Yeah right

Sienna Rivoira

Active Member
OOC First Name
Melissa aka Mel

The ex-Durmstrang girl gazed around her curiously, noticing everything. The cobbled path that she stood on, the boys across the street watching her, a mother dragging a young child along, everything. She was glad to be here, near the Snapes house, visiting Selwin yet again. She desperately hoped that she wasn't bugging him. To her, he was her mentor. Her rock. She could tell him anything, and she knew that she could trust him as they had a similar lifestyle. Growing up in a foster home after she went to Durmstrang, not feeling loved, hating stuffed toys and so forth. Ever since Sienna was a young girl, she hadn't played with other children. She had been so glad when she met Selwin, as it met that finally someone understood how she felt, someone finally had the same lifestyle as her and had lived through it. Selwin was living proof that she hadn't dreamed it. In fact, he was the one encouraging her to become a Death Eater, and to admit it, she was rather excited by it.

She almost wished that the boys across the street would come and talk to her, or something. It would give her a chance to attack them, and as she smirked at that thought, she noticed one of the boys shiver slightly. It was thanks to Selwin that she had learned to notice everything around her. Otherwise she still would've been blind. She couldn't believe how blind she used to be, and she was grateful to him ever since they had first met. It was funny, she had met him in Bulgaria one day, where Durmstrang was located, he was on a mission to try and get some new Death Eater converts, and the two of them had began talking. She had directed him to Durmstrang institute, as anyone who didn't go to Durmstrang didn't know where the school was since it was unplotted, and the location was highly kept secret. He had talked to her and her friends, and they were going to be Death Eaters, thanks to him. She just had to wait.

The familiar clicking noise surrounded her as she began walking again, her black heels clicking against the ground. Her dark brown hair was flowing down her back as usual, as the wind blew it. She was glad that she had decided to wear her black jeans instead of a skirt. Her black and white striped shirt was covered with a simple black leather jacket. Ever since Sienna was a young girl, her favourite colour had been black, and she had been wearing it a lot. Everyone was used to seeing her in black, and if they weren't, then they probably wouldn't ever, but she didn't care what others thought.

At Durmstrang, Sienna had both enemies and friends, but then again, who didn't? Hers were for a different reason though to others. She had enemies because she was a girl who spoke her mind, she picked on others that weren't like her, that didn't want to be a Death Eater, that were muggle-borns, not that there were that many at Durmstrang of course. They were known to be an evil school after all. Most of her friends weren't really friends, but more admirers, they admired her, but secretly hated her. And of course they pretended to adore her. At most, Sienna thought she only had two true friends at Durmstrang, and she was grateful to them, but she honestly didn't care what others thought of her.

It wasn't too long a walk and soon she was stopping outside the Snapes house. She grinned slightly, she was home. She called the Snapes house home, even though technically it wasn't yet, but one day she hoped it would be, especially since she and Selwin were so close. She walked up the driveway, and pushed open the wooden door, walking straight inside. Some people might call that rude, but she knew that Selwin always wanted her to feel at home, and told her countless times at the beginning that she didn't have to knock, so she never did anymore. 'Selwin?' She called out, her voice barely masking her eagerness at seeing her mentor again. It had been a while since he had been on a Death Eater mission and she could understand that, but she was still excited. 'It's me, Sienna.' She added, feeling kind of dumb. Of course he would know it was her by her voice.

xI hope you like it.x

Selwin had just apparated himself back from the muggle world. He was still very much irritated at the muggles as to how they handle some situations. Apparently, someone in his University had caused a major mayhem about a kid trying to kill another kid. Why did muggles have to make these kinds of things so complicated? If it were Selwin in that position of the kid trying to kill another, Selwin would have just gotten up and punched straight through the other kid's stomach and instantly kill him on the spot. With all of the drama that happened around the school, him being there was just a waste of time. Half of his day was wasted and he didn't really appreciate it, simply because he was only there for one reason and one reason only and that was to learn and to get through his studies. He could kill one muggle after another, but he had to bare with them for now, since he had to make a successful future for himself.

Right now, Selwin couldn't just think about himself anymore. He had to think about his future wife, Lexi, and his soon to be born child that was currently lurking and growing inside her right now. Before, he didn't have to worry, but now, he had to worry about Lexi, his future to-be child and now, someone that was very close and dear to him now. Sienna was a girl that Selwin had met not too long ago. Kicking it off pretty well, he was surprised as to how comfortable Sienna was around Selwin. Getting to know her had opened Selwin's mind a lot and they shared a lot of the same interests as well such as a similar past and some same nature of problems that they shared between each other. Now, it was as if Sienna herself wanted to become a death eater and Selwin would do his best to help her be pushed more towards the dark lord. If Sienna really wanted to become a death eater, then Selwin would use all the power he has to get her the dark mark.

