Yeah! Fresh start

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Jane Anderson

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OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Hey hello! I really want to RP more, when i have some time. And now i have figure out what i wanted to do with them.</COLOR>

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Jane Elena Anderson - Muggleborn

This is Jane, she is eleven years old and was sorted into Ravenclaw. Jane is a muggleborn, she is the only witch in her family. She has no siblings, so she is raised with very much love. Jane was born in England, Brighton and is moved to New Zealand. The reason for that was that her family was victim of bullying. It started with Jane only but, then her parents were also involved, because of Jane. For the best of Jane they moved to New Zealand, Wellington. Jane is a sweet girl, and doesn't hurt a fly, but she is also very insecure. That is because of her being victim of bullies on very young age. She is not so strong to stand up for herself, but she was always on her own. She is smart and studieus, and knows only for a few months that she is a witch. She can be on the same level as an halfblood witch or wizard, if she works very hard. Jane loves charms, transfiguration and care of magical creatures the most. But everything is a big adventure for her on hogwarts. She does not know yet what she would do in the future, but maybe teaching like a professor is something she would like. Jane wants to meet other people, and loves to have a friend. She would be very insecure, but when you know Jane more. She can be the best friend you have.

What i need for her:
Friends! It doesn't matter from which house, but she is a little afraid of Slytherin house. Loyal friends, who stand up for her when she is victim of bullying. But also enemies people who bully her because of her blood status, or something else. Or you could have an idea?​

Fiona Alison Thompson - Unknown


This is Fiona she is 12 years old. And was last year sorted into Slytherin. It is unknown what her bloodstatus is, but it looks like pure-blood. Fiona her parents are very strict and hard to her. She doesn't have a good place at home, but it seems from the outside she does. Her father did not want a daughter, and not a weak one. He destroyed Fiona emotionally and never has given any love towards her. But her brother Jason get's all the attention and is perfect in Fiona her parents eyes. Fiona has cried a lot at home, and was happy to go to hogwarts, be away from home was everything she wanted. Fiona was born in Wellington, New Zealand in a beautiful mansion of the family. Her family is very rich, and both of her parents work on the ministry. Fiona is not a mean person, and doesn't enjoy be rude to people. But when people are cruel to her, she can be very mean towards others. Fiona is not a happy person, and you do not see her smile a lot, she is scared to show some emotion. She wants to close it off, because at one point it all comes down. Fiona has two sides, she acts the whole of her life, but that is what she learned from her parents. When Fiona keeps her mouth shut, she get's everything what she wants. She likes clothes and jewelry much, and is very vain. Fiona her real side, is a broken girl that has never get any love in her life. She really wants to be happy, but maybe in the future. When she meets people, she is not shy but most of the time she does not bother talking. She does not like lessons very much, but defence against the dark arts, and transfiguration is something she likes. Fiona wants to work on the ministry and have a good job.

What i need for her: First some friends, not very much but people who are not very loud and to happy. I really want some friends for her she deserves it and it could do very good things for her. It does not matter from which house, but people who believe in only happy endings and fairytails is not a very good match. Also enemies or something like that. Fiona is not very interested in boys yet, but likes to hang with some. When Fiona is your friend, she could be very loyal, and do anything for them. But her secret is for a long time only for herself. Or you could have an idea?

Brittany Elizabeth Clarke- Halfblood


This is Brittany she is 12 years old. And was last year sorted into Slytherin. She is a halfblood witch and is a part-veela, what she's got from her mom. Brittany her parents are divorced, and her dad is married with another woman called Madison. Every other vacation she is first with her mother alone, but most of the time she is all alone, with the housekeepers and then she goes to her dad and Madison. She likes it more with her mom, because she hates Madison. She has angry thoughts about Madison. But that is also for Madison towards Brittany. Brittany is very spoiled by both of there parents, but she does not get much love from them, because her parents are always working. Sometimes she has the feeling that her parents wants to buy her love, with stuff. Brittany was born in Wellington, New Zealand. And lives there now too, but in another houses. Her family is rich, and works on the ministry in Londen. Brittany likes to get attention from others, and loves to be how she looks. She can be arrogant and full of herself, but that is because she is the only child of her parents and is spoiled. Brittany can be mean and cruel, if she does not like someone. Her weakness is people who bullies part-veela's, that's why she is silence about it. When people come to close, sometimes she pushes them away. But when she trust the person, to keep a secret, she can be open about her emotions and can be a good friend. Brittany likes defence against the dark arts and potions.

What i need for her: Some friends at first, from all the houses but not Gryffindor she does not like them, because of Madison she was a Gryffindor. Some enemies can be, but she is not ready to have a break point, that can be later maybe. She is intressted in boys, more than girls to hang with.

Crystal Jane Evans- Unknown


This is Crystal she is 12 years old. And was last year sorted into Hufflepuf. It is unknown what her bloodstatus is because, her parents died after she was born. She never find, where she is coming from. Crystal is now Orphan, and lives in a orphanage from very young age. There are nice people at there, who takes care of her. But she is still feeling alone and she is never getting adopted by a family. That is not something that she could handle. Crystal is a very sweet and loyal girl, and does not hurt a fly, but she is also very emotional. She loves it on hogwarts, and she wants to stay there for ever, but it cant. Crystal does not likes bullies, and helps the victims. But sometimes she is to weak to stand up for herself. Crystal likes to take care of animals and loves herbology. If Crystal is your friend, she would be loyal and good to you.

What i need for her: Friends, it does not matter from which house. Crystal likes to be under the people, so lots of them. Maybe some enemies to, or if you have any idea's!

xxxx Jamie
Heya! So I'm thinking that my girl Manami might be perfect for Jane! She's really quiet and small, but doesn't take crap from anyone and hates being in the spotlight. She too is an only child so they could totally be like the sisters they never had kinda thing and since they're both first year Ravenclaws we could have them be roommates. Anyway, let me know what you think!
Hey Phanie it sounds perfect! And i love to see them as roommates, Jane would be very shy at the beginning, but after that i see a good friendship. Do you want to start something? Maybe in ravenclaw dorm or something. Let me know!
Sure! I'll put it in the girls dorm maybe the morning after the welcome feast? I'll just assume that they were all too tired to talk the night before and just went straight to bed. :)
Posted it here!
I moved this to the right area for you. Happy plotting! :)
Hey Jamie!
I'd love to rp with you again and I think Alexa could be a good friend for Jane. She can be someone who'll stand up for Jane when it's necessary and I think they will get along just fine!

He Marijke! Good to see you again. I'd love to, would you mind start anything?
I'll try to start something tomorrow! I'll add a link here when it's up.
Hey Jamie.

Not sure if its too late or whatever, but i have Rhys to offer up as just about anything needed. He's an easy going, polite boy. Enjoys/plays quidditch and is a muggleborn, so he's definitely not the typical snide Slytherin. Offers there!
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