Yellow for a Lion

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava didnt know the next name on her list either. But after talking to her little brother and her cousin she had at least deducted that she was a Gryffindor. Ava skipped along up to the seventh floor, humming happily. She turned the corner and stopped a girl nearby. "Hi! I'm looking for Evan Elridge?" She asked, smiling brightly.
Evan was almost at the entrance to the Gryffindor tower, when she heard someone call her name. She didn't recognise the voice, and turning to see who it was, she didn't recognise the girl. She wondered what could be the problem. Nervously, she spoke up.

"Uh, I'm Evan." She gave a little wave and a smile. "Can I help you?"
Ava brightened as a girl approached her. She skipped over, smiling. "Hi! I'm Ava! I have a rose delivery for you!" She chirped happily, offering Evan the yellow flower.
As soon as Evan realised what was happening, she blushed.

"Oh my gosh! No way!!" She wriggled her toes and jumped a little on the spot. She reached out to take the rose, it was beautiful! "Thank you! I didn't expect this!!"
Ava giggled. "You're so cute!" She held out the note, "You're definitely my favorite delivery today," she giggled again.

Happy Valentines Day little sis!

Love Cyzarine
Evan chuckled at the girls comment, as she unfolded the note attached to the flower. She was pleasantly surprised to see the flower was from her Heta Omega big sister, Cyzarine. She smiled once again at the girl who had delivered the rose, and thanked her sincerely one last time before turning on her heel and walking the rest of the way back to the Gryffindor tower, burrying her nose into the flower and taking in its beautiful aroma. She spent the rest of the day with a smile on her face, and the feeling of walking on air. She hoped she would run into Cyzarine eventually to thank her

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