Selwin was now thinking of adopting Sienna, but he was going to hold off on that, for now. He wanted to show Sienna more of the world, more of the dark world and to get to know her better. Right now, Selwin was in his bedroom as he had just apparated himself in there from the muggle world. Sitting down on the corner of his bed, he started to take off his shoes, his jacket and the rest of his clothes until he was in his under clothes now. He walked over to the bathroom and took a quick shower and came back outside. Now he was dressing himself in his home clothes, getting ready to study when he heard someone calling his name downstairs. He wondered who it could be. At first, he didn't recognize the name as the name was slightly low toned, but then when he heard the voice again and the name Sienna, he instantly remembered that it was Sienna.

Selwin instantly got out of his study room and apparated himself down to the kitchen where he took two water bottles out of the fridge and then started to walk over to the entrance area. "Welcome home, Sienna." Said Selwin with a smile. Now that Selwin knew a bit about her past, he knew now that she was in grave need of a home. He was glad that he was getting a chance to provide someone like Sienna with a home. Truthfully, all of Selwin's houses were Sienna's houses as well and she was welcome to come and go as she wishes. He then brought forth a bottle water and put it towards Sienna, then said, "Have some water." Selwin then looked over to his living room area and thought it would be a good idea for him and Sienna to go over there and talk. "Let's talk over there in the living room Sienna." Said Selwin leading the way to the living room.

As he lead the way, he sensed some positive energies around Sienna, which told him that she was actually enjoying her life now. After going through lots of pain and sorrow, he could understand the pain and what not she went through. Going through almost the similar life style, he knew how she felt exactly. It was about time that Sienna started to enjoy her life. A great girl like her deserved to enjoy her life. As Selwin sad down on the couch, he said, "Come sit here next to me." Selwin wanted to make her feel as comfortable as he could. "So, how is your day going?" Selwin took a small pause by drinking some water and then continued, "Oh, by the way, the room that was dirty upstairs that I was going to give you is now your's. I cleaned it up and now it's all for you to use now. You don't have to stay in the guest room anymore." Selwin was glad to offer Sienna space in his home. He felt like he was offering space in his home to someone very close to him. Rather, Sienna was now a very close person in his life now. Having Lexi and Sienna both very close to him felt like he was having a family again of his own.
Sienna's smile grew even more pronounced when she heard Selwin apparate into the kitchen, and then welcome her home. She truly was home. 'Thanks,' She said simply, as he handed her a water bottle, and she took a small sip from it. When he suggested that they go to the living room, she simply nodded and followed him there, gazing around the house curiously. Since she hadn't been there for so long, it seemed that everything had changed. Everything appeared to be a lot cleaner and there was more space, she supposed that had to do with Lexi being pregnant. There would have to be more space for that in the large house, and she would have to be careful and quiet, especially when the baby's asleep, though she didn't mind that, plus if Selwin and Lexi wanted to go out she would babysit. She never thought that she would look forward to baby-sitting, but she already thought of Selwin as a brother, and Lexi therefore as a sister.

She sat next to him, and looked at him curiously, wondering what he had to tell her, when he asked her how her day was. 'It was interesting, but it was less than charitable having to act like a muggle.' She rolled her eyes, it was a very long day as she had just apparated from Bulgaria where it had been night time there when she left, and now it was day time. She would elaborate later on that, but she knew from the way Selwin was looking at her and the way he was talking, that he wanted to talk to her about something important. 'It was good seeing my... acquaintances again... making sure that they still wanted to be Death Eaters.' She added, 'Plus, Lianna got engaged.' A small smile was on her face when she said that, Lianna was her closest acquaintance, and it was good seeing her happy as Sienna had trusted her with practically everything, and the two of them had never fought.'[/B] She finished off, gazing at him curiously, until he continued.

When he told her that the room upstairs that he was planning on giving her before she went away was now officially hers, she impulsively leant forward to give him a brief hug. 'Thank you so much.' She whispered. It truly made her feel like she belonged instead of having to stay in a guest room, she now had her own room. This was truly her home now, she didn't have to move around like she did before. 'You don't know how much that means to me.' She added, honesty and emotion filled every single word. 'I really appreciate it Selwin.' She was so grateful to him and Lexi taking her in, and she was going to do everything she could to repay them back for it. They had given her a second chance to have a good life, Selwin was teaching and training her to be a Death Eater, and she would make them proud of her.

'How are you, Lexi and the baby doing? Have you decided a name yet? Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?' Sienna blurted out, her eyes fixated onto Selwin's face. She really and truly did like young children, something that surprised her when she had first found out. She was excited whenever she found out that someone close to her was having a baby, and hoped that either she could be a godparent or just babysit a lot for them. She doubted that she would ever have a child of her own, because to be honest, who would want to be with her? She was headstrong, aggressive and she always got her way. Most males would want someone a complete opposite to her. Even other wizards from Durmstrang feared her.

