🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Snake

Lucy Holland

wild child🐥cheerful chook babiest holland sister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2049 (12)
Lucy had never met the next girl on her list, but she recognised her by reputation. She was pretty sure she did, at least. After having no luck in the Great Hall, she had headed downstairs, making her way to the area Hazel had told her was the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room. After a few minutes she was able to catch a passing Slytherin and ask them to check the Common Room and see if June was there, and call her out to come get her rose.
Making her way to the library she walked out of the common room. An younger student told her someone was looking for her so June watched around as she walked out. '' I'm June. What do you need?'' June than said, hoping it didn't took long since she wanted to get on with her studying.
"Yay, hi!" Lucy said cheerfully, rose and note already clutched in her hands - it had only seemed sensible to get them out while she was waiting. "I've got a rose delivery for you, happy Valentines day!" She beamed, handing over the rose and note with a flourish.

too bad the only people at school who like you are the teachers :( :( :( guess your books can't teach you how to make friends lol
When the girl seemed pleased it was her June watched her with an small smile. '' Oh great.'' When she got another rose and June wondered who this might be from. June took the rose and the note and opened it quickly. When she read the note, she rolled her eyes. No name underneath it. Morrie had been too stupid to put her name underneath, but this was someone else. June figured everyone around this school was jealous at her, she didn't even want to befriend people who were so brainless and dumb. But she bet it was from Vanity, she seemed obsessed with her or something. June would keep this note as evidence, but in a way she wanted to rib it apart or set it on fire. She walked towards the library.

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