Yay! New plots!

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Alyss Summers

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OOC First Name
Mel aka Melissa

Sarah Keith

So this will be my main character for a while, Sarah Keith :D She's a Hufflepuff fifth year Chaser, and this year I'm actually planning on having her soften up a bit, and be a bit more open. :p I already have a best friend for her, and someone that she's going to be a mentor to, but what I need for her is some friends, maybe even study buddies since she's going to focus for her OWLs, some enemies and someone that maybe she could have a relationship with. :r Not a serious relationship since she's only fifteen, but just a friendly, fun relationship that will allow her to learn a bit more about boys. xD She's an orphan and lives in an orphanage, so it'd be great if she had some friends who would invite them to their home in the holidays to hang out. :p

Her friends would have to be used to her occasional snarky comments, as well as how she can throw a fit when she doesn't get her own way. She takes a while to open up because of how she still blames herself for her younger sister's kidnapping right in front of how, and how she wasn't able to react fast enough to stop it from happening. (It's all listed in her bio.) She's always been worried that if she allows others in, that they too will get hurt, but she'll soon find out that that's not the case.

If her younger sister Naomi gets accepted as a transfer, I'm looking forward to some interesting roleplays where Sarah will really need a shoulder to cry on since Naomi won't remember her, and actually won't want anything to do with her.

Sarah's enemies might pick on her because of how she doesn't know her blood status? Or maybe about how she's an orphan? You choose. But Sarah actually would fight back, so if you're looking for a fight, it'd be fun :p It'd definitely be interesting for Sarah to see the other side of what it's like to be bullied though, and so I'm looking forward to that! This year will be a year of personal growth for her, and I'm really looking forward to that, and seeing how much she learns and changes throughout the year.

Alyss Summers

So this is my other character, Alyss Summers! Most of you already know Alyss, so I'll be brief in what I want for her. :) Basically since Alyss and Jeremy are no longer together, Alyss has been working at Borgin and Burkes, and playing for the Wimbourne Wasps Quidditch Team. It'd be great to roleplay with some of the players from the team, but it'd also be great to roleplay with maybe some shady people that shop at Borgin and Burkes that Alyss would've served? Alyss is a half-blood and a part-veela and she's also a member of the Scitorari, but of course, not many people would know that. I basically need anything for Alyss, she's been trying to keep herself busy to forget about Jeremy, and that includes going back to who she was before she dated him- before he changed her. So it'd be great for some people to remind her of who she is, and to make her feel better again since she's basically become a loser :r But also would be great to get the fire back in her again, and to get her back to her glory days. xD

So yeah! Hopefully there's something in there that you feel you'd be interested in! Thanks so much for reading! :hug:
Koboshi and Alyss. I haven't rped Koshi in a while, so you know... might be nice to rp them again?
Koshi and Alyss: That'd definitely be fun to roleplay those together and see what happens :D Would you like to start or me? :)
Have Sarah and Tybalt ever met before?
I don't know if they have. Maybe it was just in passing, or through someone else. Maybe they haven't.
In any case, what would you say about them at least meeting?
I was thinking they could be study buddies, that become good friends. We could do a series of RPs in which they just end up studying at the same table in the library, never saying anything to one another, until like five times down the line, one or the other needs help with something, and they just ask the other, and just get to talking. Maybe it's only a super short conversation, but eventually we could just have them just talking.
Let me know what you think!
KoshiAndAlyss: I should probably start it seeing as you started the one with Maya and Sarah, so I'll get something started and pm it to sarah :)
Sarah and Tybalt: If they did meet before, it would've just been in passing, and I don't think they would remember each other's names to be honest. :p But them being study buddies together sounds great to me! Sarah is going to focus a lot more on her studies this year, and since she's a member of Club Academia, and Tybalt is president, maybe they meet through that? And eventually become good friends like you said. :)

Koshi and Alyss: That sounds great Teigs! Thanks! :)
I didn't think they had. In any case sounds good. The library or his club sound good to me! Which ever one you'd prefer.
Do you want to start it or shall I?
Tybalt and Sarah:: I'm happy with either! And may you please start? :)
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