The smile that was on her face as she eagerly waited for Selwin's answers to her questions made her almost look innocent, and that was how she lured people in, because seriously, who would expect a eighteen year old girl to be evil?

xLame. Sorry.x
OOCOut of Character:
Things have drastically changed for Selwin since my last post in this topic. So, Selwin will be telling some important news to Sienna. :)

The whole atmosphere of his house had changed drastically since Lexi had left him.
The once warm feelings around the house, the feelings of love, feelings of all sorts
were now diminishing slowly. The fact that Sienna still thought Lexi and Selwin were
still together wasn't surprising Selwin at all. He was rather wanting to break the
news to her and tell her that Lexi had left Selwin to go with some other guy. It was
truly surprising for even Selwin that Lexi had done such a thing to him. This death
eater had come a long way since the day he received news of his ex fiancee leaving
him. Selwin had brought himself up from the ground where Lexi had put him. With
the help from Eden and Sienna, Selwin was given another reason to live on. With
how bad Selwin had fallen apart after receiving the devastating news, he was glad
that someone was there for him where he was down on the ground. Even thought
it was because of Eden's vision that had brought Selwin and Lexi together, it was
good that the love Selwin and Eden once shared was still there between each other.
Even though Selwin and Eden were apart from each other, not a couple anymore,
he still loved Eden just as much in his heart. Lexi leaving Selwin may have caused
Selwin to go into a little breakdown, but he knew that Eden was there, and so, Eden
had truly came to Selwin's rescue when he needed someone to help him in time of
great need. She had helped Selwin get things back together in his life, and they
were now once again dating each other. Selwin was finding a better way to express
all of this much new to Sienna, he just hoped that she would not be too surprised.

"Say congratulations to Lianna for me. It must be nice for her to get engaged." Said
Selwin with a smile. This smile that was showing on him face was the smile of being
able to reconstruct himself. It wasn't often now that Selwin would actually show a
smile to someone, but he knew that since his relations with Sienna were getting much
better, he felt more comfortable around her, and showing her a smile mean't that he
was showing a smile to someone dear to him, which Sienna was. With the topic that
Sienna instantly started about Lexi being pregnant, and then the kid's names and what
not, Selwin broke away from the eye connection he had with Sienna. He looked
towards the ceiling. "Sienna, there is something I must tell you." Said Selwin.
He knew that Sienna might be disappointed with this news, but there was still a good
side to all of this. Selwin just hoped that Sienna wouldn't take this news too hard,
now that she was part of Selwin's family, well, for now, Sienna and Eden were his only
family. "About Lexi ..." Selwin took up his bottled water, took a sip of it, and
then continued, "She has left me for some other guy. I don't know why she left
me or what the reason was, but she has left me."
Said Selwin breaking the news
to Sienna. It hurt Selwin just as much trying to tell this to Sienna. He never really
wanted to bring up the topic of Lexi again in his life because he never wants to keep
the memories of those that had betrayed him. But he knew that Sienna was part of
his family now, and he has to share important information with her, whether he himself
liked it or not. Sienna had the right to know about what's going on in her new family.

However, there was a good side to all of this. Even though the past few months have
not had been good for Selwin, he was glad that the outcome of all of this came out to
be good. Eden was now part of his life now and he was sure that him and Eden would
have a good steady future, for now. Selwin knew that Eden was already promised to
someone from the Silverback's and there wasn't much he could do to help the situation,
but he knew that Eden would always love him no matter what. "Now, after all of this,
I do have have good news for you."
Said Selwin with a smile. He knew that while
Sienna was hearing all of this, she would be rather upset as well, but he wanted her
to stay in a tip-top mood. After all, she was the newest member of his family, so he
wanted to give her happiness in everything. "I'm not sure if you know who Eden
Koshiba is. She was my girlfriend before I met Lexi. Eden has came back into
my life and now we are dating again. So, not a lot of damage was done, aside
from Lexi almost completely destroying out family."
Said Selwin with a sigh.
Even though this death eater had been through a lot, he was still a good strong going man.
"You can thank Eden for being there for me when I needed help the most.
She decided to come back into my life and help me. Now I have two reasons to
go on. One is Eden, and the other reason is you. You're a very important person
in my life now, and you being here with me means a lot as well Sienna."
Selwin with a smile. It was true, even though Selwin had given Sienna space in his home,
he did it for a reason. He was very comfortable around Sienna, and like the way
she was with him, her character, her attitude and everything was pretty much what
Selwin hoped would be in someone in Selwin's family would have.

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