🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for a fellow

Ruben Right

Triplet| Moody| Friendly| Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Ruben had no idea who the next person in his list was. The person certainly had an odd name, the young boy had never seen it before, he liked the originality. "Lars van Houten? Does anyone knows Lars? I got a delivery for him" he said as he went through the corridor. He hoped he found the boy soon, he couldn't wait to meet the person behind such a cool name.

@Lars van Houten
Lars was pretty lost in thought, but snapped out of it when someone nudged him. Apparently, he had been missing some kid shouting his name. Lars turned around, looking for the source of the shouting. He headed over to the younger boy, tapping him on the shoulder. "I'm Lars." He said awkwardly.
Ruben turned to the boy who was definitely taller than him "I'm Ruben. Happy Valentine's Day! I got something for you" he said giving him the yellow rose. He wondered what the boy's reaction would be, was he expecting roses? Maybe yes.
"By the way, Lars is a really cool name. Never met anyone with that name" he said. He hoped he hadn't been too awkward, not everyone thinks that a compliment to their name is normal.

Some roses are red

But this one is yellow

Just sent it to say

You're an excellent fellow!

Lots of love, Nell!
Lars gave the younger boy a small smile as he introduced himself. He was definitely not shy, not like Lars would have been talking to an older student at his age. "Thanks." He said, taking the rose from the boy. "And uh, thanks." He added as the boy said it was a cool name. "Your name is nice too." He added a bit awkwardly. He quickly busied himself opening the note, a grin spreading over his face briefly. Nell was such a good friend, he really needed to thank her for this.
"Thanks" he said smiling at him "How is your Valentine's Day going? Lots of roses?" the Slytherin boy said trying to make circumstance talk before leaving to deliver his other roses.
Lars hadn't expected the deliverer to be very interested in him, so when he asked a question he was taken aback for a bit. "It's... fine." He said with a slight shrug. "And no, this was the first one." He added, holding it up a bit. "Are your deliveries going well?"
Ruben nodded with his head "Very well, thank you for asking.". The Slytherin boy wasn't sure what else to say so he decided that maybe it was time to move on. "Well, I don't want to keep you any longer, I'm sure you have better things to do." he said with an embarrassed look "Have a great day Lars"

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