don't know tons about her yet hehe, she is a little bit mindless, quirky and pretty much down for fun.
I would love for her to meet Alex :r ^_^ Yes?
Yes! :r
You want to start or shall I? :p
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