Open Yellow for Kasim

Rosalind Lockwood

Punk- Loner- Protective- Misunderstood
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Firm ten-inch Ebony with a Meteorite dust core
09/15/2037 (24)
Rose actually knew the last name on her list. She made her way back to the Hufflepuff floor, running up to the boy once she'd spotted him. "Hey, Kasim, wait up!" She yelled, weaving through the crowded hall.
Kas was finding navigating the halls today was just that extra bit frustrating, with folks just randomly stopping to receive roses or talk about them to their friends. Shouldering his bag, Kas pushed past some kids discussing rose counts, pausing when he heard someone calling his name. "Kas, please." He said, turning around and spotting a girl from his classes making her way deftly through the crowd to him.
Rose came skidding to a halt in front of him, out of breath. "Alright, Kas. Sorry, I wasn't sure if that was something only your friends could call you." She held up her basket. "Rose delivery for you." She tried to catch her breath.
"Don't go by my full name if I can help it," He said lightly, raising an eyebrow at how out of breath she was. "Did you run all the way over here? Do they pay you or something if you deliver these all fast enough," Kas asked, only really half interested in his question, mostly interested in the fact that someone else had apparently sent him a rose. He wasn't complaining, it was very flattering, just unexpected.
Rose nodded. "I can respect that." She shook her head at his question. "No, I just don't like losing people in crowds." She dug through her basket and pulled out the rose. "Here you are."


To hoping we climb more trees and narrowly escape death again

This message will self destruct in 10 seconds,

Elizabeth Fletcher
Kas raised an eyebrow at Rose's logic, letting it slide. "Pity, would be better if you guys got something out it. I'm not tipping you or anything," He added, taking the rose and note from her. Groaning as he read it, Kas realized both that he somehow begrudgingly actually liked hanging out with Elizabeth and now he'd have to send her a rose next year or do something nice. What a pain. "Friendship is such a burden." He said wearily to Rose, shoving the note in his pocket and casting around for something to do with the rose. If he stuck it carefully in his bag just the flower could stick out. It'd make quite the statement, he decided.
Rose rolled her eyes. "I signed up to meet people. It's working so far." She shook her head. She wrinkled her nose as he complained about friendship being a burden. "At least you have friends." She pointed out. "I don't know anyone that isn't related to me. I was so mad about not being with my stupid older sister I missed all the usual first year bonding moments. I had to sign up for roses just to meet people." She paused. "Oops. Sorry. Sorta. No filter. I'll just... go then." She turned, blushing a bit. That was stupid of her.

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